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Hi guys,
my Devuan clock is several minutes forward and I'd like to fix it.
I use runit as init and I noticed that I don't have ntp service running:
ls /etc/runit/runsvdir/current/
anacron@ dbus@ dhclient@ getty-tty1@ getty-tty4@ getty-ttyS0@ slim@
cron@ dbus.dep-fixer@ elogind@ getty-tty2@ getty-tty5@ lightdm@ ssh@
cups@ default-syslog@ exim4@ getty-tty3@ getty-tty6@ rsyslog@
Perhaps was removed and I didn't notice it.
Should I install something like chrony to fix it?
I reply to myself... chrony just fixed the problem...
Now I am wondering why I didn't have anything to synchronize the clock... 🤔