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#1 2017-04-24 13:39:55

Geoff 42
Registered: 2016-12-15
Posts: 462  

Update glitch - Slim - F1 [Solved]

The announcement about the RC prodded me to update my system.

The next time I went to log in (using Slim), I noticed the message about pressing F1 to select the session. I thought that I ought to try this, but nothing seemed to happen, so I logged in. I then discovered that my normal LXDE session was not running.

After much head scratching etc. I realised that the problem was that I had pressed F1 and changed the session! When I retried this, I could just see that there was, in fact, a message in the centre of the screen, telling me which session I had selected. The problem was that the message was written in purple on a purple background.

Could I suggest that the session message is printed in a contrasting colour, to make it more obvious?


Last edited by Geoff 42 (2017-08-10 09:17:07)


#2 2017-04-24 14:28:54

Registered: 2016-11-30
Posts: 145  

Re: Update glitch - Slim - F1 [Solved]

Same on my machine-nearly invisible.

"The obstacle is the path."


#3 2017-06-26 08:10:18

Geoff 42
Registered: 2016-12-15
Posts: 462  

Re: Update glitch - Slim - F1 [Solved]

I notice that this has now improved and that when you press F1, the session is displayed in white on the purple background and is much more readable.

Thank you to whoever fixed it!



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