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I installed Daedalus in a VirtualBox environment, and everything seemed to go fine. But when I got to the desktop and wanted to run apt-get and update the system to be current, I found that it keeps going back to the login screen. No, I did not get the password wrong. I login and get to the desktop, then in a very few seconds when I am in the middle of doing something it suddenly drops out, showing the time screen that I guess is the default screen saver, and I have to move the mouse to get the login to appear again. The password works again, and I get to the desktop... for a few seconds before getting kicked out again in the middle of what ever I am trying to do.
What went wrong?
You could try using su - in terminal avoid using sudo , then if still out press CTRL+ALT+F1 and you will be able to login as cli from there check your sudo dmesg
Mostly bottom lines for errors , you may post here if you see something unusual.
Just a simple man!
The freaky thing about it was how unpredictable it was. Sometimes I would enter the password, get a flash of the desktop, and be flicked right back to the timeout screen. Over and over. Other times I got a minute or more before it was triggered. After scrambling around in settings, I found that there is a separate place for the screensaver now. (Or maybe 'in this desktop' since I installed Cinnamon, not the default XFCE) and I just turned off the screen lock. So far it's now working as I expected.
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