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I am trying to set i3wm as default window manager on a Jessie install. I have tried:
update-alternatives --config x-window-manager
but the only alternatives that show up are xfce4. However it is possible to switch between xfce and i3wm when using the Slim login manager, so the system is at least partially configured, just not to set i3 as default...
Military justice is to justice what military music is to music. - Groucho Marx
I’ve had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn’t it. - Groucho Marx
I'm doing this from memory (and I'm on my phone), so I hope I'm giving you the right information...
Open /etc/slim.conf
Look for the line that starts with the word --> sessions
The first item after the word "sessions" should be the default session; such as...
sessions i3,xfce4
Change it if i3 isn't first in order...or add/edit it so that it's first.
Not sure if it will require a reboot or just a log out/log in...
I apologize if this was a wild goose chase.
I have been Devuanated, and my practice in the art of Devuanism shall continue until my Devuanization is complete. Until then, I will strive to continue in my understanding of Devuanchology, Devuanprocity, and Devuanivity.
Veni, vidi, vici vdevuaned. I came, I saw, I Devuaned.
Nice to hear from you MiyoLinux. I don't see any obvious candidate as you describe. The /etc/slim.conf file doesn't have any WMs listed at all and no obvious "session" candidates. This appears to be for setting the default shell:
login_cmd exec /bin/bash -login /etc/X11/Xsession %session
Alternatively, there is:
sessionstart_cmd some command
but the description states:
They can be used for registering a X11 session with sessreg.
This seems to me a more likely candidate as it seems to interact with .xsession, but then again, I could be completely off.
Military justice is to justice what military music is to music. - Groucho Marx
I’ve had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn’t it. - Groucho Marx
You may want to peep at "[SOLVED] slim does not set a default session".
A bit old, but possibly relevant still.
You may want to peep at "[SOLVED] slim does not set a default session".
A bit old, but possibly relevant still.
Thanks ralph. The solution is to change the line in /etc/slim.conf to:
login_cmd exec /bin/bash -login /etc/X11/Xsession i3
Actually, this isn't the answer, as Slim will now only boot into i3, regardless of whether I choose XFCE4 or not.
I tried adding a "session i3" line after the "login_cmd" line, but that doesn't seem to work in the newer versions of Slim.
I also tried installing another login manager (lightdm) but there is a depend created between slim and a "task-xfce-desktop" package that the Devuan developers have put in. A stop gap measure to control Jessie's quirks?
Last edited by devuan_dk_fan (2018-03-24 16:19:25)
Military justice is to justice what military music is to music. - Groucho Marx
I’ve had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn’t it. - Groucho Marx