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On another system I had mouse freezing up with 4.13 so I will not go that far yet.
4.12 seems at the moment to be running fine.
Am I pushing it for a break? I think it still has some tuning and fixing to go.
$ neofetch
..,,;;;::;,.. dev1@GX755
`':ddd;:,. ----------
`'dPPd:,. OS: Devuan GNU/Linux unstable (ceres) x86_64
`:b$$b`. Model: OptiPlex 755
'P$$$d` Kernel: 4.12.0-trunk-amd64
.$$$$$` Uptime: 22 mins
;$$$$$P Packages: 1598
.:P$$$$$$` Shell: bash 4.4.12
.,:b$$$$$$$;' Resolution: 1920x1080
.,:dP$$$$$$$$b:' DE: LXDE
.,:;db$$$$$$$$$$Pd'` WM: Openbox
,db$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b:'` WM Theme: Onyx-Citrus
:$$$$$$$$$$$$b:'` Theme: Mist [GTK2/3]
`$$$$$bd:''` Icons: Mate [GTK2/3]
`'''` Terminal: lxterminal
CPU: Intel 2 Duo E6550 (2) @ 2.333GHz
GPU: Intel Q35
GPU: Intel Q35
Memory: 263MiB / 3813MiB