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#1 2025-02-12 19:33:38

From: Türkiye
Registered: 2020-12-18
Posts: 125  

[SOLVED] Does different apt mirrors even work? They didn't work for me

I added some repos from here:

But they didn't work. Throw me some errors about how that mirror didn't have a release file. I checked them in the browser, I point them just exactly like the default apt devuan mirror is.


#2 2025-02-12 23:29:06

Registered: 2024-12-07
Posts: 95  

Re: [SOLVED] Does different apt mirrors even work? They didn't work for me

Good luck with it, I went through that entire list checking every one and as you have found most are useless for the purpose intended, being a mirror of Devuan.


#3 2025-02-12 23:34:23

From: Battery Point, Tasmania, AUS
Registered: 2016-11-30
Posts: 1,340  

Re: [SOLVED] Does different apt mirrors even work? They didn't work for me

All package mirrors support HTTP access to Devuan packages in the domain name of "". Only some of them support HTTP access to Devuan packages in other domain names. That is really how HTTP access works.

Some of the mirrors also declare HTTPS access, and in that case the service is offered in their nominal domain names and not in the doman name "". This is because HTTPS access requires the service to have a certificate for the service domain, essentially proving that they are the current renter of the domain name. That's what the S part of the HTTPS service means.

To have resolve to some particular service IP addresses other than the authoritative name resolution, you need to arrange for that in your client; e.g. by populating your /etc/hosts file, or set up your own DNS service.


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