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#1 Re: Off-topic » Music » 2024-05-08 20:23:58

Pat Benetar: All Fired Up (Live)

Neil Giraldo is probably my favorite "rock" guitarist. cool

This is a cover of the song by the Australian band "Rattling Sabres". You can see their original version HERE

#2 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-05-04 21:30:31

My best friend accused me of stealing his thesaurus.

I couldn't believe it. I was apalled, astonished, alarmed, astounded, bewildered, startled, dismayed, aghast, and stunned.


#3 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-04-21 14:51:27

I went to the doctor, and he said I had less than a year.

I figured I had nothing to lose, so I robbed a bank.

The judge gave me 20 years.


#4 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-04-19 19:51:28

I went to a grocery store and asked an employee where I could find the milk.

He said, "By the yogurt."

I said, "No, I just need milk."


#5 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-04-18 11:52:26

I learned to play guitar by ear.

Now, I use my hands.


#7 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-04-04 21:32:52

As a wise sage once said...

To pun or not to pun? That is the question.


#10 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-03-24 16:20:32

English Rules...

1. i before e except after c.

That's weird...


#11 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-03-21 16:42:29

My wife's back was really hurting her yesterday, so she asked me if I'd put her clothes on.

I said, "I don't think they'll fit me."


#12 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-03-15 20:05:31

The groaners keep coming . . .

Q. What is ET short for?

A. Because he has tiny legs.


#13 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-03-14 12:27:25

A little racy. Feel free to remove it...

tap@devuan:~$ man wife
No manual entry for wife



#14 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-03-11 22:13:26

Q. How many Pastry Chefs does it take to make a pie?

A. 3.14


#15 Re: Off-topic » Undergarment Brouhaha » 2024-02-28 23:43:00

Alex's joke may not be a clear joke to non-native English speakers...I had to look up what Oo-er meant myself. However, I edited my previous post; I couldn't delete it. I will cease from any more replies here.

Thanks to Zephyr who tried to help oui.

#17 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-02-28 14:15:03

Q. How do you put a baby astronaut to sleep?

A. You rocket.


#18 Re: Off-topic » Undergarment Brouhaha » 2024-02-24 19:10:55

alexkemp wrote:

At a quick guess you are American & do not understand English humour, so I will give you a pass on that.

1. No, I understand British humor humour.
2. It doesn't matter what nationality I am.
3. I don't need a pass from you.

What I don't understand is your sense (or need) to try and humiliate someone asking for help nor to make them the laughing stock of your thought process.

If you want to try and be humorous, then (at least) include a smiling face or something to show that you are joking. oui is asking for help...not to be demeaned or laughed at.

It just m...i...g...h...t help people (like oui; et al) who aren't British know that you are joking around instead of being a jerk.

#19 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » Firefox-esr Audio through ALSA Alone » 2024-02-24 17:29:10

1. Install apulse

sudo apt install apulse

2. Open your file manager as root, got to /usr/share/applications and open the Firefox application with your text editor.
    Find the line Exec=

3. Insert apulse after the = sign in that line; such as Exec=apulse firefox...blah blah blah.

4. Save the file and close it. Then, enjoy sound on stuff n'stuff... smile

#20 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-02-24 15:48:20

I was making chicken soup.

I asked my wife if she would like more vegetables in it.

She said, "Not nessecelery."


#21 Re: Off-topic » Undergarment Brouhaha » 2024-02-23 20:30:35

alexkemp wrote:

What, you mean that you don't wear any underpants when you launch it? Oo-er.

Good grief. Really???

My man, can't you tell from reading oui's posts that English isn't his first language? Have a little give man...

#22 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-02-23 18:43:40 the old saying goes..

An apple a day, keeps the doctors away... long as you hit them in the head as hard as you can throw it.


#23 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » [SOLVED] In firefox a google popup asking to remember my password, how to stop? » 2024-02-23 18:14:00

Glad you got it sorted!

Hey, I Bleachbit my system so that I can show what I'm talking about...just in case it may help someone else. Here's a picture...

My Amnesiactiology was a little off...instead of Never, it says Never save...but I use the actual Firefox from Mozilla instead of Firefox-ESR from the repos. But that's no excuse n'stuff. tongue

You can't see my mouse pointer, but Never save is highlighted in the window. I'm kind'a old-school and like hiding things from itchy eyes n'stuff. tongue  My tinfoil cap is over in the corner...

As soon as you click on Never Save, it won't save that password, and you'll have to enter it each time you log onto "that" site. wink

EDIT: Lest I forget, Cheyenne Mountain's advice is great too! smile


#24 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-02-23 15:54:27

Q.  What do you call 4 guys in a rock group that can't sing or play instruments?

A.  Mount Rushmore.


#25 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » [SOLVED] In firefox a google popup asking to remember my password, how to stop? » 2024-02-23 11:37:49

Another option (on particular sites)...I'm kind'a scratching my head to remember (because I'm Amnesiactic n'stuff tongue )...because I no longer have to deal with it (I do what Andre4freedom suggested)...but when that Save password window pops up, there are options in the window via a drop-down menu.

Click on the drop-down menu, and choose Never.

...but Andre4freedom's answer will solve your problem. wink

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