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#1 Re: Off-topic » Secure Boot probably not as secure as users would prefer » Today 20:33:09

Unfortunately. . . wailing and pulling of hair over and over does little to turn the tide. It only wastes Devuan resources and perhaps provides therapy for those with nothing more constructive to do . . .

#3 Re: Off-topic » Why cloud dependency and push updates is a bad thing » 2024-07-24 19:54:54

@quickfur . . . I bet you could make an excellent contribution to the joke thread with that info!

#4 Re: Off-topic » How to derail a thread part 2 » 2024-07-24 15:06:16

Good grief! If y'all knew anything about Devuan or those responsible for providing it, you wouldn't be posting such drivel. The constant flow of useless babble here and elsewhere is more than annoying. Please get a grip . . .

#5 Re: Off-topic » How to derail a thread part 1 » 2024-07-23 17:46:35

Yes, I remember rrq's objection to your unclickable links and I likely said something at some point also. I also understand your logic.

Since you are a bit of a noob, I'll share some history . . . at one time, iirc,  rrq removed the truncated live link function so links printed in their entirety. Due to user feedback from those who like to click a link, the live, truncated links were returned. Will be interesting to hear other forum members feedback about your manipulations to "have it your way".

But . . . what keeps ringing in my ears is this:

"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Or the one."

In the meantime, please use the standard protocols of this forum as they were intended.

#6 Off-topic » How to derail a thread part 1 » 2024-07-22 14:14:02

Replies: 7

Hrumph . . . Please explain why are you using code tags for normal text. It's a bit disorienting . . .

#7 Re: Off-topic » AI Safety » 2024-07-19 22:08:01

@zapper . . . seems you're having a bad day . . . The movie in your head is the movie in YOUR head and obviously stressing you. Please take a deep breath and change the channel you're watching . . .

@pl . . . ditto

#8 Re: Freedom Hacks » Frustration with Mullvad » 2024-07-19 22:01:42

Whoa, zapper! Name-calling? Really? Maybe you'll want to take a deep breath and rethink that . . .

#9 Re: Off-topic » Why cloud dependency and push updates is a bad thing » 2024-07-19 20:15:20

quickfur wrote:

Yep, me too. Been skeptical of it since day one.  In fact, one of my prime reasons to ditch the Windoze world and go all-out Linux . . .

Me too not long after Y2K and the first announcements that windoze was going to the cloud . . .

#10 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » Connman panel icon not there ... » 2024-07-16 15:47:39

In Xfce Settings there is a Sessions and Startup - Application Autostart list. You should be able to add Connman to that list. Caveat . . . I am still on Chimaera . . .

#13 Re: Devuan » [SOLVED] Mailing list subscription broken » 2024-07-12 15:42:15

@Tritonio . . . Please give that link another try. It should be fixed . . . Again, thanks for letting us know that it was broken!

#14 Re: Installation » does the Brave browser work here? » 2024-07-11 00:53:48

There are quite a few Brave users here but alas, not me . . .

#15 Re: Installation » [SOLVED] is there not an ISO that doesn't immediately start the installer? » 2024-07-10 23:23:22

I seem to remember that there are no live Excalibur (testing) isos available but there will be after the freeze. Right now there are too many changes happening upstream to keep the live iso current.

#16 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-07-10 01:26:29

Memory issues? Wasn't once enough?

See . . . I have been paying attention . . .   wink

#17 Re: Devuan » require rDNS for senders » 2024-07-10 01:17:29

Sadly, there is nothing that Devuan can do because Dyne admins the backend of their mailing lists. sad

#18 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » Firefox broken? » 2024-07-08 18:42:00

Well, there is always Stylus which is a bit of a pain but gets the job done. I was using it before uBlock Origin and it is still running and working. Oops . . . power just winked in and out. Thankful to have everything important hooked to a UPS . . .

#19 Re: Devuan » [SOLVED] Mailing list subscription broken » 2024-07-08 13:36:08

Thanks for letting us know. Will get that fixed asap. Until then, all the available subscription links seem to be working from this page:

#20 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » Firefox broken? » 2024-07-07 18:06:08

Is there even the equivalent to the script/add blocking plugin system for chrome?

uBlock Origin works just fine and has an option to block JS and also options to block stuff with a click..

#21 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-07-06 16:16:20

I hope . . . erm, poke to please. big_smile

#22 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-07-05 15:02:25

THUD . . . or maybe spud? That is biologically impossible.  Potatoes are waaaay too gnarly for 2 halves to look alike. Maybe more coffee? big_smile

#23 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-07-04 00:49:56

Lighten up, @golinux! This is a joke thread . . .

Yeah . . . it's a joke for sure . . .

Sorry, couldn't resist . . . hehehe

#24 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-07-04 00:46:33

Nice to see a new face in here . . . smile

#25 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-07-03 20:59:45

As someone once said, you are only young once, but you can remain immature indefinitely! tongue

Very sad and very true but . . . somehow (and thankfully) I missed that memo so can't really relate to the glorification of youth. I was once trapped in a young body and had to associate with silly young ones and did so as little as possible. Adult company and conversation was still rather boring but a bit more interesting . . .

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