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Beowulf amd64, openrc as init, shares from file server mounted with nfs4. Veracrypt is used to open a NTFS container as data drive for a Win7 VM. This is done via a script in the user startup folder.
Shutting down this container seems to cause a about 15s long delay past the line "Asking all remaining processes to terminate".
The complete output looks like this:
[ok] Asking all remaining processes to terminate ... done.
Currently running processes (pstree):
[FAIL] Killing all remaining processes ... failed
On another PC with a similar setup, just without Veracrypt, the shutdown has normal speed.
How can I speedup closing the Veracrypt volume?
Seems you have a lot going on there, the wait time is probably good only being 15 seconds, how big is the space veracrypt is dealing with ?
If Caja is correct, 1.7TB. About half of a 4T drive.
Not sure how to make encryption faster on veracrypt for your specific use sorry rolfie. My experience is with lower physical drive space of a 64 GB usb that i use to backup docs that is encrypted with aes/serpent using a password and key file, unmounting usually takes around 3 - 5 seconds. Maybe you need some kind of enhanced entropy solution for the amount of space you are encrypting, maybe haveged or rng-tools?
Last edited by HevyDevy (2020-07-20 12:15:04)
Checked with my ASCII installation on the same PC. Had to update Veracrypt to run the same version first. There I do not see the shutdown delay I have with Beowulf. Something is different here.