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#1 Re: Packaging for Devuan » yt-dlp is very outdated » 2024-10-18 15:24:19

devuan / debian stable usually stays as it is after release.
This package would be a good candidate for daedalus-backports.

cat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep backports
deb daedalus-backports main   #contrib non-free non-free-firmware
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get -t daedalus-backports install yt-dlp

#2 Re: Packaging for Devuan » upower: very broken dependencies » 2024-10-11 18:00:52

I can not reproduce the error. upowerd on my excalibur works.

#3 Re: Installation » Wine 64-bit Prefix on Devuan 5 (daedalus) » 2024-09-23 16:29:01


adding i386 architecture is recommended or mandatory for wine installations.

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386

Personal experiences:
I had pointless trys using WINEARCH=win[32,64] and wine installtions without i386 architecture. You can do that, but expect pain.
Instead: May the wine warper script decide such things - as long as it works.

#4 Re: Off-topic » Something I realized, » 2024-09-07 23:08:15

Part of the problem is, how modern IC's / micro controllers are working: The binary blob (or firmware or driver) defines its function. Even IO-pins can be re-routed to be (e.g.) an analog input or digital output. Input signals are digitized as early as possible and the output is calculated.

"classic" electronic components are fixed in function and layout. This made it possible to guess the function of a circuit board by it's components. Or reverse engineer it. That is impossible today.

#5 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » Install/activate Printer in Devuan » 2024-09-07 22:34:08

TomEngel wrote:

do i have to clowning around with cups or similar???

Does 'Installing cups by installing another distribution' count?
Anyway. Your choice.

#6 Re: DIY » Removing Apparmor » 2024-09-05 15:18:30

Sometimes such command lines work:

$ apt install dbus apparmor- -s
dbus is already the newest version (1.14.10-1~deb12u1devuan1).
The following packages will be REMOVED:
Remv apparmor [3.0.8-3]

"apparmor-" has a trailing "-" and "-s" is for simulation.
Computer: daedalus notebook

#7 Re: DIY » USB Stick, File Size > 4GB » 2024-09-04 12:20:36

Great advice, thanks a lot! Totally forgot about liquorix.

My shiny new computer does not suffer on windows, but the old one has a (more or less) big data partition formated with ntfs. For the fist time the transfer speed is in a reasonable dimension. I'm quite happy with that.

No news on the USB-stick front so far.

#8 Re: Installation » [SOLVED] Devuan bug #858 - just a heads-up » 2024-09-04 11:57:51


I'm confused about the ssh version. … r&x=submit
Affected is version 6.7 or earlier, which would mean jessie (devuan 1 / debian 8) ?

#9 Re: DIY » USB Stick, File Size > 4GB » 2024-09-02 12:58:16

Thanks for the replies.

The stick is for a TV set-top-box.
4 GB file size is easy to hit. Sadly, ext[3,4] file systems are not recognised.
Tried exfat: File size is good, but the file system is not recognised either.

Found some information on Paragon's "ntfs3" driver, e.g.

$ cat /boot/config-6.9.12-amd64 | grep -i ntfs3
# CONFIG_NTFS3_FS is not set

Means recompiling the kernel to enable it.

#10 DIY » USB Stick, File Size > 4GB » 2024-09-01 22:38:42

Replies: 7

The USB stick was factory formated with 'vfat' and allowed a file size of up to 4GB. I need more.
Formating it with mkfs.vfat /dev/sde1 -S 4096 should allow 16GB file size, but it's still 4GB. Using -S 32768 makes the drive disappear.
Using ntfs (NeanderTal File System) is as always slow as fuck.

Two questions:
(a) How to formate vfat, that can have files bigger than 4GB?
(b) Where is Paragon's (compared to ntfs-3g) super-fast-kernel-ntfs-driver? Or how can it be enabled?

What really makes me sick is the following: That little box I want to feed most likely runs on Linux, but it reads fuck Microsoft file systems only. Such s**t costs hours for nothing.

#11 Re: Off-topic » desktop market share » 2024-08-31 20:02:15

The desktop nice.
Last resort of Microsoft Windows.

#12 Re: Installation » Daedalus LXQT-only installs no wireless manager? » 2024-08-31 19:25:10

Chudix wrote:

After a bit of searching I determined that something called conman may be wireless related, but using it is not obvious to me.

You can have either connman or network manager. The packages are mutually exclusive.

#13 Re: Installation » how restore default permissions root folder after copy OS to SSD? » 2024-08-25 18:56:27

Interesting command lines for rsync, indeed.
I'll stick to cat (or dd) a partition and resize2fs the file system to the target partition's size.

#14 Re: Installation » is the Devuan repository server usually slow or offline? » 2024-08-25 18:29:13

Just a data point:
I'm in a hotel in Aschaffenburg, Germany- Internet speed is very good - downloaded 500MByte in less than a minute.
Internet provider: Telekom, 100MBit (assumed)
Problem: host "" was not resolved with wifi's standard dns (
After 2-4 times apt update, I inserted the installed unbound in /etc/resolv.conf ("nameserver") and dns worked as expected.

Maybe a dns-cache-problem?

#15 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » GParted - unallocated space within the partition(HOW recover data?) » 2024-08-22 17:51:55

You want
EITHER grow a file system to the full partition's size (see #2)
OR recover "something" from the drive.

cp simply over-writes. I would start looking for a back-up.
ddrescue is useful, when dd aborts with an error, e.g. when the drive is physically damaged.
testdisk (as far as I remember) is looking for known file headers (like png/jpg images, zip/gz archives, etc) on the raw disk and trys to recover them.

Even if you would provide all information to the accident in detail, I doubt someone could help. Sorry.

