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Good morning, I am a brazilian, that created a init system based on sysvinit in 2005, one of the firsts (or maybe the first one, don't get me bad, I just don't remember if Upstart comes first....) that start services in parallel but using sysvinit as core, for a brazilian distro called Resulinux that I abandoned.
I want to say at first that systemd, is one of the worst things created by the man.
I am migrating to Devuan that I loved so much. And I want to share with you my development, in fact, i am planing to put it at github, it maybe a garbage, but it can be faster than systemd or any other, because it can continues starting non-essential services (for the most of the users), after the boot, and have a extremely easy configuration
It is all writen in shell script uses the init as core and /etc/inittab, the modified part is all about the rc script, so it is sysvinit.
I am just another systemd hater, and I am migrating all my debian servers, to devuan servers (in servers I cant know a better init system than sysvinit), you are doing a great job, thank you.
As promissed:
Last edited by 777user (2019-03-22 13:18:21)
i am planing to put it at github
Since github becomes anti-opensource hosting i would recommend to consider gitlab as possible solution.
it maybe a garbage, but it can be faster than systemd
Can your init addon brick random motherboard and execute random code from random user with root privileges remotely? No? Then it's still better than systemd.
Yes is at github for a while, . But I will move it.
Please don't laugh, it is better in practice than in the code... The logic is fine, I think it just need to be adjusted to better practices.
I think it does not allow you to put random code, because it uses sysvinit binary, you configure it at /etc/inittab as a new rc script.
Last edited by 777user (2019-03-25 12:51:05)
This is /etc/texasflood.conf, for you to having a idea of what it can do (or will do):
Please downlaod at github, install, test it and say your first impressions, it will mean a lot for me.
#The texas flood boot system configuration.
#(c) 2005-2019 Texas Flood by Luciano A. Martini
#Welcome !!!
#This file is divided in sessions.
#If you are running a server texas flood, offer: auto-maintenance of your services, auto-alert emails and a lot of great and funny tools,
#like the disastred users protection and backdoor web server protection +plus this with the EXPERIMENTAL Real time priority control for services.
#At home you can have the lazy_services manipulation(this is disabled in server mode), that can increase much more your boot speed without disabling any of your services.
#In texasflood.list you can manipulate your web browser or favorite game to run faster than other apps, and more.
#Part 1: Texas Flood Graphical Interface Boot Speed Calibration (for home/office use only)
#Caution: When you enable server mode, the options in Part 1 will be ignored.
#Type here the services that you want to be loaded only before the system is ready, separated by pipe*, or a plus * at the end of service name to search service.
#The one processe texasflood will use to understand that the boot completes, for example, kmix, plasma, kicker, mate-desktop, or the best for you.
#When this processes finishes the lazy services will be called one by one
#If the wait_process fail, texas flood will call the lazy_services forced in 45 seconds:
#The low priority for the lazy services, a big number <20 will result in a slow running speed of this services, bigger numbers here is good for home use.
#remember server mode will ignore this configurations
#Part 2: Tunning
#Balance the services priorities according to the list on /etc/texasflood.list. This is great for experimental servers and stable home use:
#Enable libraries boot acceleration. It is pre-configured for KDE, you need to configure it for your system editing /etc/texasflood.nightmare
#If you dont know how to pre-load the right system files, leave it as 0, in a database server put the database files on /etc/texasflood.nightmare
#To get this working you need hoytech vmtouch installed on your system.
#Part 3: Server - Not ready in portable version
#Change to 1, if you are running a server. The lazy_processes behavior will be ignored, and the nice servers
#configurations in this session will start to work...
#Auto maintenance the services, according to the maintenance rules:
#Syntax: theport>thecommand_or_script_to_fix_it;
#I putted some examples for you, so if you enable the autorestart variable you will be happy =0)
#If you blank the variable this function will be disabled.
5432>/etc/init.d/postgresql restart;
443>/etc/init.d/apache2 restart;
80>/etc/init.d/apache2 restart;
22>/etc/init.d/ssh restart;
#Time in seconds beetwen a test and other (please do not use less than 30 seconds)
#If automaintenance is enabled you can run this command when the disk is full
when_disk_is_full_run="rm /var/log/stupidbiglognotrotating"
#And if your server send a mail for you when something just crashes?
#That's looks fine, 0 for disable, 1 for enable:
smtp_title="Everything crashed here $(</etc/hostname)."
#Check if this ports are closed (| separated), if it is, send me a mail:
#Email check processes (please, the real processes name in ps) (separated by pipe)
#Bad Uploads protection (server=1 and email=1 required!)
#If you are running on a web server, maybe you want to check if someone is trying to upload something that you dont like, like a backdoor
#Part 4 Accidents protection
#This will simply disable rm until you run a chmod +x on it. It will be disabled again in 1 minute ;-)
#Note: The running instances will still run.
#I know it is simple, but maybe you want it!
#Filesystem protection (accidents) (chattr +i)
#The files on this folder will be unmutable even if you are root
#This is bad if someone wants to write in the folder, so do not use in database folders.
#If you type nothing this service is disabled.
#The folders are space separated, so composed folder names will need \ in spaces.
Last edited by 777user (2019-03-25 14:31:54)
Pages: 1