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#1 Re: Freedom Hacks » Frustration with Mullvad » 2024-07-21 08:29:07

You started this @Zapper, with your "bumbling morons" comment. If you expect to be treated with "decency", first try being decent yourself.
Your ongoing tendency to throw gratuitous insults at anyone and anything you perceive as an out-group or an "organisation" is infantile and irritating.

The developers behind Mullvad owe you nothing, and have done nothing to deserve your bile. They provide you software, gratis, and even go so far as to host repositories of debian packages. What exactly have you done for the FOSS community, besides whine?

#2 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » (howTo) hibernate after automatic install? » 2024-07-20 12:09:06

Because no installer default can satisfy everyone? It's your system, you get to choose the disk layout.

As for triggering hibernation from the CLI, that would be either 'loginctl hibernate' (if you have [e]logind installed, which IIRC is the default setup) or 'pm-hibernate' from the pm-utils package.

#3 Re: Off-topic » Why cloud dependency and push updates is a bad thing » 2024-07-20 12:02:54

IME most of the time this kind of thing isn't really about control, it's about liability (at least in the corporate world).
If a company contracts an external provider to handle endpoint protection, veeps who know nothing about IT get to tick their "all practicable steps to protect customer data" and "certified industry standard solution" boxes. If anything goes wrong they can just point at (and potentially sue) $external provider, with no risk of blowback.
The bigger and more widely known the provider, the harder they can lean on the "industry standard" "we're doing what everyone else is doing" angle.

This is how we end up here, not because of some grand conspiracy (not to say they're not out to get you, mind) but because big IT knows they can exploit human laziness and risk-aversion for profit, and their corporate customers often like dealing with a monopoly because of the "safety in numbers" effect.

As for "cloud" more generally, my answer (both personally and professionally) is "go away"... Unless the rep brought biscuits, in which case I'll pretend to listen while I eat them*. It simply does not and can not meet my reliability, serviceability and redundancy requirements.

I don't like surprises, and if I really do need to call somebody at 3am to figure out why a critical system isn't working, I expect the answer to be "I'll be on site, with parts, in 30 minutes" not some phone droid with "looks like $cloud whatever is down, better file a ticket".
'tis the same reason I prefer hardware solutions over inscrutable software "fixes", and local contractors over megacorps with 15 layers of bumbling bureaucracy between their technicians and reality.

*the biscuits, not the rep... Though the reverse is often tempting.

#4 Re: Freedom Hacks » Frustration with Mullvad » 2024-07-20 10:55:20

its the librewolf approach that they don't do that annoys me. They could just make it so derivatives default to a debian release like bookworm . But they don't.

The only difference is that the librewolf download page gives you a lazy copy-paste command to run with a scrap of shell doing "if not [list of supported releases] then use ubuntu focal"... Which is something neither are in any way obliged to provide, and one anyone with two brain cells to rub together could implement themselves or fix manually by changing a single word in the resulting source line.

The reason you are getting flack for your post is that you are calling people "bumbling morons" for not spoon-feeding you. Grow up, and learn to deal with the fact that you are running a distribution with a small userbase and will need to make your own decisions when it comes to compatibility with third-party repositories.

That is fundamentally annoying.

So are people who get out of sorts and start slinging shit like a brat when they're not spoon-fed copy-paste solutions to every little thing.

debian derivatives default to debian codenames. Is that unreasonable?

Yes, expecting third-party developers to be aware of every derivative and which debian codenames it's compatible with is unreasonable. They're already providing you software for nothing, if you want to use their convenient repository too then figuring out which release is appropriate for your system is your problem.

Hell, librewolf doesn't "default to debian codenames" anyway. Had you made the effort to actually read that shell snippet you'd see they default to "focal" for any release not on their list, and that's not the right choice for devuan either.

To wit:

Attention. We only build LibreWolf for Debian 11/12, Ubuntu 20/21/22 and Mint 20.2/20.3/21. If you don't use one of those distros, the above commands will install the Ubuntu 20 build for you which may or may not work. If you want to manually choose a different distro's build, then change the first of the above commands to point at that distro. E.g. to install the Debian 11 build, run distro=bullseye.

