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#1 2025-03-04 21:11:35

Registered: 2019-09-14
Posts: 8  

[SOLVED] ethernet/if configuration change

What is the standard way to change ethernet/if configuration?   I had to resort to manually change it using ifconfig and route commands.  I am running daedalus (5.0) on amd64 hardware.


#2 2025-03-04 22:14:47

From: Battery Point, Tasmania, AUS
Registered: 2016-11-30
Posts: 1,340  

Re: [SOLVED] ethernet/if configuration change

Well, there are a couple of graphical tools to mismanage network configurations with, and there is the traditional ifupdown that uses /etc/network/interfaces as its control file.
Guess which I'm using smile

If your router is set up to provide network settings via DHCP, then you would configure it such for ifupdown. See man interfaces. Otheriwse you need to configure manually, either directly as you did, or by editing the configuration ... for ifupdown it's /etc/network/interfaces, and for gui tools they typically offer their own editing dialogs for manual editing of their configuration files.


#3 2025-03-05 18:45:27

Registered: 2019-09-14
Posts: 8  

Re: [SOLVED] ethernet/if configuration change

When I wanted to change the setting, looked into files "interfaces" and subdirectory "interfaces.d" in /etc/network, and it was empty, so I was wondering where the configuration settings were stored.    Any way, editing that file and subdirectory seems to do the trick.   Thanks.

BTW, "mismanage" is right. smile  There are apparently multiple little tools that do not know what the others are doing and things (including myself) get confused.


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