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#1 2017-09-23 22:32:18

Registered: 2017-09-02
Posts: 305  

mini iso and minimal installation

since my last message in the separate thread, I did download a mini-iso from a site, I can't find again :'-( ...

that iso is named mini.iso and has a size from 28 M.

hitting on it in rox-filer in Puppy Linux the iso opens and it is possible to copy all it's content after mark it into a new directory in the actual partition...

after that,  3 lines in the .../grub/grub.cfg

menuentry  "devuan install sda6" { set root=(hd0,6)
linux /0devuan/linux noauto pmedia=idehd psubdir=0devuan
initrd /0devuan/initrd.gz }

for the new start after installation, followings other 3 lines can immediately be prepared:

menuentry  "devuan sda5" {set root=(hd0,5)
linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda5 ro quiet 
initrd /initrd.img }

(or it is possible to change the few parts of text in the editor function of Grub!)

and reboot starts the commando line mode installation as for Debian. no difference probably!

step by step and slow but easy!

arrived in tasksel, I did unmark all things!

I did pass the dialog for the grub installation, but answer NO at the question of to install or not, it is all, as my grub.cfg was already prepared.

after that, it was time to reboot as proposed and ...

... reenter in Puppy linux

to make a copy of the new stuff:

cp -a /mnt/sda5/* /mnt/sdaX/devuan-stage0

after the dir devuan-stage0 was created with rox-filer, a matter of seconde only!

rox did (right hit on the dir symbol and select "proprieties" that I did install 811 MB in 64 bit, very low!)

new reboot and then:

su -


apt install sudo

nano /etc/sudoers

copy the line


and change this in the new one:

my-user-name=(ALL:ALL) ALL

CTRL X + y + return

you are now registered sudoer and can both continue as root or leave the superuser mode with


and continue using sudo in front from that complete installations line:

apt install gpm clex sc links cups didiwiki xorg jwm slim evince mgp mtpaint mhwaveedit mplayer2  > stage1

important: the installation stops! enter a "n" now

you have now in the text document "stage1" especially the list of things proposed to add: you can look it and add at the end of that line (enter arrow up, erase the actual end creating the text doc, and enter the things you want!

a good idea are following things

apt install gpm clex sc links cups didiwiki xorg jwm slim evince mgp mtpaint mhwaveedit mplayer2 menu rox-filer roxterm deborphan > menu-rox-filer-roxterm

(menu rox-filer roxterm and, perhaps, deborphan, is you agree for my choices)

cut that new line again (later, if you continue to install, for ex. abiword xsane hunspell hunspell-en-etc, you can preserve this line: the precedent entries do not disturb at all. the system will note very fast (even if it is a long list) that the precendent entries are ok, then it will continue and install the new ones!

apt install gpm clex sc links cups didiwiki xorg jwm slim evince mgp mtpaint mhwaveedit mplayer2 menu rox-filer roxterm deborphan

and, this time, you see the question from dialog and then, answer "y"! The installation starts again (in my case, a bit over 500 MB more on the disk after installation).

what did you install?

a commando line system with a spread sheet (the venerable "sc" search in google entering 'venerable sc' how to use it! sc is not able to manage complexe fonts, see next comments for didiwiki and nano!), a file and directory browser "clex" with the very interesting functions key F2 for quick usage in commando line (mark file to be process, enter the command in the commando line and hit on F2, the file name, as complexe it can be, is entered in the commando line!) and a webbrowser (links) with mouse pointer for console,  a personal wiki to be used in the webbrowser (didiwiki to start with localhost:8080), cups (able to be started in commando line only with localhost:631)

(if you have only one printer, prepare your adequate *.ppd file in the partition before you reenter the system using Puppy linux or the other helper system you are accostumed: you avoid so to search in the totaly user unfriendly list of cups/gutenprint!)

you can add above alsa if you want to listen musik in consol and install only the console app's in a first time!

(sudo apt search alsa | more : as I don't do it in console, I did not search)

why didiwiki and cups in console? didiwiki allow normal, italic, bold and underlined writing! it is your minimal text processor! (the docs from didiwiki are text documents with a only few code in it! it would be easy later to process them again in a better graphic text processor. the text docs are able to be written in hangul etc. if you also install an adequate input methode! under X, you can use the mouse to copy text parts also in for ex. hangul from a window to an other window from links / didiwiki to nano or back! nano is a wonderfull editor for those complexe transactions (in console you can do that login in more than one console through the key combination strg+alt+F1 etc.! How to install nano again, -for those having deleted it to early-, and install spell check? See here!).

X windows as the good old xorg (with it usual tools like calculator etc. see Debian menu!) including a session manager ("slim") and a extremely versatile and small window manager ("jwm") (*1. Important: in the file /etc/jwm/system.jwmrc, copy it pls before changing, you can enter unde the subdiv startup commands very usefull commands like

setxkbmap us intl

if your keyboard is different from us pure for ex.! you can overwrite each start your hidden ~/.mozilla dir and start always again with minimal content (not critical names and passwords, minimal traces of history, etc.: nobody can look what you did do the last session).

you can make print screen with mTpaint (> action >> time delaited screen shot!! you can do the same in gimp, but have to hit once more each time, and using the script from puppy linux old release, you can make it in mTpaint independent from that) with the advantage to continue immediately to change size of picture, scrop it, etc...