What, pray tell, is so "frustrating" about applying the same logic to mullvad, and setting the codename yourself in mullvad.list, or wherever else you choose to put the source definition?

As for what mulvad stuff you can "get to show up", how about you go look at the contents of the repository you added... Or perhaps you expect somebody else to take care of that for you (and call them morons if they don't) as well?

#5 Re: Freedom Hacks » Frustration with Mullvad » 2024-07-20 07:09:02

As far as I can see, yeah.
i.e. a bunch of whining because copy-pasting commands without understanding what they do or checking the result doesn't work on Devuan...
Apparently needing to change the distro name yourself rather than being spoon-fed an inline if statement makes for "frustration times a million" and the mullvad folks "bumbling morons". roll

#6 Re: Freedom Hacks » Frustration with Mullvad » 2024-07-17 12:11:45

Zapper whining about "them", calling names, and crying "Oh, the huge manatee, this is terrible, won't somebody do something" rather than taking any kind of remotely productive action... What else is new roll

#7 Re: Freedom Hacks » A scientific test for resamplers. » 2024-07-13 21:08:12

it was detected by an OSS4/Gentoo user in a "blind test"

(emphasis mine) One anecdotal sample is barely a "test" at all, and not even remotely scientific.
Then you go on to claim that blind tests have problems, because the usual "bit-perfect" "exclusive mode" audiophool nonsense. roll

As for "old theory", I've been there, done that, (as well as built and tested plenty of proper HiFi gear) so I'm no longer gullible enough to get sucked into such arguments... I'm out of here, have fun.

#8 Re: Freedom Hacks » A scientific test for resamplers. » 2024-07-13 12:59:36

Further to^

If you cannot hear the difference between Petrov's dct and fft resamplers

Then any further testing is but a curiosity, because at the end of the day, differences you can't hear are irrelevant for anything you intend to listen to.

Human hearing sucks, and the vast majority of final reproduction equipment (i.e. speakers and their environment) sucks as well... because so long as the latter suck significantly less than the former, nobody will hear it and it doesn't matter.
Trivial differences in resampling are irrelevant, and unless you are doing digital mastering, so are bit depths >16 and sampling rates significantly above the Nyquist limit. Fight me.

#9 Re: Off-topic » End-to-End Encryption (E2E) is Dead » 2024-06-28 10:24:04

soren wrote:

Im not up to speed on my acronym's, what are these?

Shiny New Shit
Embrace, Extend, Extinguish

As for FOSS and systemd... systemd is FOSS, and while I don't particularly agree with the design or the attitude of the designer(s), that's not really what I was referring to.

#10 Re: Off-topic » End-to-End Encryption (E2E) is Dead » 2024-06-27 22:50:23

No real reason, mostly just more familiarity.
For a security-focused appliance (e.g. router / server etc) I'd probably pick OpenBSD, but last time I played with the desktop usecase FreeBSD had better hardware support and was easier to get the software I wanted installed.

#11 Re: Off-topic » End-to-End Encryption (E2E) is Dead » 2024-06-27 22:31:38

This is definitely bad news.

For people running proprietary black-box systems... Which is, at least for the most part, not us.

Video summary: Windows bad, Apple bad, Google bad, AI bad, everyone and their dog wants endpoint control and uses FUD and "think of the children" to get it.
IOW, corporate big-tech abuses their power and their users, and normies just don't care because herd-mentality and convenience. Same old, same old. *yawn*

All this really does is incentivise me to avoid buying SNS hardware (instead donating further to the FSF), and keep a weather eye on FreeBSD and OpenRISC in preparation for the day GNU/Linux finally falls to Microsoft EEE and the horde of clueless ex-windows users pushing non-FOSS software and non-FOSS attitudes.

#12 Re: Off-topic » Firefox is becoming too chrome like. » 2024-06-04 09:38:18

I'll waste my time fighting the search system for references just as soon as I see the same for claims of one specific wireless driver making a system more "private" or teddybears breaking WPA encryption. tongue

Examples of people conflating the freedom to choose your init with general anti-establishmentarianism and standing up to "them" (whomever that means this week) shouldn't be too hard to find around here though. Guess I could revisit it, when I'm done arguing about python 3.12 targets in gentoo that is.