#17 Re: Installation » how to install kernel 6.6.47 (or 6.10.6) in a new daedalus install » 2024-08-22 10:08:57

Adding the daedalus-backports repository would be a convenient way to have a quite current kernel (6.9).

cat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep backports
deb daedalus-backports main contrib non-free non-free-firmware

apt install -t daedalus-backports linux-image-amd64

Beside the kernel, firmware can be a major problem especially on new notebooks. There are no backports releases by now, e.g. … *&x=submit . I would go for the newest packages for all build-in components.

#18 Re: Installation » Problems upgrading to Excalibur » 2024-08-17 21:43:44

apt update, apt upgrade

Did you run apt dist-upgrade too?

I'm currently installing excalibur on my new desktop, which is not as much fun as I hoped.
The proprietary nvidia driver seems not like kernel 6.10. Beside that and some uefi boot BS, everything seems to work. But I don't use/have KDE.

Debian's testing netinstall.iso throwed errors after booting, so I ran bookworm and daedalus isos and migrated them to excalibur.

#19 Re: Installation » Fresh Daedalus, residual app install issues » 2024-08-16 10:59:01

I don't know synaptic, but can parse the list to apt. If you hate terminals, just ignore this.

"listapt.txt" contains _all_ debian packages in the installed repositories (--installed or --manual-installed would do a selection like below).

You want to re-install the ones marked with "[installed]", not "[installed,automatic]". Have a good look at "[installed,local]", which were either downloaded or not in the current repositories.

cat listapt.txt | grep '\[installed,local\]'

Let's prepare the installation:
There will be errors; work on cleaned.list.txt, until apt succeeds. Then omit "-s" in the apt command.

cat listapt.txt | grep '\[installed\]' | awk -F/ '{print $1}' >cleaned.list.txt
apt install -s  $(cat cleaned.list.txt | awk '{printf"%s ", $0}') 

Too many errors? Maybe just the tasks for the big picture?

apt install  $(cat cleaned.list.txt | grep ^task | awk '{printf"%s ", $0}')

Hope this helps, and yes I'm about to do that myself.

#20 Re: Installation » Install from Ventoy » 2024-08-10 11:00:13

Interesting, didn't know that cp has a device mode. Fist thought was you ment cat, which equally works here.

#21 Re: Other Issues » [SOLVED] Exaclibur: Targets of symbolic links in /usr/local/bin changed » 2024-08-10 10:54:58

Today I looked at some back-up copies in /root/_backup/usr/local/bin/  ... and found symliks "corrected" too.
That's not funny!

apt purge symlinks

#22 Re: Other Issues » [SOLVED] Exaclibur: Targets of symbolic links in /usr/local/bin changed » 2024-07-21 09:17:45

Thanks fro the reply. The accident happened about three weeks ago. usrmerge was installed months ago, before switching to excalibur.

After more digging, I guess it was the package symlinks, or a "cleaning" job using it.
All symbolic links in /usr/local/bin (pointing to another directory) have the same updated timestamp. In my case "2024-07-01 19:25:17", or 20 seconds after installation of the package "symlinks".

# /var/log/dpkg.log
2024-07-01 19:16:23 startup packages configure
2024-07-01 19:24:58 startup archives unpack
2024-07-01 19:24:58 install symlinks:amd64 <none> 1.4-4
2024-07-01 19:24:58 status half-installed symlinks:amd64 1.4-4
2024-07-01 19:24:58 status triggers-pending man-db:amd64 2.12.1-2
2024-07-01 19:24:58 status unpacked symlinks:amd64 1.4-4
2024-07-01 19:24:58 startup packages configure
2024-07-01 19:24:58 configure symlinks:amd64 1.4-4 <none>
2024-07-01 19:24:58 status unpacked symlinks:amd64 1.4-4
2024-07-01 19:24:58 status half-configured symlinks:amd64 1.4-4
2024-07-01 19:24:58 status installed symlinks:amd64 1.4-4
2024-07-01 19:24:58 trigproc man-db:amd64 2.12.1-2 <none>
2024-07-01 19:24:58 status half-configured man-db:amd64 2.12.1-2
2024-07-01 19:24:59 status installed man-db:amd64 2.12.1-2
2024-07-02 15:23:51 startup archives unpack

package: symlinks
summary: scan/change symbolic links
version: 1.4-4
description: Symlinks scans directories for symbolic links and lists them on stdout. 
Each link is prefixed with a classification of relative, absolute, dangling, messy, lengthy or other_fs. . 
Symlinks can also convert absolute links (within the same filesystem) 
to relative links and can delete messy and dangling links.

#23 Other Issues » [SOLVED] Exaclibur: Targets of symbolic links in /usr/local/bin changed » 2024-07-20 20:26:34

Replies: 3


a way to have programs from /opt in the $PATH is to make symbolic links in a bin directory.
One day (begin of July) all link targets in /usr/local/bin changed from absolut paths to relative paths.
Most likely during an upgrade. On excalibur, not on daedalus.

cd /usr/local/bin
ls -l kpackage
kpackage -> /opt/trinity/bin/kpackage          # original
kpackage -> ../../../opt/trinity/bin/kpackage  # now


#24 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » (howTo) hibernate after automatic install? » 2024-07-20 14:29:25

As EDX-0 suggested in #2: Just create a swap file of decent size, and you should be good to go.
It is not too complicated and described in e.g.: , section 3.1 "Swap file creation".

#25 Re: Installation » Upgrade custom Devuan. » 2024-07-14 22:31:23

@fsmithred:  Thanks for debsums!

@SpongeBOB:  My personal preference is to upgrade - beside the good advices above.

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