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#1 Re: Other Issues » What is best way to install latest version of Firefox? » 2024-08-25 12:54:48

Yes, that's the way I went, but using Firefox's own .deb repository and letting apt do its job.

I used the instructions in the section titled:

Install Firefox .deb package for Debian-based distributions

I only changed from vanilla repository firefox-esr, just prior to the latest annual refresh, because it was starting to not show some graphic elements (including but not exclusively the comments section)  on the Guardian newspaper website while Firefox on android and a newish ungoogled chrome were correct.

I'm now running Firefox 129.0.2 on Daedelus/Pulseaudio/X11/Cinnamon on AMD Ryzoe 5600G  and not seeing any issues.

#2 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » Firefox broken? » 2024-07-13 19:05:07

I recently started to find issues with Firefox-esr 115.
The problem I was finding is that on the Guardian Newspaper site the Comments section wasn't loading, and it wasn't even listing how many comments there were in the headlines page. It was working OK with the latest Firefox on my Android devices and on an (now a bit old - 109) Ungoogled Chromium.
Initially I suspected it was one of my ad-blockers and then maybe my bad-site URL filters, however it does seem to be a new display feature now being used on some websites.

Installing the Firefox PPA and using the latest version (then 127) seemed to sort it.

There is a new firefox-esr version coming out that will be based on Firfox 128. Not sure when this will hit the repositories. but I have version 128 from the Firefox PPA

 deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/] mozilla main

The instructions on how to install the latest version automatically are here: … tributions

However there is an issue in that Firefox 118 has a new section in Settings:

Web Site Advertising Preferences
[X] Allow web sites to perform privacy-preserving ad measurement
This helps sites understand how their ads perform without collecting data about you.

And this is enabled by default.

Will Debian (or failing that Devuan) change this default behavior for the firefox-esr that will land in the Debian/Devuan repositories?

#3 Re: Other Issues » I can read but not send to the DNG mailing list » 2024-01-15 15:35:08

might be worth checking that you are sending using the same email address registered with DNG and that is mentioned in the headers of the posts that you are receiving.
I sometimes I have problems like this because when composing a message, that is not a reply, my mail agent defaults to the 'wrong' address (I have several, all on the same server).

#4 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » nftables init script » 2024-01-15 11:02:33

To be honest I too find searching the forum archive for something can be hard - what would be nice, for me, is the ability to surface just the relevant posts when you search by keyword and author rather than the whole threads that include those posts. It's always worth asking on the forum for solutions at the start - its quite possible someone may remember how a problem has been solved before you are forced to do it all yourself.

#5 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » nftables init script » 2024-01-12 22:57:01

I thought I'd already posted on this at least once in the distant past in another thread.

And yes I had, covering the main issue of finding a script that worked. posted 7th Feb 2022 17:05:55

As HOAS says UFW still accesses the nftables back-end (which uses the nftables kernel module) through an iptables translation layer.

If you want to run nftables commands natively you need to do as HOAS suggest.

If you have Chimaera (or above) then use the nftables init script provided by orphan-sysvinit-scripts.

If you have Beowulf or earlier then there is no orphan-sysvinit-scripts. Having installed nftables and put the commands you want run in the config file you need to copy the example file /usr/share/doc/nftables/examples/sysvinit/nftables.init to /etc/init.d/nftables, change the Default-Start and Default-Stop lines (lines 6 and 7) and then make the init file executable by root.

Change the lines:

# Default-Start:
# Default-Stop:      0 1 2 3 4 5 6


# Default-Start:     S   
# Default-Stop:      0 6

Then run

update-rc.d nftables defaults

as described by HOAS.

This will then read the config file and start nftables at boot.

#6 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » nftables init script » 2024-01-12 15:26:16

This is the /etc/init.d/nftables I have from several year back when I set up my new mailserver.

It's always worked to date.

Author was: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <>

I think it differs from the current official version in default start and stop.
The 'official' version now has:

# Default-Start:
# Default-Stop:      0 1 2 3 4 5 6

mine is here:

# Provides:          nftables
# Required-Start:    $local_fs $network $remote_fs $syslog
# Required-Stop:     $local_fs $remote_fs $syslog
# Default-Start:     S	
# Default-Stop:      0 6
# Short-Description: nftables firewall service
# Description:       nftables firewall system service

# Author: Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <>

# Do NOT "set -e"


# PATH should only include /usr/* if it runs after the script
DESC="firewall service"

# Exit if the package is not installed
[ -x "$BIN" ] || exit 0

# Load the VERBOSE setting and other rcS variables
. /lib/init/

# Define LSB log_* functions.
# Depend on lsb-base (>= 3.2-14) to ensure that this file is present
# and status_of_proc is working.
. /lib/lsb/init-functions


