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Hi guys.
It has been a while since I announced any respins...even though I have released a few. Sorry about that.
Miyo-Kwin is now available.
What it's not: it's not Plasma nor LXQt.
What it is: it's a minimal system that uses Kwin as a standalone window manager. So, you get "some" of the window effects of Plasma without all of the additional bloat of Plasma.
You can kind'a-sort'a (?) think of it as Openbox with Kwin controlling the windows. ...but that's not really what it is. Wobbly windows. Windows fall apart when closing them. Windows are sucked into the panel with the "magic lamp" effect when minimizing a window...n'stuff like that.
Now...what set me on this path was when I read where someone said that you couldn't use Kwin as a standalone window I took that as a challenge. LOL!
Now (part 2) it perfect?
No. There are some parts of the "System Settings" that may not work as they should...thanks KDE developers!
It's definitely usable; I've been using it for several weeks now as my daily driver.
I've stripped it down as much as I could without including all of the KDE bloat, but there are still a few items in "System Settings" that may or may not work. I'm not a desktop environment user, so I'm a bit on the downside as to how to remove those items or get them to work. For all I know, they may work.
Anyway, I decided to release this just to show that Kwin could be used as a standalone window manager. If you want to try it, have fun with it. Would I use it as a daily-driver? I would, but my needs may not be yours. It may work perfectly for you like it does for me.
It may not be perfect, but at least it's not perfect.
There are four applications to help you make a cohesive look and feel...all found in the "Settings" category of the menu.
1. Customize Look and Feel (GTK)
2. Kvantum (Qt)
3. Qt5 Settings (Qt)
4. System Settings (Qt)
1. Who is this system for?
It's for those who want to have some fun and explore.
2. Why did I make it?
Because I could. Hahahaha!
3. What's its purpose?
Have fun!
Downloads available in 64 bit UEFI, 64 bit BIOS, and 32 bit...
I have been Devuanated, and my practice in the art of Devuanism shall continue until my Devuanization is complete. Until then, I will strive to continue in my understanding of Devuanchology, Devuanprocity, and Devuanivity.
Veni, vidi, vici vdevuaned. I came, I saw, I Devuaned.
Hi MiyoLinux, I was just wondering if you are still doing Miyo or not (I hope you are). I have noticed there is no Miyo based on Devuan 5, the last release was May of 2022 and that your last post here on the forums was from way back in February. Are you still around, and your project active?
@Ron . . . I am very sorry to tell you that MiyoLinux is not being developed atm.
Sorry to hear this. Should I take "atm" to mean development may resume in the future?
No crystal balls here . . .
@ Ron
Check out Crowz, (partially created with help from MIYO), it's a neat little system.
Last edited by Camtaf (2023-12-05 10:26:38)
Camtaf wrote: Check out Crowz, (partially created with help from MIYO)
Crowz was Zephyr, has been around years before MIYO, Crowz is a rebrand of Zephyr that solely created by me and Ozi of Star! I have no idea who told you that but simply not true. No input has ever been requested by either myself or Ozi. Although I think Dan is an awesome person and MIYO is a super derivative. .
Camtaf wrote: it's a neat little system
Thanks for the compliment
Last edited by zephyr (2023-12-05 19:09:14)
easier to light a candle, yet curse the dark instead / experience life, or simply ...merely exist / ride the serpent / molon labe / III%ers / oath keepers
Thanks. Will give it a try soon.
@ zephyr
My apologies, I thought that I remembered you & Miyo discussing how to do some things on here...
Camtaf wrote: My apologies, I thought that I remembered you & Miyo discussing how to do some things on here
I liked and enjoyed using MIYO's builds, but no collaboration between our two. We asked each other questions on a regular base and i introduced live-build system to MIYO. But there was never a 3rd party involvement with our distros other than live-build and live-sdk build systems.
Pehaps down the road a bit, Dan (MIYO) and I could work on a project, I would readily except that.
I don't know what happened to my lead dev Ozi, I have my hope and prayers he will pop up a again, just hope he is ok!
No apologies needed, just wanted to clear the air who was doing what with Crowz.
easier to light a candle, yet curse the dark instead / experience life, or simply ...merely exist / ride the serpent / molon labe / III%ers / oath keepers
MIYO is a legend, no matter if it stops, it will be never forgotten!
OTOH I'm resuming development of dyne:bolic finally, 10 years later :^D
should pay tribute to MYIO, anyone able to collect its desktop backgrounds somewhere for download???
E-Mail: J @
GPG fingerprint: 6113 D89C A825 C5CE DD02 C872 73B3 5DA5 4ACB 7D10
They're still available here: … allpapers/
I'm going to download most / all of them.
Two years ago I installed MiyoLinux Openbox i686 2022-01-29 on an obsolete HP Mini 2133; it still runs smoothly.
Could someone tell me if it is possible to update MiyoLinux from Chimaera base to Daedalus with low effort, please?
Otherwise I shall reinstall another Devuan Daedalus Openbox derivative. Any hint?
Thank you.
