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#1 2022-02-21 03:08:33

Registered: 2017-05-29
Posts: 1,000  

Question about portable drives for persistent live installations:

Does anyone know what portable solid state drives are good for linux hardware?

One rule though:  NOT NVME

I say this, as I don't know their compatibility with old devices... wink

Aka,  Thinkpads from before 2013, wink

Need one that is durable, that can be connected to usb 3.0/3.1

Also, I plan to disk clone several partitions onto the same solid state drive and be able to boot whichever one I choose.

Needs to be consistently at the speed of 300MB or faster
Needs to be able to be stuffed in a small bag more or less
Optional, but it would be nice if it could be rewritten over 100000 times or more, meaning recloned...
Last thing of needed, want one that is 1TB or more...


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#2 2022-02-21 09:56:56

Registered: 2019-11-19
Posts: 453  

Re: Question about portable drives for persistent live installations:

For speed & stability, SSD.

For longevity & compatability, HDD.

If it is to be used as a USB drive, any.

For large sized disk, 1TB or more, HDD - for price & longevity.


#3 2022-02-21 16:04:44

From: London
Registered: 2019-03-24
Posts: 3,125  

Re: Question about portable drives for persistent live installations:

SSD longevity is very good these days, they may even outlast spinning rust drives now.

My ThinkPad P14s Gen 2a NVMe drive has had ~6TB of writes and reports itself as 1% used in respect of total lifetime:

alpine:~$ doas nvme smart-log /dev/nvme0n1 | grep 'percentage\|write'
percentage_used				: 1%
host_write_commands			: 66812355

See also … -all-dead/ ← and that's almost seven years old now so current drives should be even better.

zapper wrote:

good for linux hardware

There shouldn't be compatibility problems for any hard drives. The firmware exposes the same interface regardless of manufacturer AFAIK.

Brianna Ghey — Rest In Power


#4 2022-02-21 20:09:25

Registered: 2017-05-29
Posts: 1,000  

Re: Question about portable drives for persistent live installations:

Head_on_a_Stick wrote:

SSD longevity is very good these days, they may even outlast spinning rust drives now.

My ThinkPad P14s Gen 2a NVMe drive has had ~6TB of writes and reports itself as 1% used in respect of total lifetime:

alpine:~$ doas nvme smart-log /dev/nvme0n1 | grep 'percentage\|write'
percentage_used				: 1%
host_write_commands			: 66812355

See also … -all-dead/ ← and that's almost seven years old now so current drives should be even better.

zapper wrote:

good for linux hardware

There shouldn't be compatibility problems for any hard drives. The firmware exposes the same interface regardless of manufacturer AFAIK.

Let me ask you then, can you connect a portable nvme solid state drive to a 2012 thinkpad, such as T430 or X230?

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#5 2022-02-21 20:33:11

From: London
Registered: 2019-03-24
Posts: 3,125  

Re: Question about portable drives for persistent live installations:

Erm, I don't know. I have an X201 but I don't have any portable NVMe SSDs. Sorry.

Brianna Ghey — Rest In Power


#6 2022-02-21 20:40:09

Registered: 2017-05-29
Posts: 1,000  

Re: Question about portable drives for persistent live installations:

Head_on_a_Stick wrote:

Erm, I don't know. I have an X201 but I don't have any portable NVMe SSDs. Sorry.

Hmm... that's not good...

Can you find any evidence of anyone having connected a NVME to a usb 3,1, on a thinkpad that is older than 2013?

Searching now...

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
If you wish to be humbled, try to exalt yourself long term  If you wish to be exalted, try to humble yourself long term
Favourite operating systems: Hyperbola Devuan OpenBSD
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