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Just FYI.
Everything installs fine (+network-manager-gnome), but no tray icon is showing up (tint2 and openbox in my case).
by default it should run from /etc/xdg/autostart/nm-applet.desktop.
So far I have tracked down kind of "dependancy" for that, which is python-xdg. BS it seems.
Just add nm-applet & to ~/.config/openbox/autostart and that's it. So far it works.
Wonder why python-xdg is not included in "dependancies" to work correctly or another solution provided. Or otherwise, people provided with information about situation.
BTW, Title should include word "SOLVED" before closing bracket, could not add this because what I think is limitation of "Subject" length.
I think wicd-gtk has that python-xdg dependency. As far as im aware network manager has no python deps.