	# Return
	#  0 if start OK
	#  2 if start NOK

	# nft v0.4 return 0 if ENOENT $CONF
	if [ ! -r "$CONF" ] ; then
		echo "E: No such $NAME $DESC config file $CONF" >&2
		return 2

	$BIN -f $CONF || return 2

	# Return
	#   0 if stopped
	#   1 if already stopped
	#   2 if could not be stopped
	if ! do_status ; then
		$BIN flush ruleset || return 2

	# Return
	#   0 if no rules
	#   1 if rules
	if [ "$($BIN list ruleset 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" = "0" ] ; then
		return 0

	return 1

case "$1" in
	[ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_daemon_msg "Starting $DESC" "$NAME"
	case "$ret" in
		0|1) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 0 ;;
		2) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 1 ;;
	exit $ret
	[ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_daemon_msg "Restarting $DESC" "$NAME"
	case "$ret" in
		0|1) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 0 ;;
		2) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 1 ;;
	exit $ret
	[ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_daemon_msg "Stopping $DESC" "$NAME"
	case "$ret" in
		0|1) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 0 ;;
		2) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 1 ;;
	exit $ret
	if ! do_status ; then
		[ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_daemon_msg "Status of ${DESC}: rules loaded" "$NAME"
		[ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 0
		exit 0
		[ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_daemon_msg "Status of ${DESC}: no rules loaded" "$NAME"
		[ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 1
		exit 1
	echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|status|restart|force-reload}" >&2
	exit 3

#7 Re: Installation » Whoopsie ... Firefox-esr 115.4 breaks things » 2023-10-30 12:12:52

Glad to hear you've got a workround.

It see it has updated in Bookworm to 115.4.0esr-1~deb12u1, but I did a repository refresh and mine still shows 102.15, so obviously just a matter of time unless I pin it.

#8 Re: Installation » Whoopsie ... Firefox-esr 115.4 breaks things » 2023-10-30 11:40:18

Firefox 102.15 is still the version in (my) Daedulus repository this morning. I assume that the rollover to 115.4 won't happen till November. Where did you get it?

#9 Re: Other Issues » installing Appimagelauncher » 2023-09-27 21:34:23

It always used to be the case that one used a dummy library to satisfy 'imaginary' systemd dependencies lookups.
On my Daedalus system I note I have the liblogind-compat and liblogind0 packages installed but not the libsystemd0 package.
The description oft the former is
"The libelogind0 library is ABI compatible with libsystemd0.
This package provides the necessary symlinks to allow binaries linked against libsystemd0
to work with libelogind0. For full details of the compatibility see README.Debian."

#10 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » Browsers won't launch » 2023-09-14 19:31:12

AFAIK Wayland is only available if you use KDE or Gnome, other DMs default to X (I use Cinnamon and X).
Maybe the issue you are having with Firefox is Wayland/rootless start related.
Maybe it's not showing your apps on your default screen.

Are you starting them from a terminal or from Gnome? Starting them from a terminal may show some useful information.

#11 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » [SOLVED] Shotwell dependency confusion » 2023-09-14 19:11:12

I also upgraded from Chimaera, using Cinnamon as DM and (automatically upgraded) Shotwell is working.
I note both my version of Shotwell and my Depends libraries differ from Dutch Master in that the version numbers are higher.

marjorie@grendel:~$ apt show shotwell
Package: shotwell
Version: 0.30.17-1+b1
Priority: optional
Section: gnome
Source: shotwell (0.30.17-1)
Maintainer: Jörg Frings-Fürst <>
Installed-Size: 6,699 kB
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.34), libcairo-gobject2 (>= 1.10.0), libcairo2 (>= 1.2.4), libexif12 (>= 0.6.21-1~), libgcr-base-3-1 (>= 3.8.0), libgcr-ui-3-1 (>= 3.8.0), libgdata22 (>= 0.15.0), libgdk-pixbuf-2.0-0 (>= 2.25.2), libgee-0.8-2 (>= 0.10.1), libgexiv2-2 (>= 0.10.4), libglib2.0-0 (>= 2.49.5), libgphoto2-6 (>= 2.5.10), libgphoto2-port12 (>= 2.5.10), libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-0 (>= 1.0.0), libgstreamer1.0-0 (>= 1.0.0), libgtk-3-0 (>= 3.21.5), libgudev-1.0-0 (>= 146), libjson-glib-1.0-0 (>= 1.5.2), libpango-1.0-0 (>= 1.18.0), libpangocairo-1.0-0 (>= 1.14.0), libraw20 (>= 0.16.0), libsoup2.4-1 (>= 2.41.90), libsqlite3-0 (>= 3.5.9), libunity9 (>= 3.4.6), libwebkit2gtk-4.0-37 (>= 2.25.1), libxml2 (>= 2.7.4), shotwell-common (= 0.30.17-1), dconf-cli, default-dbus-session-bus | dbus-session-bus, librsvg2-common
Replaces: shotwell-common (<< 0.26.2-1)
Tag: implemented-in::c, interface::graphical, interface::x11, role::program,
 uitoolkit::gtk, use::organizing, use::viewing, works-with-format::jpg,
 works-with::image, works-with::image:raster, x11::application
Download-Size: 1,863 kB
APT-Manual-Installed: no
APT-Sources: daedalus/main amd64 Packages
Description: digital photo organizer

