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I have two virtual machines for unstable versions. One is for debian sid, and the other is for devuan ceres.
Debian sid has shown packages to upgrade, as usual, for the last four days. Devuan ceres has not shown any packages to upgrade for these last four days. Although they do not show exactly the same package lists for upgrade each day, they are usually similar. Sometimes there are packages from debian that have different devuan versions that have to be prepared so there are delays for ceres, or the packages do not exist in devuan.
On both systems I run
sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get upgrade --autoremove
to perform the upgrades.
The /etc/apt/sources.list file for ceres uses
deb ceres main contrib non-free
and nothing on ceres has been changed except for previous package upgrades.
In the past there have been times when ceres has no upgrades and these were due to problems with the server. The release files had not been upgraded. I have checked these files and each day they had been updated. Today they were updated at 2021-01-11 03:26:28.
I cannot believe that all those debian files for the last four days have parallel devuan packages that still need to be prepared.
This behavior seems strange to me. Does anyone have any thoughts?
Thanks. I'm not sure if or where there is a problem, but a prompt like this is useful for the repo admins. I do know that there has been some recent amprolla improvement attempts, and perhaps they have "back-fired"... Keep checking.
Thanks. I will keep trying. Good luck.
also noticed the same... ceres repo without any updates for the past 2-3 days..
not the first time this happens, a devuan admin usually fixes that ...
ceres & testing repo unstuck now. thanks
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