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#1 2024-10-07 07:27:56

From: Ortenau
Registered: 2021-04-25
Posts: 118  

firefox 128 urlbar and searchbar background color

Hi , they keep playing around with things, nobody needs to change. Now I have a grey urlbar and search bar,
which change color when the mouse hovers over it.
What a waste, because now I have to search the bars with the eyes, before I can target them with the mouse.

This Guy, who did it, has no knowledge about workplace ergonomics and MMI design.

Somewhere else I found a huge css script about changing a simple parameter.
Does anyone have a better solution, maybe a parameter for the color in the about:config ?

Searched but was not successful.

I use Mate on daedalus.
Does anyone have a better solution, maybe another browser where they don't fiddle with such ?

Meanwhile I kicked version 128 out and keep version 115

Last edited by bai4Iej2need (2024-10-07 23:59:17)

The devil, you know, is better than the angel, you don't know. by a British Citizen, I don't know too good.
One generation abandons the enterprises of another like stranded vessels. By Henry David Thoreau, WALDEN, Economy. Line 236 (Gutenberg text Version)
broken by design : … bug=958390


#2 2024-10-07 07:49:58

From: Stockholm, Sweden
Registered: 2020-03-14
Posts: 54  

Re: firefox 128 urlbar and searchbar background color

Linux GUI today sucks. Once upon a time GTK and QT apps looked similar. Now we have the problem you describe. My best tips about Firefox is Firefox Color To some extend you can even use it in Thunderbird , if you copy the extension file from Firefox to Thunderbird.


#3 2024-10-12 04:08:41

From: Ortenau
Registered: 2021-04-25
Posts: 118  

Re: firefox 128 urlbar and searchbar background color

was still not able to find the resetting of the search bar.
not in about:preferences / search 
nor in about:config I find the setting for a visible search bar

The devil, you know, is better than the angel, you don't know. by a British Citizen, I don't know too good.
One generation abandons the enterprises of another like stranded vessels. By Henry David Thoreau, WALDEN, Economy. Line 236 (Gutenberg text Version)
broken by design : … bug=958390


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