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A RPi 2 Model B does not boot using image file devuan_ascii_2.0.0_armhf_raspi2.img.xz
It shows the initial color screen and then goes blank and stops.
There is no green led activity after this.
Can anyone point me to the right direction?
hello mmaglis,
Does you have a usb-serial cable to do some debug on that Image?
Does you experimented the image here:
Best Regards,
Does you have a usb-serial cable to do some debug on that Image?
Does you experimented the image here:
I probably have a usb-serial cable somewhere, but I do not know how to debug. Is there any guide somewhere?
I checked these new beowulf images, but there is none for RPi 2 yet. Nevertheless, I expected an older/tested image on an older RPi version to work smoothly.
the usb-serial adapter is conected to usb port, and then to the GPIO uart pins:
for instance take a look at the rpi GPIO:
Ground - GPIO 6
Tx - GPIO 8
RX - GPTI 10
then use for example picocom to connect to the uart:
apt-get install picocom
#picocom /dev/your_tty_device -b 115200
And only then apply power to the board.. and see wat is comming in the uart, its the best tool for debug
Tx means board TX( which means it needs to be conected to usb-serial RX )
Rx means board RX( which means it needs to be conected to usb-serial TX )
in the meantime you can try the image I proposed
and say something about it
Best Regards,
Best Regards,
hello mmaglis,
this image is known to work with your Raspberry Pi version( RPI 2B ) … 0.3.img.xz
user :password
root :toor
You just need to add a udev rule, so that the ethernet interface don't get named to a strange name..
cat - <<EOF >> /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="yours_maccaddress", ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth0"
Substitute 'yours_maccaddress' with your macaddress..
You cave 3 forms to get it..
boot with that image, attache a display, and a keyboard, and do a ifconfig
boot with another image and do a 'ifconfig', and its there,
Use a usb-serial cable attached to the ttyAMA0 uart, and power up the pi and see what comes in the uart
Last edited by tuxd3v (2020-05-21 17:07:33)
Best Regards,
Pages: 1