#12 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » Devuan Ceres - X not starting at kernel 6.4 + 340.108 driver » 2023-08-26 19:55:47

deepforest wrote:

are you mean this script?
how use it?
now i am on Deadalus and cant chek it.
but i can do it in future if you talk me how to use those script.

OK. I'm assuming that the only problem we are trying to address is with nvidia-persistenced.

My modiified nvidia-persistenced init script is as follows:

#!/bin/sh -e
# NVIDIA Persistence Daemon Init Script
# Copyright (c) 2013 NVIDIA Corporation
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
# and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# This is a sample System V init script, designed to show how the NVIDIA
# Persistence Daemon can be started.
# This sample does not rely on any init system functions, to ensure the
# widest portability possible.
# chkconfig: 2345 99 01
# description: Starts and stops the NVIDIA Persistence Daemon
# processname: nvidia-persistenced
# Provides:         nvidia-persistenced
# Required-Start:   $local_fs
# Required-Stop:    $local_fs
# Default-Start:    2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:     0 1 6
# Short-Description: Starts and stops the NVIDIA Persistence Daemon
# Description:      Starts and stops the NVIDIA Persistence Daemon


# Gracefully exit if the package has been removed.
test -x $NVPD_BIN || exit 0

# Get the value of the PID
if [ -f ${NVPD_PIDFILE} ]; then
 read -r NVPD_PID < "${NVPD_PIDFILE}"
# Is the daemon already running?
 if [ "${NVPD_PID}" ] ;then 
  if [ -d /proc/${NVPD_PID} ]
# Daemon is running, so stop it then start anew instance
    case "${1}" in
      echo "NVIDIA Persistence Daemon already running" 
# Daemon not running, but there is a stale PID
    echo "NVIDIA Persistence Daemon, stale PID removed"			
    unset NVPD_PID
    rm -rf "${NVPD_RUNTIME}"

case "${NVPD_ACTION}" in
  echo "Starting NVIDIA Persistence Daemon"
# Execute the daemon as the intended user
  ${NVPD_BIN} --user ${NVPD_USER}
   echo "Stopping NVIDIA Persistence Daemon"
# Stop the daemon - its PID should have been read in
   [ ! -z "${NVPD_PID}" ] && kill ${NVPD_PID} &> /dev/null
   $0 stop
   sleep 2
   $0 start
  *) echo "usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"

exit 0

1) With your mouse select all of the script and then copy it, using the "Control" and "c" keys together.

I use Cinnnamon, sudo and the gedit editor and will illustrate using these. If you use su -  rather than sudo and another text editor just change to suit.

2) Open a terminal window.

3) in the terminal type:

sudo gedit /etc/init.d/nvidia-persistenced

This should open the nvidia-persistenced init code in the editor.

4) Select all the text with your mouse.

5) Press the 'Control' and' v' keys together to paste my version in place of the existing text.

6) Save the updated code. In 'gedit' there is a save button.

7) Close gedit.

7) in the terminal restart nvidia-persistenced by typing:

sudo service nvidia-persistenced restart

8) Close the terminal.

#13 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » [Solved] Howto hibernate » 2023-08-24 22:36:20

I have Daedalus with Cinnamon/Ligthdm setup on a 6-core AMD Ryzen 5 5600G and a MSI MPG B550 GAMING PLUS motherboard.
I have a large swap partition like yours on my main LVM2 RAID1 SSDs

Hibernate using pm-utils (sudo pm-hibernate) works well.
I have buttons set up to call this from my panel (Shutdown Menu with Icons applet).
I have pm-hibernate in my sudoers file so I don't need to enter a password to hibernate.
One reason I use pm-utils rather than the built-in hibernate is that way I can call screen-lock when hibernating (and enforce unlock when I resume).