(I did not find "gtklp" on the site and not install it, only for that reason; allthough it is very usefull to manage the pictures printing them out) 

also sounds (mhwaveedit), videos (mplayer2: works in commando line, but you can bind it with rox-file, right hit, and "send to" with picture doc formats), and presentations (magic point! ok, it is not the same as from M$ but it is so small!)

links and evince manage the divers infos and manual documents...

how to make commando line applications directly accessible in the menu? see the example of nano in /etc/jwm/debian-menu ! as that file is volatile and will be overwrite by the system each new (un)installation of some package with apt, create an entry in /etc/jwm/system-jwmrc. there are to places adequate: in top of the menu list (you can also repeat your preferences copying the stuff our the file debian-menu, or as item in the tray (in the middle of the text of system-jwnrc! take care to complete correctly the brackets and end-commands if you create new xml lines!)

in rox, you can define yourself which is the main app for each kind of document as well as create a list of "send to" ' s following the invitations of rox! do it, and you will wonder how flexible a system managed by rox can be! you can also define yourself which icon you will use in rox and jwm menu using rox itself or the two xml scripts of jwm...

how to reboot or shut the PC down? it is possible to change / create entries in /etc/jwm/system.jwmrc but I use the entry

sudo shutdown -r now


sudo reboot

in terminal (no! not rewrite each time: arrow back and the last entries reappear. if found, simply hit enter!) to reboot


STRG + ALT + PF2 (or other PF key as you want: you only start so the next commando line console!) and after that  STRG + ALT + DEL ( ;-) )! That does not go in the graphic console but goes very well in an CLI console, ah ah ah!


shutdown -h now

to really shut the PC down. Advantage: very fast!

(*1: lxqt MUST HAVE an other simple helper under him. it installs openbox for the job! but the use of jwm instead openbox is permit and easy to realize. you can unify the power of lxqt and jwm and preserve the methodes you use in the time before, using only with jwm!

Last edited by oui (2017-10-05 17:11:21)


#2 2017-09-23 23:11:54

Registered: 2017-09-02
Posts: 305  

Re: mini iso and minimal installation

I will now continue:

install a better browser, probably this one … e=palemoon / as it is not possible to install xombrero with webkit1 (my experience with webkit3 is bad: libflashplayer does never work correctly!) from the ppa from one maintener from lubuntu minimal (*1

and i would be VERY interessting to install "Deepin" on Devuan!

I need sometimes very complexe writing (Devanagari, Tamil, Hangul/Korean, Japanese and Chinese simplified and am looking which input methode is the best? I suppose "ibus" as I did never have success to start to other ones!!! :-)) ...)

there are the next stages, in this order or not!

if some one knows how to, welcome!

And I need xsane with tesseract-ocr, kompozer, xvidcap (download from DebianDog on the Puppy linux forum! It works but need better pulse audio to separate the build in microphon from sound of application), merkaartor for cartography, gramps, marble qt on one of my 2 laptops (the first one is old and have less memory in 64 bit also; it is one reason why I am interessting to install very small!). Home network would also be usefull.

(*1 I did install it. palemoon explains how to do that for itself (and for other archive' s of the same ending! Pfui! It uses cookies (I always wonder seeing which noble web site affirming they are free and open are using cookies!)

I will go back to xombrero, not beeing installable in the proof version (the one with webkit1: webkit3 does make troubles with flash! for a French man, as I am, it is not acceptable as our national tv refuses to connect replays of tv threads with declarations of news or interviews of leaders of staate if the flash does not be really fresh and fully operable! It is so... a little people as I can't influence that! He can only do that what the authority requires if he will use the services offered in his country! and I find it is important to be able to listen themself what a VIP did really say and how he did make his declarations on important thematic! I am sorry for those being activists for the use of free software only (they are not angry if source forge uses cookies! That is about the same on a different field!)

Last edited by oui (2017-09-24 08:28:17)


#3 2017-09-24 10:58:40

From: Surrey/Hants border UK
Registered: 2016-12-11
Posts: 167  

Re: mini iso and minimal installation

I did download a mini-iso from a site, I can't find again :'-( ... … s/netboot/


#4 2017-09-24 13:17:52

From: Any witch way
Registered: 2017-07-12
Posts: 497  

Re: mini iso and minimal installation

This sounds very interesting and refreshing.  I have always liked clean minimal starts instead of patching dirty maximal development.   Although my oldest standing single installation is a very old Debian installation that is still very functional.  It feels like going back to the home I run away from as a kid.


#5 2017-09-24 19:58:46

Registered: 2017-09-02
Posts: 305  

Re: mini iso and minimal installation

thank you very much for your answers!

I use now Devuan a few weeks and am very happy.

Different from other, I will promote the browser diversity! And avoid (a part would be enough, of) the smudge of the commercial advertising etc.

For this reason I did install epiphany-browser as my x-www-browser (see under /etc/alternatives ! x-www-browser is a link in it for the graphic environment of you devuan! www-browser is the equivalent for the character only environment of your devuan system: I have an link to "links" there).

But I did also install "xombrero" (with only an hand full of bytes over the actual installation: the adequate webkit is preinstalled and xombrero is only an reputed absolute secure front end for webkit).

To use friendly xombrero, it is better you to rename the /usr/share/xombrero/xombrero.css into what you want to make it unoperable ;-) . If not, you have to enter some commando code and you see it not: the chars are white and the background is yellow! For ex.:


how to install

I really rarely make the official installation.

I create a subdir in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu

sudo mkdir /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mozilla

with the usual name "mozilla"

and in it the usual /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mozilla/plugins

sudo mkdir /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mozilla/plugins

and copy an actual version from the plugin in it as /usr/lib/lib_84_64-linux-gnu/mozilla/plugins/ I am using else!

after that, I create a subdir /usr/lib/mozilla and in it the usual subdir /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins

and make an link

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mozilla/plugins/ /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/

and to complete all that I create a link with following commando

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mozilla/plugins /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin

it works perfect!

Last edited by oui (2017-10-05 17:46:03)


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