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#1 2025-02-01 09:53:48

Registered: 2018-05-30
Posts: 16  

procps removes /etc/sysctl.conf in Excalibur/Ceres

After a recent reboot I noticed that my internal networking wasn't working properly. Digging around, /etc/sysctl.conf had been deleted and so some 'net.ipv4....' lines hadn't been set.

This happened as part of a recent procps update (2:4.0.4-6). It's documented in the changelog [1] but it didn't appear as a pop-up during 'apt upgrade' and there wasn't the usual dialog asking to delete/remove config files. I was surprised that an important file would be deleted without warning. (I'm not saying whether the overall intent to have files in /etc/sysctl.d is right or wrong. And it could be that I missed a note a long time ago telling me it was depreciated.)

Restoring the /etc/sysctl.conf from a recent backup fixes it as the file is still honoured.

Just posting here in case others experience the same.

[1] … _changelog
procps (2:4.0.4-6) unstable; urgency=medium
  * Remove old conffile sysctl.conf Closes: #1076352 [2]

[2] … ug=1076352

Last edited by nick_stokie (2025-02-01 11:20:32)


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