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#1 2018-02-13 07:57:06

From: Denmark
Registered: 2017-05-29
Posts: 70  

virtual machine help

virtual machine help
Is there any on forum that has experience with Archipel virtual machine?
If so, I'd like some good advice before installing.

From synaptic overview is there three possible options?

(Agent Virtualmachine Oomkiller)
(Agent Virtualmachine Snapshoting)
(Agent Virtualmachine VNC)

Laptop lenovo
Desktop XFCE
Os Devuan GNU/Linux


#2 2018-02-14 12:26:12

From: Denmark
Registered: 2017-05-29
Posts: 70  

Re: virtual machine help

i would install Archipel but first update via synaptic that installed some file, i to day searched for Archipel synapticfinder some more files for installation than those they have shown yesterday which of the files in the list below should use to get one functioning virtual machine with a graphical user user interface?

(Agent Action Scheduler)
(Agent Hypervisor Geolocalization)
(Agent Hypervisor Health)
(Agent Hypervisor Network)
(Agent Hypervisor Platformrequest)
(Agent iPhone Notification)
(Agent Virtualmachine Oomkiller)
(Agent Virtualmachine Snapshoting)
(Agent Virtualmachine VNC)
(Agent Vmcasting)
(Agent Vmparking)
(Agent XMPP Server)
Virtual Machine Orchestration (Core)

Laptop lenovo
Desktop XFCE
Os Devuan GNU/Linux


#3 2018-02-14 13:15:26

Registered: 2017-04-21
Posts: 283  

Re: virtual machine help

graaphical? sycnaptics? i think you should learn first to use it on console the apt and repository, then compilation and last the orchestation

read some in the archipel projevt about the spliting of the package, basics need agents and core archipel... later at last its where find wich client package will need, but you seems still are in winbuntu world

debian archipel packages are spliting depending of the target and usage, but there 3 basics, agents, core and clients.. and orchestation are done in the web browser at 8000 port

Last edited by mckaygerhard (2018-02-14 13:18:38)


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