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#1 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » Swapon bash:command not found ? » Today 05:55:37

ah yes the PATH shenanigans, i simply append to path in my .profile


this way i always get the sbin programs on my path, they will still require sudo to run.

#2 Re: Installation » Power-profiles-daemon doesn't work on Devuan » 2024-12-01 23:36:53

i've looked some times at the power profiles daemon, if you think it will do the job you want just feed the systemd unit to and it will output an init-d-script style initscript, you can read more about that framework with man 5 init-d-script

speaking of the power profiles daemon you do have to "manually" change which power profile you want to use, i personally much prefer something more automatic  since i do not like to be thinking about what "profile" i want as i usually want my laptop to respond to
A) power source state, ie: is it running on battery or the AC adapter is connected.
B) the load on the system, the more cpu demanding some task is the higher performance options i want.

for that matter i considered rolling an initscript to use but after reading the code it does additional stuff that i don't need and is running on a python interpreter which is not lightweight to say... so i ended up rolling out my own solution which is a very lightweight shellscript that only makes use of very few utilities not to mention can react to the usage of the gamemoderun tool which i use for prioritizing games over other processes when gaming, finally my solution does set some of kernel tunables wihch auto-cpufreq doesn't even touch (tho TLP does set some from what i've seen).
you can grab the latest release tarball from the releases section and install with a simple sudo make install install-sysv , the daemon is highly configurable tho i have not made a manpage yet, neither does it support pstates for intel or amd tho it is on my list to implement support for those.

#3 Re: News & Announcements » November 27 is a day to celebrate! » 2024-11-28 06:06:29

congratulations, i just knew devuan back in december of 2020 but it instantly became my daily driver and distro of choice after years of hopping between flavours of debian, ubuntu, linux mint and even giving arch, void and artix a try i found the experience i wanted with devuan on the testing suite, a distro that was free of systemd like in the days of ubuntu 10.04 and debian squeeze but with reasonably up to date software.

let's hope for another 10 years of devuan!

#4 Re: DIY » A Survey of User-made Content » 2024-11-09 16:14:58

okay this is now released software

now i just have to see if i can get it packaged on debian...

#5 Re: Other Issues » Better argument handling from apt-cache ? » 2024-11-05 10:33:48

apt-cache and apt search are annoying in their own way that usually searching through them fells tedious to pointless as it takes more time crafting a regex than it may be worth, that is a solid reason as for why i don't even bother using them directly anymore and simply use apt-ui from it uses fzf to fuzzy filter by name AND description through all the packages apt-cache knows of.

#6 Re: Packaging for Devuan » about debian, a warning » 2024-11-03 04:13:03

still the split to the /usr was something that happened due to technical limitations and turning the /usr sub directories into symlinks should have happened since the time that ext4 became a thing.

then again there are some interesting distros out there like gobo linux that don't even care about the "traditional" unix directory layout as gobo can install multiple concurrent versions of a program by having the program versions in their own directories and only symlink the latest libraries and program versions to the "canonical" file names and locations while the other versions may have their own library versions redirected inside their environment.

to explain it is similar to the mechanism that debian already uses with the linux kernel where you can have multiple kernel version and only the latest version installed is linked to the "canonical" location.

to give a more concrete example, gobo with multiple bash versions:


ls -l /usr/bin
/usr/bin -> /bin

ls -l /usr/bin/bash
/usr/bin/bash -> /Programs/bash/5.2.32/usr/bin/bash

which is not only a neat thing but may even be possible to do something similar with apt but that would probably require a fork of dpkg and a lot of scripting for the symlinks.

#7 Re: DIY » A Survey of User-made Content » 2024-11-01 20:01:57

another one of my dumb utilities written in shell, may this one be more useful, may try to promote it to the bunsenlabs guys as it already fits their style.

#8 Re: Packaging for Devuan » about debian, a warning » 2024-10-30 16:53:31

usrmerge is not the end of the world tho there are valid critiscisms on the way it is implemented, mainly that the decision was taken to just symlink the directories without consulting with the author of dpkg and how that impacted dpkg, as it may lead to some issues (big may, so far i have not experienced any but could) not to mention taking that decision the way it was taken put a lot more pressure on the dpkg author to figure a way to support the usrmerge scheme fast and without potentially impacting packages, tho a situation arose where packages built for usrmerge systems would not work on non usrmerge systems due to autotools resolving the destination paths in a different manner, personally i do see the benefit of the usrmerge as there is no longer a good reason to make the separation of the directories and it is more compatible with very legacy stuff that had binaries in the "wrong" directory for one reason or another.

