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#1 2024-05-10 15:41:41

Registered: 2017-11-25
Posts: 1,225  

[SOLVED] Save an installation protocol

I tried twice now to install a Daedalus encrypted w/o separate /boot in a luks container holding a LVM for / and swap. Both legacy as efi installs fail from the 501 netinstall when writing the grub. Both in a Virtualbox VM.

With some poking around I managed to open a console with messages, I guess it was right CTRL F4. These messages do not really tell whats wrong, at least I can't see the reason for failure. I'd like to understand what is going wrong.

As far as I remember somebody told me that there also is some sort of protocol which I possibly could save. How do I get there?


#2 2024-05-10 23:21:59

From: Battery Point, Tasmania, AUS
Registered: 2016-11-30
Posts: 1,318  

Re: [SOLVED] Save an installation protocol

I think … -boot.html
is a fairly uptodate page, though as I don't use such encryption myself, I don't really know.

The short story is of course that the disk must hold bootloader and decryption software outside of the encryption, and the bootloader installation must know how to use that.

grub offers a granule of documentation at … mount.html
although that merely tells about what's possible rather than how to achieve it. But it looks like section 2 of the debian page above attempts to cover the additional hands-on.

EDIT: That doesn't answer to your actual question, which perhaps would be to use CTRL+F2 to get a command line and use that to explore the installer filesystem. I'm not sure what "installation protocol" is talked about though.


#3 2024-05-11 10:12:08

Registered: 2017-11-25
Posts: 1,225  

Re: [SOLVED] Save an installation protocol

Thanks for the feedback, I'll dig through that.

Anyhow, I am a step further today when I was yesterday. New questions arise now, new post to be written. I will close this one.

BTW: installation protocol in my understanding is a listing of commands and outputs of the system as you get on F4, just all logged into a file for later analysis.


#4 2024-05-11 12:29:24

From: Battery Point, Tasmania, AUS
Registered: 2016-11-30
Posts: 1,318  

Re: [SOLVED] Save an installation protocol

ok; ctrl+f4 shifts to vt4, which is dedicated to tail -f /var/log/syslog of the installer. Thus, you can use ctrl+f2 and less /var/log/syslog to explore that, or use nc to transfer it to another host.


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