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as per the title i'm trying to get a webp thumbnailer working with pcmanfm.
i put the following inside ~/.local/share/thumbnailers/webp.thumbnailer
[Thumbnailer Entry]
Name=webp Thumbnailer
Exec=/usr/bin/convert %i -thumbnail %s %o
and it doesn't work
i even put this inside ~/.local/share/mime/image/webp.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mime-type xmlns="" type="image/webp">
<!--Created automatically by update-mime-database. DO NOT EDIT!-->
<comment>WebP file</comment>
<icon name="image"/>
<glob pattern="*.webp"/>
and nothing, webp images inside pcmanfm still show the generic image icon
i'm on pcmanfm 1.3.2-1 with tumbler 4.16.0-1 on devuan ceres.
nevermind, i figured it out, pcmanfm uses gdk-pixbuf for images and doesn't really query thumbler for that, so it needs a webp loader for gdk-pixbuf, i'm lazy and don't use any other software that depends on gdk-pixbuf for the images so i just switched to thunar.
Last edited by EDX-0 (2022-05-30 21:23:07)
Pages: 1