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#1 2025-01-17 10:29:20

From: Brussels
Registered: 2022-02-07
Posts: 161  

Suggestion for the TUI (installation) of Excalibur


I was trying to install devuan_daedalus_5.0.1_amd64_desktop on a recent laptop.

but the install process stuck at configure the network where you have to choose a WiFi network (SSID)

When I choose back \ configure the clock I was trow back at configure the network

I was thinking as a work around to switch off the WiFi (hardware button) but this laptop has none, so I disabled (for the install time) the WiFi in the UEFI/BIOS

For the next release it might be a good idea to have a skip option smile


Last edited by SpongeBOB (2025-01-17 10:29:53)

Linux noob, plz be kind big_smile


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