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I installed Daedalus and immediately installed libpam-ck-connector, sway and seatd as mentioned in the release notes. I am very impressed with how well everything went and works.
Installed swayidle and swaylock and I can get the screen to lock after a time out period.
Since loginctl is provided by elogind, how would I set up suspend? Thanks!
How do you even run wayland? No apps work on me on wayland, no firefox, chromium, brave. Even neofetch or inxi on terminal doesn't work.
Of the things on your list that I use, I'm having no problems. All I can think of is to tell you how I installed.
Did clean install using devuan_daedalus_5.0.0_amd64_netinstall.iso
unchecked Desktop Environment
unchecked XFCE
checked Console productivity
checked SSH server
kept standard system utilities checked
avoided apparmor and chose openrc
installed libpam-ck-connector, sway and seatd
took the default choice for each question about adding/removing packages
terminal is kitty
installed inxi with -R flag on aptitude
firefox-esr is working fine, neofetch and inxi work fine in kitty
i have created also the Index» Desktop and Multimedia» Sway with seatd post. Perhaps we could share our experiences with sway on Daedalus there in one thread ?
Last edited by chomwitt (2023-09-10 23:00:22)
Devuan(Chimaera)(Daedalus) DS+WM: XorgX11server+StumpVM
Pages: 1