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#1 2023-09-12 10:00:48

Duke Nukem
Registered: 2018-11-07
Posts: 26  

[SOLVED] kde Menu Editor - Command Lines Not Allowed?

I have just installed Daedalus which came with kde v5.27.5.  The menu editor is not allowing me to add an item such as this :

gpg -d /home/dukenukem/secrets.gpg |less

I was previously using Devuan Ascii with whatever its default kde version was, and it allowed me to specify a complete command line such as the one above.  Now however the menu editor splits the command into a "Program" field and a "Command-Line Arguments" field. I have tried putting "gpg" in the "Program" field and the rest in the the "Command-Line Arguments" field, and also tried putting it all in the "Program" field. I have also tried omiting the "|less". But the best I get is a brief flash of a terminal window.

The above command works fine in a terminal. In the "Advanced" tab of the menu editor I have the "Run in Terminal" tab ticked.

Is there a way around this? What was the idea of splitting up the command - an attempt to dumb things down? It is very frustrating if you can no longer put a staightforward bash command into the menu editor.

Last edited by Duke Nukem (2023-09-12 10:02:53)


#2 2023-09-12 11:19:50

Registered: 2019-11-19
Posts: 427  

Re: [SOLVED] kde Menu Editor - Command Lines Not Allowed?

Probably need to run it through a terminal.....

...something like xterm -e "command"

Last edited by Camtaf (2023-09-12 11:22:18)


#3 2023-09-13 18:35:15

Duke Nukem
Registered: 2018-11-07
Posts: 26  

Re: [SOLVED] kde Menu Editor - Command Lines Not Allowed?

My workaround has been to create a bash script with the above full command and save it as ~/bin/gpg_script.  That allowed me to create a kde menu entry using that script name without needing the filename, options or pipes.  Obviously I ticked the "Run in Terminal" box in the Advanced tab.  It is a nuisance that the kde menu seems less powerful than it was before, unless I have missed something.


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