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Pages: 1
I just created a new MATE system on a NUC. I installed ufw, but gfw was not available, whether via Symantec or apt. Is that a community creation?
Last edited by nobodyuknow (2024-02-05 17:57:17)
Try gufw
Thanks for the response. Yeah, that was a typo. I looked through Symantec, but did not see it. Now I tried again and it's there. I'm going blind.
... that was a typo. I looked through Symantec ...
Now, that was a real blast from the past. 8^°
Had not come across that name in maybe 15 years now.
I recall having seen some *.gho files and the MS portable executable to read them in one or two CDs somewhere within the pile of stuff to get rid of.
That said, you are (quite obviously) referring to synaptic, the GUI package manager a great many Linux users are fond of.
So that would make for two typos. 8^P !
Pages: 1