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#1 Re: Off-topic » AI Safety » Yesterday 15:05:43

Oh my! The sky is falling!  roll

#2 Re: Off-topic » Statement regarding X community » 2025-01-31 16:29:00

Refresher course in Devuan's forum policy from 2016-12-01 for those who have forgotten or never seen it:

The (almost) No Code of Conduct

#3 Re: Off-topic » Statement regarding X community » 2025-01-31 00:09:53

My personal opinion . . . X is poison. I have no idea why anyone with working brain cells would touch it.  But then . . . I never tweeted either. If Debian is leaving X perhaps, for once, they are making a sane decision.

#4 Re: Devuan » Why are systemd files present in Devuan? » 2025-01-27 15:59:25

@pcalvert . . . Yes, the isos need to be rebuilt regularly. Problem is they may need to be debugged before the iso will work properly.

#5 Re: News & Announcements » November 27 is a day to celebrate! » 2025-01-27 15:55:05

@einpoklum . . . Haven't seen you in a very long time. Welcome back and thanks for the financial support.

#6 Re: Devuan » Why are systemd files present in Devuan? » 2025-01-23 01:27:47

If you read the edit above . . . the task involves more than just making the isos. Some of the components might also need to be debugged . . .

#8 Re: Devuan » Why are systemd files present in Devuan? » 2025-01-23 01:02:58

I'm pretty sure this is the current installer iso. Have at it!

Edit: Seems like it is now isolinux installer

#9 Re: Devuan » Why are systemd files present in Devuan? » 2025-01-23 00:45:05

@Ralph.Ronnquist . . . Didn't you move away from the Debian installer a while ago? Or perhaps I am misremembering.

#10 Re: Devuan » Why are systemd files present in Devuan? » 2025-01-23 00:20:58

Sadly, hot air may be a comfort in the dreary cold of winter but it will not lift a balloon full of holes . . . If words do not lead to useful action what use are they?

#11 Re: Devuan » Why are systemd files present in Devuan? » 2025-01-22 23:37:43

Why is this conversation even happening when currently no one is building the installer isos! Seems like ya'll have lost sight of priorities . . .

#14 Re: Installation » [SOLVED] Black screen afte boot » 2025-01-21 22:10:33

I added code tags to the above. That and other options are found immediately above the text input box.

For root access try su -.

#15 Re: Devuan » Why are systemd files present in Devuan? » 2025-01-21 20:34:59

What is in a name? "Systemditis" is an imaginary affliction. If the files do nothing what does it matter except take up a few bits or is it bytes? Devuan does not have the human resources to remove all of those useless barnacles though someone did manage to do it early on for Jessie.

#16 Re: Off-topic » 2025 Topics: AI Controls, Global Datacenters, Microsoft, Oracle, etc. » 2025-01-21 00:21:54

@zapper . . . You seem to take the joke thread with you wherever you go . . . wink

#17 Re: Devuan Derivatives » Devuan est à la traîne (google: Devuan is lagging behind) ! » 2025-01-21 00:19:40

Think of this entire post as a train wreck getting hit by a necro-posting meteor . . .

#19 Re: News & Announcements » Merry Christmas » 2025-01-17 15:55:18

@greenjeans . . . The "holiday season" (which only a minority of the world celebrates) is long over and your comment is good note on which to close this thread.

#20 Re: Off-topic » 2025 Topics: AI Controls, Global Datacenters, Microsoft, Oracle, etc. » 2025-01-17 15:46:15

@zapper . . . Nonsense is wasteful pollution for this forum and also for the individuals participating.

#21 Re: News & Announcements » Merry Christmas » 2025-01-16 20:41:41

Human derived "celebrations" are useless, inconsequential and delusional and bind us to fantasies and the narratives de jour ( or try to).

#22 Re: Off-topic » 2025 Topics: AI Controls, Global Datacenters, Microsoft, Oracle, etc. » 2025-01-15 18:05:34

Can't we find more elevated and constructive things to talk about on this forum? Note that this thread is already on it's way to being locked . . .

#24 Re: Off-topic » US Proposes Forcing Google to Sell Chrome . . . » 2025-01-14 16:09:26

This thread is getting absolutely ridiculous.

stargate-sg1-cheyenne-mtn: Why are you posting endless links of nonsense? Maybe you're a bot and your system is in a loop?

#25 Re: Off-topic » US Proposes Forcing Google to Sell Chrome . . . » 2025-01-08 17:14:22

stargate-sg1-cheyenne-mtn wrote:

@zapper, golinux modification was only to add some text to the original post (no deletions iirc)

LOL! So much for my short term memory. There is just too much nonsense on Devuan channels to remember the specifics. Add to that zapper's over-active imagination and erroneous assumptions and . . . it's off to la-la land!

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