Suspend (sudo pm-suspend) sort of works but I find that with recent kernels and/or my bios it has proven unstable after waking.
Strangely it is also quite slow to waken compared to how it used to be when it worked properly. Not much faster than waking from hibernate.

Automatic activation, through the Cinnamon Power Management settings times out to suspend so I don't use it.
The settings do include a Hybrid sleep and Hibernate after suspend options, but not direct to hibernate. I've not tried the other options.

#14 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » Devuan Ceres - X not starting at kernel 6.4 + 340.108 driver » 2023-08-24 14:58:18

deepforest wrote:

Something progress in my question
This … dia-guide/
not working at Ceres but working at Deadalus smile

PS at Ceres working this solution

apt install nvidia-legacy-340xx-driver 

but have issue with

nvidia-persistenced failed to initialize

If you use apt to install nvidia-legacy-340xx-driver it may well pull in the original unpatched /etc/init.d/nvidia-persistenced.
Have you tried replacing it with my patched version and then restarting it?

:~$ sudo service nvidia-persistenced restart

#15 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » nvidia-persistenced failed to initialize » 2023-08-24 14:51:30

Not sure what you mean by Debian Ceres 340.108 driver.
Ceres is the Devuan equivalent of Debian Sid.
Playing around with bleeding edge stuff (Sid/Ceres) is asking for trouble.
I would only suggest doing it if you have such new hardware that you can't get it working any other way.
And isn't Nvidia 340.108 a legacy driver? Not exactly new hardware.

#16 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » nvidia-persistenced failed to initialize » 2023-08-22 21:10:32

Not sure about OpenRC, the nvidia supplied nvidia-persistenced is a standard sysVinit script to go in /etc/init.d and I use sysVinit.
In my linked post I include a copy of my patched version.
If you replace the supplied /etc/init.d/nvidia-persistenced with this it should just work and not throw up any errors.
It worked fine on my PC. This PC has AMD not Nvidia graphics but my Nvidia card was still working on another machine last time
I checked.
O course they may have changed the original since 2020, but I doubt it - my 2020 version was originally written in 2013!

#17 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » nvidia-persistenced failed to initialize » 2023-08-21 18:45:59

I thought I'd explained this in my linked 2020 post at

The nvidia supplied init (/etc/init.d/nvidia-persistenced) file was borked.
As most other distributions (such as vanilla debian) use a systemd .service file, not a sysvinit init file to initialise they wouldn't get this problem.

I think I've identified the problem, though I'm unclear why it got triggered during an install. The problem occurs when there is an existing nvidia-persistence running on the system. When this is the case starting nvidia-persistenced fails with the above error message (as it can't get a lock on the PID file).

I've therefore added/modified a few line of code to correct this: if a running nvidia-persistenced exist it stops it and then starts a new instance. This ensures that nvidia-persistenced starts in its enabled state as that is the default.

This was 4 years ago (and 10 years since that file was created) so maybe it's now something else.

#18 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » nvidia-persistenced failed to initialize » 2023-08-18 17:03:23

Indeed. It may however be helpful (albeit not essential), but it seems only on machines/servers that don't run X persistently.

"Under Linux systems where X runs by default on the target GPU the kernel mode driver will generally be initalized and kept alive from machine startup to shutdown, courtesy of the X process. On headless systems or situations where no long-lived X-like client maintains a handle to the target GPU, the kernel mode driver will initilize and deinitialize the target GPU each time a target GPU application starts and stops. In HPC environments this situation is quite common. Since it is often desirable to keep the GPU initialized in these cases, .. " … index.html

#19 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » nvidia-persistenced failed to initialize » 2023-08-18 14:33:55

nvidia-persistenced has no real purpose unless you want to use CUDA.

If you don't need CUDA then you can just delete it, nvidia works fine without it.

There was (is still?) a bug in the code that dates back to 2014 that can lead to it not initialising properly.

See my post dating back to April 2020.

#20 Re: ARM Builds » [SOLVED] Clock does not update. Daedalus, arm64 Rasp Pi. NTP server not running » 2023-08-17 20:09:30

ExposeGlobalistsMadness wrote:

So what are common Devuan users to do?  Starting up ntp fails again (sudo service ntp start), even though the clock somehow updated automatically much later during this same session!

I use chrony. It seems to work reliably.

NB. the comparisons shown on this page are with ntp not with ntpsec.

