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when i make apt-get update this said me.
the problem is that kernel-package is in blackports, says he's missing the publicaciohn file.
W: The repository " ascii-blackports Release" does not have a Publication file.
N: The data in a repository like this cannot be authenticated and therefore its use is potentially dangerous.
N: See the apt-secure(8) manual page for details on creating repositories and configuring users.
E: Failure to obtain [url][/url] 404 Not Found [IP: 80]
E: Some index files could not be downloaded, were omitted, or old ones were used instead.
Translated with
Gora gu ta gutarrok
Try "backports" instead of "BLACKports".
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
comment out the following line so that you activate the backports repo (or add it if it's not already there):
deb ascii-backports main
you can check backported packages here:
since you use backports, you will have to resolve a few dependencies. aptitude is better than apt-get or apt for this purpose. on the other hand, it is not a good idea to mix apt-get and aptitude. it may be wiser to stick to apt-get for now.