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RIA77 wrote:Should I edit fstab ?
If you want to mount partition with mouse - no. You just need to change policykit rules. If you want to get partition already mounted after booting - yes.
RIA77 wrote:This is the current state of fstab. Should I make any corrections ?
If you have created /mnt/dev/sda5 directory manually - it's correct and after reboot NTFS partition will be mounted automatically. If it worked - it's great and you can add some options for better system integration.
Automount does not work, and manual mount, too. Where I made mistake ?
Automount does not work, and manual mount, too. Where I made mistake ?
I suppose you didn't create corresponding directory in /mnt.
I'l try to describe full solution from beginning to the end:
1. Create directory in /mnt. For example, you'l mount partition to /mnt/ntfs:
mkdir /mnt/ntfs
Did you create directory?
2. Find your ntfs partition in the system. Obvious way is gparted. There are also different ways for linux console, the easiest one is running /sbin/blkid as root.
Did you find NTFS partition?
3. Edit /etc/fstab. You have to add a string for mounting ntfs partition. Let's suppose NTFS partition is /dev/sda5. Let's begin with simplest way (without UUID). In case of /dev/sda5 (are you sure it's /dev/sda5?) you need the following:
/dev/sda5 /mnt/ntfs ntfs-3g defaults 0 0
If you done it right you able to mount this partition manually with root access:
mount /mnt/ntfs
If it doesn't work copy and paste error message here (or make a screenshot if it's hard to copy a text). If it works try to reboot and enter /mnt/ntfs directory as root user. If you can enter this directory as root but can't as unprivileged user - the problem is in permissions, and it can be solved easily with additional options in /etc/fstab.
Further actions depend on result.
I'll tried with fresh install. Now mounting is working. Just to add automount. I hope that it will last. Thank you to all guys.
Prior to the ntfs partition not mounting did you modify any settings somewhere, install something not in the devuan repos or install something from the devuan repos, things dont generally break by themselves? Also im not surprised the fstab method didnt work as you had the UUID wrapped in quotes"". UUID="12345678", plus other errors in that fstab line in your screenshot.
Reinstalling is not really the way to go for something like this.
Last edited by Panopticon (2019-03-14 12:23:32)
I'll tried with fresh install. Now mounting is working. Just to add automount. I hope that it will last. Thank you to all guys.
It's great you have found solution. However, i think you need a good docs. I recommend following book:
Information related to installation is outdated because GNU/Linux evolved seriously. For example, GUI, sound, network, ... - usually you don't have to configure it manually. However, basics wasn't changed and described very well: OS basics (UNIX Way), basic principles of system administration (because you are admin of your PC), command line and shell scripting basics (it's easy and useful for average user), filesystem and permissions, disk partitioning, why it's not smart to consider GNU/Linux as freeware Windows, how to get help and solve most of problems asap, how to customize system environment. The advantage of the book is simple explanation for easy understanding.
Reading recent docs is also useful. I recommend this old book only for forming the foundation of GNU/Linux understanding.
The point of this comment is: extrapolation of the Windows experience to GNU/Linux is inefficient in general. It leading to problems and misunderstanding.
Prior to the ntfs partition not mounting did you modify any settings somewhere, install something not in the devuan repos or install something from the devuan repos, things dont generally break by themselves? Also im not surprised the fstab method didnt work as you had the UUID wrapped in quotes"". UUID="12345678", plus other errors in that fstab line in your screenshot.
The fact: mounting/unmounting local partition with unprivileged user permissions doesn't work in Devuan out of box. Devuan ASCII and Devuan Ceres - same result. I think it shouldn't work because it's correct that unprivileged user can mount/unmount only removable devices. I wonder why it works on RIA77's PC after reinstalling Devian. May be this time he selected ntfs partition in installer and now it mounted during system boot.
Reinstalling is not really the way to go for something like this.
This is common problem of newcommers. They trying to use knowledge learned from Windows.