#9 Re: Devuan » Why has no one enhanced sysvinit? » 2024-10-02 13:36:39

well, sysvinit is unix philosophy compliant, you know that that means?

we do not need to make those other features a necessary part of sysvinit, just implement programs that can perform them and then can interact with sysvinit, for example for hot-swapping/hot-plugging hardware there is a daemon that can manage devices and apply rules, properties and run other programs in response to device plugging, it is called the udev daemon, in devuan it is provided by eudev.

now for service monitoring i know some use daemontools and i remember reading o someone that rolled out a daemon to monitor the running services.

#10 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » [SOLVED] Help! I cannot get Pipewire working. » 2024-09-19 05:43:27

daemon is on the repos and i will say is a good solution all things considered.

regardless i'm still working on this: with the goal of perhaps having a release this month.

#11 Re: Installation » Systemd-boot(it's actually not tied to systemd) possible in devuan? » 2024-08-25 11:27:14

perhaps a more "sane" approach would be a repo with 3 branches:

upstream: containing only the code relevant to systemd-boot.
patches: containing the patches to turn upstream into "egummyboot".
gummy: the code to be put into release tarballs.

#12 Re: Packaging for Devuan » gksu is depreciated in Daedalus - can I still use it as .deb package » 2024-08-22 03:37:26

there are 2 alternatives that ARE in debian and devuan without messing with outdated packages.

one is to use an askpass frontend for sudo, sudo with the -A flag will launch a helper program to get the user password, i've seen even rofi used for that purpose (mind you the author recomends to NOT use rofi for sudo askpass) but a good package for that is ssh-askpass-gnome (gtk frontend), then simply put this line on your .profile export SUDO_ASKPASS="/usr/bin/ssh-askpass"

two is to use pkexec with some polkit authentication agent, most desktop environments have their own polkit agent autostarted but if your's doesn't or you use a window manager then the package policykit-1-gnome provides a gtk polkit auth agent, the autostart desktop file specifies it as gnome only iirc, but you can add your own autostart entry in ~/.config/autostart or simply run /usr/lib/policykit-1-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 somewhere in your .xsession.

#13 Re: DIY » A Survey of User-made Content » 2024-07-31 04:35:37

ah finally at long last i put out a 0.0.0 version of this daemon.

#15 Re: Other Issues » [SOLVED] Exaclibur: Targets of symbolic links in /usr/local/bin changed » 2024-07-20 22:33:00

probably because usrmerge was pulled by some update, testing and unstable require usrmerge while stable doesn't.

#16 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » (howTo) hibernate after automatic install? » 2024-07-20 22:31:40

with elogind you should not need sudo to run loginctl hibernate, tho nowadays i use suspend-then-hibernate, and configure logind so that 30 minutes after suspend-then-hibernate the laptop shuts down for hibernation, i find that more useful than either suspend or hibernate as if it is on StH for less than 30 mins i get practically instant resume, but for more than that it saves battery.

#17 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » (howTo) hibernate after automatic install? » 2024-07-20 10:47:56

you need to either grow that swap partition or ditch the swap parition, put that 1 gb to your / dir, then create a swap file.

usually for hibernation you want about 1.5x the size of your ram for either a partition or a file

#18 Re: Freedom Hacks » Frustration with Mullvad » 2024-07-17 07:02:46

what is the problem? it should add just like any other repo, if it is for the part of the script where it uses lsb_release just use the debian suite name i guess.

#19 Re: Documentation » HOWTO: Post-Installation Configurations » 2024-07-15 07:46:51

i'd say it is better to use sudoedit after running update-alternatives  --set editor /usr/bin/vim (or nvim), also editing the sudoers file and being able to use sudo without password is a hell no!

as for other controversial post installation configurations there exist my scripts and there are a couple more that will still be added...

#20 Re: Installation » Systemd-boot(it's actually not tied to systemd) possible in devuan? » 2024-07-15 00:04:54

well, necroposting side, it doesn't seem like there would be complication to the plan of using the systemd sources to build an 'egummyboot' after rolling a shim that provides the functionality of kernel install, at least so long as the upstream systemd-boot does NOT integrate the libraries and utilities of systemd more into it's own code beyond the level of simply calling their named binaries for the function, tho still i will say for as simple as that seems it almost feels like there's a foot gun waiting to happen there...

#21 Re: DIY » A Survey of User-made Content » 2024-07-14 23:53:30 these are scripts i use on devuan, mostly installlers for stuff like brave or lazygit and firmware blobs, some may find them useful or that there is just the right snippet of shell script they want.

#22 Hardware & System Configuration » black screen on boot or splash screen stuck [PSA] » 2024-07-14 23:46:33

Replies: 1

this post is more of a Public Sservice Announcement as this is a problem i've encountered and solved quite a while ago but there is not enough mention online of what happens, why, or how to solve it, so this is intended as a short resource that may perhaps be easy to find.

