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#1 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-10-18 06:51:28

golinux wrote:

We shouldn't be wasting devuan resources on this nonsense.

Alright, "wasting" resources on nice jokes is not okay...
...Meanwhile wasting resources on tinfoil noise like this that presents us nothing, merely overwhelms everyone and has nothing to do with Devuan either is okay....
So it's better to spread misery instead of havin' a good laugh, aye? hmm

#2 Re: Off-topic » Thank you Devuan » 2024-10-08 10:08:53

quickfur wrote:

This is a misrepresentation of the state of things. While it's true we have to fight with upstream w.r.t. what's related to systemd, without Debian we wouldn't even have a miniscule fraction of manpower to manage the huge package repository that we today inherit from Debian. The devs would be drowning in package maintenance, there would be no resources left for innovation.

Okay, that's good point...

#3 Re: Off-topic » Thank you Devuan » 2024-10-08 07:23:25


And now I've seen everything... While I knew his intentions, I didn't expect he really said it directly, with no shame... He's not just bad. He's a plain sociopath.

blackhole wrote:

Eventually Devuan will need a new base.

IMO it needs such *now*, we see right now where it's going and just discussion 'bout what to rebase on will take pretty much time...
Also if Devuan decided to rebase, I'd avoid rebasing on not-yet-screwed-up distro but go further and already change to *BSD (second largest family of libre OSes), like Hyperbola tries to. While I agree that

blackhole wrote:

it will need a new base Linux distribution much sooner than it will need a new kernel

Linux [as a kernel] is in danger anyway. May be it still okay "technologically", but it may be matter of time when corporate mentality of it's head [Linux "Foundation"] pollutes Linux itself - And Devuan would have to yet again sacrifice time and pain for yet another rebase...
Or shortly, I believe it'd be much sensible to sacrifice a bit more time switching to more reliable platform instead of risking yet another rebase in future

Ze question is however, will it remain Devuan we know? I mean, after that it for sure won't be just "Debian without systemd"
From other side...
- Devuan would free itself from Debian, therefore allowing it's manpower to power innovation instead of fighting with upstream
- It'd be nice to have GNU/BSD which would make as friendlier* [to novices] and unique alternative to "pure" *BSDs

Just me 2 cents and a suggestion what can we do.

*I'm in camp that perceives BSD userland superior to GNU regarding size and efficiency, however I'm closer to power user than to "average" user and I see GNU is much friendlier to non-advanced users and therefore would make a very gud addition to BSD world

#4 Re: Freedom Hacks » Frustration with Mullvad » 2024-07-20 07:50:51

zapper wrote:

I got a little hot under the collar. I would prefer people not just assume the worst of me without understanding my thinking.

But that is... sometimes... impossible, I guess.

How you want everyone to not "assume the worst of you" if all ya do is insulting everyone instead of doing normal conversation?
Seriousley, first you call Mullvad folks "bumbling morons" 'cause they do not serve a repo to every distro on the world
Then ye call everyone else "knuckleheads" because you got faced by me with literally yer own "argument" (throwing feces) for crapping on somebody else for not spoon-feeding you.
And finally doin' of yerself a scapegoat because "nobody understands you"...

Just, what da bloodey hell? How I, steve_v or anyone else can people have any level of respect and/or any will to talk with ye if it's how you do discussions?
Also, to make it clear, not gonna engage further. Havin' better things to do instead...

#5 Re: Off-topic » Why cloud dependency and push updates is a bad thing » 2024-07-19 19:26:56

quickfur wrote:

Sometimes it really makes one wonder, when will people finally get the point??!

As usual, when it's far too late... If ever.

#6 Re: Freedom Hacks » Frustration with Mullvad » 2024-07-17 10:29:30

zapper wrote:

However, these bumbling morons refuse to acknowledge that maybe they are being stupid assuming everyone interested will be using debian or ubuntu.

It's ya being the real "bumbling moron" here, assuming it's good to call somebody like that 'cause of not serving repositories to every bloodey niche distro on the world...
Scroll down a bit instead, there's a tarball (button under "Manually installing the package file", works without JS/cookies/similiar) said to work on all x86_64 linux distributions. Or try, as EDX-0 suggested, using Debian repository (Devuan is de-facto systemdless Debian).
And anyway, compiling it by yourself is always possible...

#7 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » [SOLVED] Directory question. » 2024-07-13 18:00:47


It won't make really any difference where it's placed - Rather it's matter of taste and if one likes to keep things in order.
What will make difference though is if it's separated or on same filesystem as rest of the system. I also recommend to have it as separate partition for same reason as above + being independent from system partition it can have alternative filesystem (or same filesystem but with different filesystem and mount options)
On my server I use /srv as a mountpoint for such stuff:

// … 03s17.html
/srv contains site-specific data which is served by this system.

#8 Re: Freedom Hacks » A scientific test for resamplers. » 2024-07-13 14:26:17

igorzwx wrote:

you are trying to sell me a very old theory that people do not need high resolution audio, because they cannot hear the difference

Ahem, but ain't that true? What's the point if *no* difference is heard? To unnecessarily occupy more disk space or what?

#9 Re: Off-topic » AI Safety » 2024-07-12 11:22:04


I wonder why yall waste time on all of this... Plus wasting world resources and even more of your time on platform which belongs to one of that Artifical Bullshit corpocrap, Google (Yeah I know it's proxied et al, but it's still traffic to it, ain't it?)
People were, are and will pursuit for dooming themselves. Nihil novi.
Ye can do really nothing here, no matter what. Live and do for yourself and livings / things that make this world a bit (or much?) better. Let rest of the world burn if it really wants so

zapper wrote:

And that is putting it mildly, they should be in jail for all the corrupt stuff they do surveillance -wise at minimum. but its much worse than just that solely.