Two years ago I installed MiyoLinux Openbox i686 2022-01-29 on an obsolete HP Mini 2133; it still runs smoothly.
Could someone tell me if it is possible to update MiyoLinux from Chimaera base to Daedalus with low effort, please?
Otherwise I shall reinstall another Devuan Daedalus Openbox derivative. Any hint?Thank you.
I upgraded mine with no issues; however, the RAM usage doubled.
Thank you for the information.
I will keep Chimaera, because I can't afford to double the RAM usage.
Sometime I guess why software continue to grow in size and resource usage, while apparently functionalities are quite the same.
however, the RAM usage doubled.
In Devuan Daedalus procps-ng package is updated, which includes the “free” command. One of the things changed is that how “unused” memory is calculated now includes shared memory that was previously uncounted.
The end result is that Daedalus will show higher ram usage than Chimaera even on the same configuration. However, as confirmed by inspecting /proc/meminfo, there wasn’t actually a significant change in ram usage.
So the answer is "try and see"?
Can you share me the steps to do the upgrade of Miyo from Chimaera to Daedalus, if not so tedious?
Anyway I will do a Clonezilla backup and, in case of poor performance, a restore.
Last edited by lucbertz (2024-01-24 17:31:35)
I will say (but I can only speak for myself) that I haven't noticed a performance difference after the upgrade. Just seeing that higher RAM usage is kind of freaky.
Okay lucbertz, here you go. Open your terminal and...
IMPORTANT: You will lose your right-click menu during the upgrade to daedalus, but it's easily fixed.
Step 1: Make sure your chimaera system is fully updated.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
Step 2: As root, edit your sources.list with a text editor.
Example: sudo leafpad /etc/apt/sources.list
In the sources.list, change each instance of chimaera to daedalus.
You will also need to add non-free-firmware to each line.
If it helps, this is my daedalus sources.list (Note that I use backports. If you don't, don't include that line)
deb daedalus main non-free-firmware non-free contrib
deb daedalus-updates main non-free-firmware non-free contrib
deb daedalus-security main non-free-firmware non-free contrib
deb daedalus-backports main non-free-firmware non-free contrib
Save and close the sources.list file.
Step 3: Now upgrade to daedalus
sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade
At some point during the dist-upgrade process, you will lose the right-click menu.
This will take a while, especially if you've installed a lot of software. So, get a cup of coffee, sit back, relax and wait for questions in the terminal. Some will use a TUI, and some will just ask in the terminal itself. If you're unfamiliar with using a TUI, use your arrow keys to move up or down, use the space bar to mark what you want, and Enter to accept your choice.
Step 4: Fix the right-click menu
After the upgrade has completed, enter the following command in the terminal
sudo cpanm Linux::DesktopFiles
That will get your menu back again.
Step 5: Optional. If you want to tidy up, enter the next two commands one at a time.
sudo apt autoremove
sudo apt clean
Step 6: The Shutdown and Restart options in the menu won't work after the upgrade. This is temporary. You will either need to shutdown or restart with the following command(s) depending on which one you want.
Shutdown -
sudo loginctl poweroff
Restart -
sudo loginctl reboot
After doing one of those, they will work from the menu again.
Good luck!
In fact it is similar to the standard Devuan procedure described here: … o-daedalus
But you added informations on the glitches I may encounter.
Thank you for the really comprehensive and detailed how-to.
If you feel more comfortable following the official upgrade procedure, then certainly do so.
Then, just throw in the extras about the menu and shutdown menu afterward.
Last edited by The-Amnesiac-Philosopher (2024-01-26 13:38:41)
May I ask does anyone know where MIYO build source code is located.
I went through the sourceforge, but I wonder..... is that all his tools, or is there another repo.
I am wondering what was his build process..?
I am interested in forking that project into our pipeline, It would really be cool to keep it going if we could get some help maintaining it. 8 years is a lot of love given to a project. I think we can automate the process enough where the maint can be not so busy.... :-)
Thank you in advance
Last edited by grafiksinc (2024-06-22 15:20:17)
There is a 3-part series on YouTube that shows how it was built.
grafiksinc wrote: I am wondering what was his build process..?
It has been a long while since conversing with Dan (MiyoLinux). We discussed live-build and live-sdk that I use, he used Remaster. I've never used it, know little about it.
easier to light a candle, yet curse the dark instead / experience life, or simply ...merely exist / ride the serpent / molon labe / III%ers / oath keepers
@grafiksink - here's source for a packaged version of the update-notifier that bgstack and I worked on. I don't know if this version made it into any miyolinux builds.
I think all the other stuff I have is older than what's on the sourceforge site. (some yad scripts and themes)
Thanks! so much everyone. This is all super helpful.
I will get the team over at Peppermint, and see about getting this in to the pipeline.
@zephyr yeah we use, live-build - we built a python solution around it so that we can scale out our builds
My goal is to keep things pretty much the way he did things....I think maybe the installers will be either Debian or Calamares since that is what we deploy with.
Other wise yeah....will try to keep it as it is now.
Our source code is here:
As we make progress will let you guys know
Thanks! again for your help and kindess