First and foremost the symptoms you may encounter. These are to be expected on rather modern devices like laptops that support uefi options like secure boot, tho it is not related to the secure boot at all but to the other many options available on such boards.

## Symptoms  ##

on boots with splash (plymouth) the screen may simply turn black or get "stuck" on the splash animation and never advance no matter how many time goes by, on non splash boots (text only or quiet) the text either isn't cleared or a black screen is shown around the time the init goes to runlevel S, notice when this happens the sysrq keys do work and you can do the by now "classic" alt+printscr reisub to restart the machine.

the only ways you can get past the black screen or endless splash is by passing the nomodeset flag to the kernel at grub, other flags don't work, if you manage to get a x11 server running (no idea if wayland can even work here) it will be running on software rendering mode with vesa or fbdev with no way to change to accelerated rendering.

if you got all the drivers installed, in this example the packages for amd graphic cards in stable currently:


then when running glxinfo -B you'll see that you are running in software rendering with Vendor: VMware, Inc. (0xffffffff)

mind you that this last symptom will also occur on unsupported hardware by the kernel and drivers, for example hardware that has come out a year or 2 after the running stable devuan release, in those cases trying testing or unstable may not be a bad idea for hardware support.

## Cause ##

tangent aside, this occurs due to how the kernel gets the information about hardware from the BIOS ROM (or EFI in modern systems), as despite the uefi standarization many manufacturers will provide options that have terrible to downright hacky implementations and break the standar, crucially when it comes to providing boot options such as legacy boot and fast boot, they will expose malformed data and the kernel will fail to properly recognize the hardware.

## Solution ##

on the efi menu options for your device (usually accessed through pressing esc or f12 during boot, if not just get to a grub prompt and type fwsetup) you NEED to disable:

fastboot (name in hp bios) | fast start ("regular" name)  | ultra fast boot | ultra fast start  # this option keeps the device ram powered on, now you don't need to be a genius to figure out why that can bite you on the behind, but the linux kernel tries to resume form ram then from disk, that is the mechanism on which suspend and hybrid sleep rely on, miscrosoft since windows 8 has made their OS not truly shutdown and start cold but rather this unholy mix of sleep and hibernation along resume which causes laptops with windows OSes to discharge as the os may perform automatic updates when it "should" be off so there's no one to attend it and it can run out off battery mid update breaking the OS... truly m$ innovation

legacy boot   # yep, the BIOS mode boot, on boards from 2020 onwards you can be confident the legacy boot will be implemented incorrectly and produce bad data for the kernel to read about the hardware...

that's it, all you have to do is disable fastboot, disable legacy boot and ensure the system can only boot on uefi mode, after that the linux kernel should not have any problem detecting hardware and using it so long as the drivers are installed and support the hardware.

as for secure boot, it has been supported by debian since buster (debian 10, 2019) and it should just work without you needing to disable it, now if you need to disable secure boot to boot a devuan installation image that is a whole different can of worms that is NOT directly related to this.

## sources ##

sources and references for this post:
    amd drivers list:    # the one on post is updated for current stable

    bios legacy boot:

    fastboot | fast start:
        there are mutiple sources for this, the brave search ai generated summary is okay enough for the purpose of this post and provides the sources used for it's summary.
        brave search summary:
   … ee79c60166
        max's tech fast boot video:

## keywords ##
boot stuck, black screen on boot, stuck on plymouth, plymouth black screen, bios, uefi, uefi legacy boot, uefi fast boot, uefi fast start, uefi fastboot

#23 Re: Installation » does the Brave browser work here? » 2024-07-12 06:45:25



fetch_keyrin (){
  curl -fsSLo \
    /usr/share/keyrings/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg \

add_sources () {
  debsrc="deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg] stable main"
  echo "$debsrc" \
    | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/brave-browser-release.list

install_brave () {
  apt update
  apt install brave-browser -y

main () {

case "$1" in
    if [ ! "$( id -u )" -eq 0 ]; then
      pkexec sudo "$0" "run"

the script is very dumb and the use of pkexec is if for example you want to run the script from some graphic prompt or program like a welcome center or the sort that is running unpriviledged.

it also detects if it was ran with sudo directly and skips the whole pkexec business.

#24 Re: Off-topic » Thoughts on Pipewire » 2024-07-01 12:29:31

i do personally use pipewire and it works for what i do, which is using software that relies on pulse while using software that relies on jack, last i checked that was still a set of hoops to jump with pulse and jack, but since pipewire can provide the interfaces for both pulse and jack from the same daemon it is just a matter of simply running any DAW or plugboard and it just works.

#25 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » sysv-init: Looking for example/run a script permanently, like service? » 2024-06-16 03:12:40

take a look at it is just a shell script (posxi shell, not even bash) along the initscript to run it as a daemon.

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