#13 Re: Off-topic » Firefox is becoming too chrome like. » 2024-06-04 05:31:16

quickfur wrote:

in these days of IoT devices that come built in with WiFi connectors and other phone-home devices, you can't even be sure about privacy anymore even if you didn't personally connect your devices online: they can and do automatically connect themselves.

If they have a path to the internet at large, which they won't if you properly secure your wireless AP.
They could of course come with a cell modem, but that's relatively expensive and would require cooperation from a cellular carrier. Manufacturers of two-bit crap don't like to spend any more than they need to, and the reason many devices have onboard wifi is that it costs nothing because it's built into the SoC they're using.

The real solution of course is not to purchase IoT garbage to begin with, such things tend to be bottom-dollar never-patched security nightmares even on a good day.

quickfur wrote:

One of my son's stuffed teddy bears came with a built-in Wi-Fi interface that I didn't even know existed until someone managed to download a custom voice clip into it. It's only a small step from this to a toy that contains a hidden microphone and transmitter that uploads your conversations to some unknown server somewhere out there.

Yes yes, old news, such toys already exist (microphone included). Don't allow them to connect to your wireless (infrastructure), and don't have devices around that mindlessly try to connect to open networks in general (ad-hoc). Better yet, don't buy them to begin with.

Nobody makes talking teddy bears or "smart" toasters internet capable to spy on you, they do it because "cloud" is the cheapest possible way to implement the features they think will sell more units or because it allows them to milk you for some kind of subscription service.
The most effective thing you can do about this practice is to vote with your wallet and not buy such things.

zapper wrote:

My goal is more to protest

Riiiight. Who exactly do you think is noticing your "protest"? The same people whose "eyes" you are "opening" with constant whining and opining that "somebody" needs to do "something" about [childish adjective of the day] "evil" corporation?

Buying an off-the-shelf router and installing openwrt on it isn't protesting, the manufacturer made a sale and that's all they care about.
If you want to protest, go organise a protest.

If you ask me, the relentless ill-informed tinfoil-hat noise on this board is the biggest problem with Devuan right now. It's leading the wider community to view the whole distro as a "fringe OS for conspiracy theorists", and people are laughing at us. Please stop already, it's embarrassing.

#14 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » Skype, snap and how to run on Devuan? » 2024-06-01 12:47:13

Fun fact, synaptic (2001) predates the introduction of the 'apt' command (2014). Also: mouse? where? *meow* I see no mouse (any more). tongue

#15 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » Skype, snap and how to run on Devuan? » 2024-06-01 11:44:16


root@apollo-slink:~# apt install apt-transport-https
bash: apt: command not found


'apt-get' does exist, but as it's name implies it only works when "getting" packages from the repositories.

#16 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » Skype, snap and how to run on Devuan? » 2024-06-01 09:26:34

aluma wrote:

This is not a new technology, it’s just not documented anywhere. I started installing packages this way many years ago when I switched to Debian.

Well it doesn't work on my Slink box, therefore it doesn't exist tongue

#17 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » Skype, snap and how to run on Devuan? » 2024-05-31 13:45:51

aluma  wrote:

Or I'm wrong?

Yes. The wget and apt commands share CWD, so an intervening 'cd' is redundant unless you explicitly tell wget to drop the file somewhere else.

Also what fsmithred said. Installing from a local file with apt is relatively new and may not be available everywhere. Dpkg will be.

#18 Re: Off-topic » Firefox is becoming too chrome like. » 2024-05-31 13:27:53

bilhook wrote:

where the settings are stored

about:config, or about:support -> Profile Directory -> Open Directory -> screw about with user.js
Also see arkenfox and the like, for a wide range of tweaks you might want to implement.


bilhook wrote:

scrollbar is in settings, pity it's narrow

about:config, play with 'widget.gtk.overlay-scrollbars.enabled', 'layout.css.scrollbar-width-thin.disabled', and 'widget.non-native-theme.scrollbar.size.override'
I don't recall exactly which get you always-visible scrollbars of a usable size right now, but some combination will.

