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#1 2017-10-17 02:05:06

From: Panama
Registered: 2017-09-23
Posts: 26  

Mirrors, repositories, GRUB and file systems

Last sunday, I got a used computer, installed a new hard drive and did a Devuan Jessie install.
Did a manual partition: 20 gigs for / and 2 gigs for swap, chose JFS.

When choosing repos, I chose the auto...repo, gave a warning about no being able to use it, I ignored it and continued with the install, chose GRUB on the MBR, it gave a fatal error, chose LILO and it worked, rebooted, and the repos worked fine
(why the warning?)

Installed a second Devuan (20 gigs for /) on another partition gave me the same repo warning, chose XFS as fs, installed GRUB on the MBR and this time it worked flawlessly. Rebooted, I did an "update-grub" and pulled the other Devuan distro (the first one with LILO, and JFS), uninstalled LILO, and now it is working fine.

Is there a bug with JFS and GRUB on the MBR?

Last edited by macondo123 (2017-10-17 02:06:11)


#2 2017-10-17 08:20:31

Registered: 2017-10-09
Posts: 234  

Re: Mirrors, repositories, GRUB and file systems

Grub + JFS has been known to be problematic.  There may be workarounds (try searching the web), but it's probably best avoided and just use lilo (which doesn't understand file systems and doesn't attempt to).  As you're using a DOS MBR, there shouldn't be any issues.

lilo is actually very dependable, simple and solid, always has been.  It requires one simple plain text configuration file rather than several incomprehensible ones, spanning multiple directories.  It can be configured to just boot the kernel, without fuss, or set up as a text based or simple graphical menu.


#3 2017-10-17 11:38:51

From: Central America
Registered: 2017-06-11
Posts: 52  

Re: Mirrors, repositories, GRUB and file systems

Thanks, cynwulf, see you're still with openbsd smile

macondo aka Lou

Desktop Dual Core 8 GB RAM - Devuan Ceres - Slackware Current - Grub - JWM
“Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you.” ― Joseph Heller, Catch-22


#4 2017-10-17 13:39:24

Registered: 2017-10-09
Posts: 234  

Re: Mirrors, repositories, GRUB and file systems

Good to see you again.

Still using OpenBSD here yes.  I've not done much with Debian since the Wheezy release.  Did play with the jessie release a few years back, just to see what all the fuss was about, but didn't hang about for long.


#5 2017-10-20 20:36:12

Registered: 2017-09-02
Posts: 305  

Re: Mirrors, repositories, GRUB and file systems

Hi macondo You are interessing me because you make publicity for ratpoison! But I don't understand the reason of your initial choices: Why JFS? I did immediately adopt ext4 and did never have after that some problem: it is fast and robust!

remark: I also would like to use ratpoison but only if it would possible to accede immediately after boot to ratpoison without to have to login or enter a command like "ratpoison" (I know, you can make a link like ln -s /usr/bin/ratpoison /usr/bin/go to make the text length shorter!) and only if I would find a way to use a background picture easily and without to install more (jwm does it without some help and installs only about 500 kB!)


#6 2017-10-21 07:54:51

Registered: 2017-07-30
Posts: 66  

Re: Mirrors, repositories, GRUB and file systems

cynwulf wrote:

Still using OpenBSD here yes......

How about the world of OpenBSD? I imagine there are no repositories for that system, it is very difficult to build that system with the few applications compatible  for  that system of graphical desktop, and that it is not possible to update every time the system detects vulnerabilities.


#7 2017-10-21 10:45:22

From: Surrey/Hants border UK
Registered: 2016-12-11
Posts: 167  

Re: Mirrors, repositories, GRUB and file systems

Going off topic a bit...there are plenty of readily available software packages for OpenBSD, lots of GUI choice too, WM & DE.
It's my 'back up' system, in case Linux gets really messed up with 'commercial interests' altering it, like with systemd. smile


#8 2017-10-21 17:16:25

From: Central America
Registered: 2017-06-11
Posts: 52  

Re: Mirrors, repositories, GRUB and file systems

Hi macondo You are interessing me because you make publicity for ratpoison! But I don't understand the reason of your initial choices: Why JFS? I did immediately adopt ext4 and did never have after that some problem: it is fast and robust!

Why not? I wanted to know what JFS was like. Now I know it works with LILO and as a seconday OS with GRUB, actually it is a nice file system to work with. I googled a bit before installing it, and it is supposed to be good with small files like the ones I use.
Ext 4 is what most people use I wanted to try something else than the "unwashed masses" use. Most don't know jackcrap what they're doing or why. I have decided XFS is the one for me.

remark: I also would like to use ratpoison but only if it would possible to accede immediately after boot to ratpoison without to have to login or enter a command like "ratpoison"

Simple, put it in your .xinitrc: (exec ratpoison).

(I know, you can make a link like ln -s /usr/bin/ratpoison /usr/bin/go to make the text length shorter!) and only if I would find a way to use a background picture easily and without to install more (jwm does it without some help and installs only about 500 kB!)

Background pictures?? (wallpapers) wasting resources? My desktop is prettier than yours? Ratpoison is not for you smile

Eventually, you will understand ratpoison, there is no eye-candy, just speed and simplicity. It uses only 1 MB of RAM

Last edited by macondo (2017-10-21 17:21:33)

Desktop Dual Core 8 GB RAM - Devuan Ceres - Slackware Current - Grub - JWM
“Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you.” ― Joseph Heller, Catch-22


#9 2017-10-21 20:46:17

From: Central America
Registered: 2017-06-11
Posts: 52  

Re: Mirrors, repositories, GRUB and file systems

P.S. Here's an image so you can have an idea:


Click on it to make it bigger.

Last edited by macondo (2017-10-21 20:50:45)

Desktop Dual Core 8 GB RAM - Devuan Ceres - Slackware Current - Grub - JWM
“Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you.” ― Joseph Heller, Catch-22


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