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Or y'all are just single? I've recently broke up with my gf and it feels like hell. It feels like I won't find someone as special as her. We can't be together anymore either way. Not even using my systemd free Devuan won't soothe my pain. What distro would soothe me anyway?
All conditioned things are impermanent . . .
Yea but biologically and evolutionarily, we ought to have kids and stuff. Love is not permanent either.
you are on a forum for a niche linux distro, why niche? 'cuz a lotta users don't care what happens in between the press of the power button and the login screen showing up on their display.
as for the users on the forum my bet is a good lot of us are on the "20 to 30 and has never had an actual date" demographic.
As a twenty year old single male I think it's very hard to find a girl who's actually interested in free software. I've had girls jokingly ask to "Netflix and chill" but when I tell her that I don't use Netflix since Netflix requires proprietary software to stream content, they stop talking to me. And worse if they do stay they think I'm weird since I blocked google IP's in my host file and we can't even watch youtube. I can't ever seem to get girls to come over to my place and I can't text them either. Once I get their numbers since I've added customs roms to my phone and refuse to use sms since it's a security concern I require all of my friends to download a free and open source messaging app and I share with them my public gpg key so that we can verify that our conversations are secure. None of my friends are willing to do this. And I can't use sites like tinder since it's not only proprietary software but a major privacy vulnerability. How come it is so hard to find a girl concerned about software freedom. I feel like I'm going to be a virgin forever.
EDIT: Btw the this post is GPLv3. So feel free to use it however you want but please send you changes back to me.
mmm the life coach center is two doors down to the left ...
reminded of:
vaguely remember some other good commentaries but can't quite grep them atm, will add as they come to mind.
"I thought I was prepared for the death of someone I’d loved for more than half a century. I wasn’t."
Last edited by stargate-sg1-cheyenne-mtn (2025-02-09 11:34:19)
Be Excellent to each other and Party On!
Do unto others as you would have them do instantaneously back to you!
I've recently broke up with my gf and it feels like hell.
"What disturbs and depresses young people is the hunt for happiness on the firm assumption that it must be met with in life." Schopenhauer
reminded of:
"It is surely a koan for this age: the whether or not to share the rusty needle and the morphine with Tristessa. Nations are only people in literary thrall; and as such, like the fabric of the universe, unavoidably autobiographical. They cannot rest then on any apocalyptic hope of indehiscence; for they are relentlessly written not toward any blankly vain and blustered emptiness, but rather toward humility. There a patriot's hope is renewed..."
I thought I was prepared for the death of someone I’d loved for more than half a century. I wasn’t.
"The pain I feel now is the happiness I had before. That is the deal." C S Lewis
mmm the life coach center is two doors down to the left ...
"Ivan cried, "Let me tell you, novice, that the absurd is only too necessary on earth. The world stands on absurdities, and perhaps nothing would have come to pass in it without them. We know what we know!" "I understand nothing," Ivan went on, as though in delirium. "I don't want to understand anything now. I want to stick to the fact. I made up my mind long ago not to understand. If I try to understand anything, I shall be false to the fact, and I have determined to stick to the fact." Dostoevsky
Last edited by trinidad (2025-02-09 13:52:31)
Often unawares.
I know one female free software developer married to a male free software developer - it does happen.
Last edited by mirrortokyo (2025-02-10 14:50:36)
. . . this post is GPLv3. So feel free to use it however you want but please send you changes back to me.
Do you have a git repository for this GPL post where I can submit an issues, or a pull-request?
Yea but biologically and evolutionarily, we ought to have kids and stuff. Love is not permanent either.
True, or none of us or any of this would exist. There is the argument that the world would be better off without us (probably true), but if not us, some other species would evolve in a few million years, kill each other and wreck the planet anyway.
I don't get out enough and usually don't have insane standards on my linux usage. Such as needing to communicate with openpgp gnupg for everything, I know people like that on certain forums.
Point being, I have other reasons I am trapped in not having a relationship.
Life can be dull and confusing.
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
If you wish to be humbled, try to exalt yourself long term If you wish to be exalted, try to humble yourself long term
Favourite operating systems: Hyperbola Devuan OpenBSD
Peace Be With us All!
Getting out enough is quite important. You can sit behind a screen most of the time and that can be enough for some.
My work means I'm sat at a computer (actually three computers...) most of the day. When I get home I try to do other things - same at the weekend. I have two kids, so we might go to the park, but not as often as we should - the weather doesn't help.
For single people, getting out means you might run into those other single people.
If going out to bars/clubs isn't for you, then you could get yourself enrolled on some kind of course. Failing that I suppose there are dating sites, less stigma attached to that these days. It's difficult these days to get talking to people. "Social media" seems to have made people more antisocial.
Last edited by blackhole (2025-02-12 17:52:01)
"social media" in quotes would make even more sense with asterisks... because a lot of social media websites have anti-social garbage to the max, besides privacy issues and malevolent data collection aspects.
The open source ones still have the anti-social garbage though alas even if not the data collection level evil.
Its impossible to make social media websites without any of that I think.
Last edited by zapper (2025-02-15 03:13:17)
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
If you wish to be humbled, try to exalt yourself long term If you wish to be exalted, try to humble yourself long term
Favourite operating systems: Hyperbola Devuan OpenBSD
Peace Be With us All!
Pages: 1