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Not knowing off-hand which DM Devuan uses (think it's SDDM), the generic mugshot avatars showing have no user ID under them. This MAY be related to the fact that I do NOT use alpha ID's considerring such to be a security hole (much like onboard wifi cards that cannot be phyisically disabled). Since the users on this machine are few in number the issue is a no-brainer, one can easily tell from the sequence who is what but it could be a problem with hundreds of users. Couold also be a DM issue that has nothing to with Devuan...
Who, has loved us more?
Couold also be a DM issue that has nothing to with Devuan...
Of course it is, since Devuan has nothing to do with the desktop chosen and their display manager they use to login with. They just provide the software used by them for that purpose.