#19 Re: Off-topic » Firefox is becoming too chrome like. » 2024-05-31 05:59:25

Zapper wrote:

Even with an openwrt based router?

I have one of those, hence my question.

It also uses ath9k wifi card.

Uhh, what on earth does your router OS or wireless chipset have to do with any of this?
If you think a router or firewall is going to do anything useful about the data harvesting that goes on on the modern garbage fire internet, think again.
Blocking advertisements (whether at the router, on the client machine, or in your browser), does exactly what it says on the tin and no more. Ads are indeed a privacy concern, but they're only one of many.

#20 Re: Other Issues » desktop dress-up » 2024-05-28 12:44:32

let's say that I have read something to the Buddhist sutras and want to present a picture downloaded from the Internet of the Buddha with a text of a mantra.

AKA a "meme generator" (many examples online), or something that can be done locally with pretty much any image editor.

is there a program
to add a image to the screen other than add it to
the wallpaper

Depends which desktop environment or window manager you're using. KDE Plasma for example has a "Media Frame" desktop widget that places resizeable images (or slideshows) on the desktop, on top of the wallpaper.
A similar DE agnostic result could be achieved with conky (read the docs wrt the "image" object) or a small shell script manipulating the window of [insert image viewer of choice here] with wmctrl and xprop to remove borders, set always below, and pin it to a specific position.

rolfie wrote:

You can put images into /usr/share/backgrounds and then use them as background image for your desktop.

AFAICT, the OP wants to pin pictures (with captions) on top of the wallpaper, not replace it. Something akin to the old "desktop sticky notes" but with images.
The use of "icon" all over the place is thoroughly confusing.

#21 Re: Devuan Derivatives » Devuan est à la traîne (google: Devuan is lagging behind) ! » 2024-05-24 07:50:36

Really? We need to drag brain-rot politics in here too?

anyone whining about politics on their mailing list gets the boot.

Careful, whining about whining about politics is still whining about politics.

OTOH, maybe if we derail this thread hard enough it will spontaneously combust. Once the stinky smoke clears, I expect that'll be a relief for everyone involved. tongue

For my part, proud gate-goblin since 1999. Somebody gotta keep the riff-raff at bay, or we'll be up to our necks in idiots and activists 'afore the week is out.

#22 Re: Devuan Derivatives » Devuan est à la traîne (google: Devuan is lagging behind) ! » 2024-05-24 07:20:03

that is not doing FOSS a favor in anyway shape or form

Dunno about FOSS in general, but it'd definitely improve the SNR on this board, and good riddance.

Not at all surprised if fsmithred was a bit short with this one, I would be even shorter... Likely "go away troll" followed by a resounding *plonk*.

And no, this is not just a language barrier. English not being your first language might explain the aggressive and hyperbolic word choice to some extent, but the pattern of trash-talk, shouting and multiple exclamation marks is 100% intentional flamebait.

#23 Re: Off-topic » Firefox is becoming too chrome like. » 2024-05-24 05:02:47

its speed and video resolution are one step ahead of all Linux.

LOL, ChromeOS is Linux... Just with more cloud/CaaS bullshit.

#24 Re: Installation » Question regarding devuan and hibernate » 2024-05-24 04:54:48

Assuming elogind (pretty sure that's the default these days): Here, here, here and here.
Also websearch keywords: elogind thaw hook

#25 Re: Documentation » How to: Devuan 5 Daedalus an pipewire » 2024-04-20 10:03:53

nixer wrote:

where did you put these commands and how did you "autostart" them?

In my case they're just desktop files in /etc/xdg/autostart. Actually running them is up to an XDG compliant DE.
Anywhere else that has them start after session login should work just as well though.

I still get the "No named daemons are running" output from the terminal.

Probably can't find any pidfiles, '--list' also needs the same '--pidfiles' argument you used when starting them, or a default set in /etc/daemon.conf

mweishaar wrote:

"unrecognized option '--bind'"

Yeah, elogind hooks need a version from unstable. >=0.8.2 IIRC.
See the "simple backport creation" debian wiki entry for an easy guide.

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