#21 Re: Off-topic » make desktop looks like windows 11 » 2023-08-17 13:15:25

vanbinsbergen wrote:

I made a desktop choice at installation. That i remember. Which one, i don't :-)

I'm gonna check it out, i'll let you know if it worked for further generations who stumble upon this post.

If you have Cinnamon then there an option Menu>Preferences>System Info that will tell you about your system.

Also in a console/terminal you can run neofetch, or for absolutely everything inxi -F (if not already installed both come in packages with the same names).

On my system neofetch provides this:

marjorie@grendel:~$ neofetch
   ..,,;;;::;,..                   marjorie@grendel 
           `':ddd;:,.              ---------------- 
                 `'dPPd:,.         OS: Devuan GNU/Linux 5 (daedalus) x86_64 
                     `:b$$b`.      Host: MS-7C56 1.0 
                        'P$$$d`    Kernel: 6.1.0-11-amd64 
                         .$$$$$`   Uptime: 1 day, 15 hours, 59 mins 
                         ;$$$$$P   Packages: 2892 (dpkg) 
                      .:P$$$$$$`   Shell: bash 5.2.15 
                  .,:b$$$$$$$;'    Resolution: 1920x1200 
             .,:dP$$$$$$$$b:'      DE: Cinnamon 5.6.8 
      .,:;db$$$$$$$$$$Pd'`         WM: Mutter (Muffin) 
 ,db$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b:'`             WM Theme: Blue-mint (Menta) 
:$$$$$$$$$$$$b:'`                  Theme: TraditionalGreen [GTK2/3] 
 `$$$$$bd:''`                      Icons: menta [GTK2/3] 
   `'''`                           Terminal: gnome-terminal 
                                   CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600G with Radeon Graphics (12) @ 3.900GHz 
                                   GPU: AMD ATI Radeon Vega Series / Radeon Vega Mobile Series 
                                   Memory: 5729MiB / 13876MiB 

#22 Re: Installation » Devuan 5 daedalus gnome wayland doesn't work with nvidia » 2023-08-14 20:01:12

You can certainly do it from Bullseye (11) to Chimaera (4).
The instructions are here: … o-chimaera

The instructions you quote for Stretch (10) to Beowulf (3) are the 'official' Devuan instructions. … to-beowulf
and should also still work, at least on bare metal, as the source and destinations systems are both essentially frozen.
This does assume that the repositories are still there: Beowulf is now quite old.

If you coming from Bullseye (or earlier) you can convert that and then upgrade to Daedalus: although the upgrade process to Daedalus hasn't yet been formally documented several of us have done it and reported back to the Forum as to how we did it. It's pretty straightforward.

As to converting from Bookworm to Daedalus there aren't as yet any instructions for this on the Devuan site.
I have seem some discussion of the issues on the Devuan DNG list and it doesn't seem quite as straightforward if systemd is already installed (as you seem to have found).
The problem seems to be with removing systemd at Pid 1, and not locking the system.
Others more involved than me may be able to better answer how, if at all, this can be done.
And if it is possible then no doubt the instructions on how to do it will be published when Daedalus goes live.

#23 Re: Installation » Devuan 5 daedalus gnome wayland doesn't work with nvidia » 2023-08-14 11:17:57

Just surmising that there's no one here who:

1) has chosen Gnome as their DM and
2) has an Nvidia graphics card and
3) has chosen to try Wayland and has got it working successfully.

#24 Re: Installation » Devuan 5 daedalus gnome wayland doesn't work with nvidia » 2023-08-08 14:09:59

On your second point nvidia-persistenced has no real purpose unless you want to use CUDA.

If you don't need CUDA then you can just delete it, nvidia works fine without it.

There was (is still?) a bug in the code that dates back to 2014 that can lead to it not initialising properly. Nothing to do with systemd, just poor code.

See my post dating back to April 2020.

#25 Re: Other Issues » Ceres AMD64 unable to install wine32 » 2023-07-27 15:59:16

Bookworm is now on version 12.1 which is usually taken as a sign that initial bugs have been sorted and sysadmins. can safely upgrade.

So I would expect Daedalus, which exactly the same packages as Bookworm in most cases should equally be ready, apart from the installation isos which are still being tested.

Most security updates appear on Daedalus as soon as they appear on Bookworm since Devuan merges Bookworm packages with the very limited number of 'devuan modified' packages. For example the Zenbleed AMD firmware patch appeared very quickly.

For myself, having upgraded my desk PC from Chimaera to Daedalus a few weeks ago without issue I've now upgraded my two others machines, one a mail server and all seems good.

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