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#1 2017-10-14 08:02:36

Registered: 2017-09-02
Posts: 305  

system-config-printer usd. gtklp

I don't find gtklp (I am accustomed to us from Puppy Linux). Search through the web did show for Jessie system-config-printer. But...

some web page (so appears too "light" and I find in system-config-printer no option for my old laser printer (driver Brother HL-2035 Foomatic/hl1250 (recommended)).

an idea how to make it darker (or inverse the colours light colours dark and dark or black white!)?


#2 2017-10-14 16:41:08

Registered: 2016-12-05
Posts: 1,323  

Re: system-config-printer usd. gtklp

Not sure what it is, but I just checked, and gtklp is available in Devuan Ascii. I'm not sure about Jessie.

I have been Devuanated, and my practice in the art of Devuanism shall continue until my Devuanization is complete. Until then, I will strive to continue in my understanding of Devuanchology, Devuanprocity, and Devuanivity.

Veni, vidi, vici vdevuaned. I came, I saw, I Devuaned. wink


#3 2017-10-14 20:14:46

Registered: 2017-09-02
Posts: 305  

Re: system-config-printer usd. gtklp

probably it is so, but I can't interchange it because I absolutely need an other app, Merkaartor, able to draw all  the land map around my house, but in the most newer version, OpenStreetMap is not included any more as underground and I am unable to re-install this figure (as it was not necessary at all to include it the past - it was available without to have something to do! So, I am  totally unexperimented. For this reason, the maximal release I can choice is Jessie in Debian and 16.04 in Ubuntu, and I suppose there is also such a limit in other Linux distributions until the Merkaartor staff (an extremely small staff! Merkaartor was since the last new month a "discontinued" application!) find an other choice of dependencies permitting to have OSM again in all versions, also in the newiest!

the new distributions requires all too important concessions from the old users. no software any more with xulrunner (excepted of Mozilla build of Seamonkey, the will rarely accepted by the community, NOT ONE wysyg HTML editor any more in all Linux!!! They can offer a million of app's. That what is missing is enormous compared with Windows (voice app's are classic since the time where IBM was the principal supplier of operations system! not ONE app for this important field (a ENORMOUS lot of people can't write because of handicap or professional forced situations. but they can speak!), unified dictionaries (why aspell, ispell, myspell, hunspell and more? people  needing extremely special words, professional, scientific etc. can't enter the lot of vocabulary in 10 different dictionaries: it is a catastrophe of des-organisation and operation's system management! but the maker of operation's systems like Debian, Slackware, Redhat and derivates or systems build from sources like LFS or Gentoo will continue to ignore the needs of specialized users (handicap, profession, speciality, sometimes language) and operate only for the easy to fill up needs of esthetic, perhaps, not always, they also are really extremely ugly  new creations, and market of tablets etc! Debian did sacrify xulrunner! Why? To permit Seamonkey to force the inclusion of permanent (not masquable) advertising sources of money for the Mozilla group? Same thing with mono! An enormous lobby did try to install it in all Linux! Today, it is very discrete in Linux, but you can't use wine any more without else if it is not installed at the same time: as soon you require some exigent windows app's you are forced to install mono else if those app's are older as mono and don't need it at all!

so I prepare me to live all the Long Time period  of LTS distributions using Jessie or 16.04 and never more again (my "old" installation of 17.04 is yet on my large hard disk in an storage directory for not any more used systems...

sorry for ascii. in my opinion, Linux goes actually through a great crisis! Devuan is one of the best remarquable expression of it!

Last edited by oui (2017-10-14 20:17:19)


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