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#1 Re: Documentation » How to: Devuan 5 Daedalus an pipewire » 2024-12-12 19:52:25

A necro post to say thanks for the solution to getting even more of that scumbags code off my machine. Did not know I was even running it until I saw pulseaudio getting updated. Search and found this page with one of the easiest solutions I have ever done I do believe. Create an .xsessionrc with the contents from above the first one with the sleep 1 posting in it, install the pipewire-audio that removes the pulseaudio package then reboot to have working audio on the pipewire server. Perfect thanks again.

#2 Re: Other Issues » [SOLVED] Question about update-rc.d » 2024-12-10 08:30:03

Well just chain them together like any other commands you can do.

update-rc.d cups enable; update-rc.d bluetooth enable; update-rc.d cups-registryd enable
zeus@9600k:~$ ls ; pwd ; whoami
bin      Documents  mbox   Pictures  rtorrent  Templates
Desktop  Downloads  Music  Public    src       Videos

That will execute each command one after the other when used on the command line, like I show above.

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