By the way, "health trail" as bare minimum!

#10 Re: Installation » does the Brave browser work here? » 2024-07-11 18:40:14

stopAI wrote:

Just install Brave browser as flatpak. They released official flatpak images

Flatpak tows far too much bloat into the system (and don't play well with doing desktop entries and the like (At least I've heard so...))
In fact Brave itself discourages from using it anyway:
Brave is available as a Flatpak package from Flathub. While it is maintained by Brave Software, it is not yet working as well as our native packages. We currently recommend that users who are able to use our official package repositories do so instead of using the Flatpak.

Doing it with .deb packages is simply better

#11 Re: Off-topic » End-to-End Encryption (E2E) is Dead » 2024-06-28 08:13:09

soren wrote:

Im not up to speed on my acronym's, what are these?

I see SNS for the first time so idk, the second one is the infamous Embrace, Extend and Extinguish

#12 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » Which work environment to choose for a processor two cores and four th » 2024-05-31 09:55:44


If ye meant desktop environment, I think XFCE is the best to go with. Works nicely on most decade-old hardware, featureful, very configurable and comes pre-configured in Devuan as it's default DE. Writing this on Devuan with XFCE

#13 Re: Installation » [SOLVED] X11 problem with Daedalus » 2024-05-22 06:08:15


A bit of output log wouldn't do us any harm :)

#14 Re: Installation » How to install Devuan ceres runit? » 2024-04-23 17:32:47


Ceres is development (unstable) branch, not meant for production. I think it's not suprising it doesn't work as it should

FabArd08 wrote:

3 I tried to switch to ceres by modifying /etc/apt/sources.list with this single active line :
“deb ceres main”
then sudo apt update && apt dist-upgrade -> process interrupted by usrmerge with libsane1 rules (I tried to uninstall sane-utils and repeat the process : update terminated normally but the system is no longer operational!)

Excalibur (so the Ceres) has ongoing merge of /usr which, I presume, breaks non-merged systems (at least till a workaround is found)

Stick with stable instead, on which runit (and the system itself) works as should
Ye also can go with Excalibur (testing) as well, though it's not best material for production either

#15 Re: Other Issues » Another security concern » 2024-04-22 08:50:50

Micronaut wrote:

Aren't these self-contained systems all to themselves, that might contain anything?

Ye, these are such "systems" and can contain de-facto anything. Though it applies to all of "foreign" software packages

Micronaut wrote:

Is anyone auditing their contents?

I doubt so. Smaller project for sure aren't 'cause of obvious lack of manpower

Micronaut wrote:

What about all these 'portable' application formats?

Avoid them where possible. If something is available only with snaps/flatpak, either compile it yerself or consider an alternative.
Appimages (and normal portable tarballs) at least don't have to be installed to system. Does it make them more secure? Idk

#16 Re: Intergalactic Communities » [pl-PL] Skąd pobrać skrypt » 2024-04-16 21:57:53


Na podstawie tego co podałeś wynika że je zawarty w instalatorach live. W instalacjach robionych innym sposobem nie ma takiego, z racji że instalator instaluje wyłącznie to co uważa za potrzebne. W twoim przypadku to albo skrypt doinstalował, albo jeszcze za czystego Debiana było poinstalowane

Co do tego co można usunąć, zależy co za podzespoły masz. Napewno większości z tego nie potrzebujeta
Zazwyczaj niewolnego firm'a potrzebują sieciówki (zwłaszcza Wi-Fi) i karty graficzne AMD/NVIDIA. Chipsety można posprawdzać komendą "lspci"
Ważne jest by nie zsabotażować sobie sieciówki, inaczej będzie "śmiesznie" (jeżeli nie mata pod ręką pełnego obrazu instalacyjnego). W przypadku karty graficznej góra odpali w trybie VGA/GOP, więc system nadal będzie przynajmniej częściowo operowalny.
Niektóre kontrolery i karty nie potrzebują firmware'a od systemu (albo posiadajo zintegrowany własny, albo nie potrzebujo wcale). Takimi są m. in. ethernety od Intela czy D-linka czy też integry od Intela (choć od jakiejś generacji (chyba siódmej) jak siem nie myle już niestety wymagajo).
Co do mikrokodu do procesorów Intela / AMD: Można usunąć, bo BIOS/UEFI i tak zapoda własną wersję. System jak już to może podmienić go na własną (zazwyczaj nowszą) wersję. Czy lepiej mieć nieaktualny z dziurami czy aktualny z kolejnymi "poprawkami" producenta, to już zależy od ciebie. Napewno nie potrzebujeta obu pakietów; Np. jeżeli je Intel to od AMD nie będzie potrzebny. Jeżeli procesor nie pochodzi z tegoż duopolu, można bez wachania usunąć oba

#18 Re: Off-topic » The Register article - Linux Foundation and Open Source » 2024-04-12 12:17:22


Idk what they are mad at - it's still "open-source", just liberty not included wink
Users won't care. For them just development model changed - It's like that totally not because open-source completely ditched any kind of ethical benefits so it's "business-friendly" and all.
"Fear of Freedom" part of "Why Open Source Misses the Point of Free Software" comes to mind. Worth a read

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