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#1 2024-05-06 03:22:48

Registered: 2022-08-27
Posts: 45  

chimaera: Stucking with zfs on root - mount and other errors

Created a base chimeara setup on one disk and setup zfs.
Works, can create/destroy pools and filesystems.
Then create a bootstrap setup, following the instruction for debian bookworm(!!!), ignoring
just the systemd part. In a first glance, everything was ok, installed simple software and
rebooted several times - until I snapshotted the rpool and bpool (syspool/bootpool for me).
Found grub bug description and mounted the pools, upgraded to grub from backport.
After bottable again, a lot of error coming up, which may have to do with mount-orde.

Configuring network interfaces...if-up.d/mountnfs[eth3]: waiting for interface eth1 before doing NFS
 mounts ... (warning).
 Starting enhanced syslogd: rsyslogdrsyslogd: $WorkDirectory: /var/spool/rsyslog can not be accessed,
 probably does not exist - directive ignored [v8.2302.0 try ]

>dir exist (perms: root/root)

Sharing ZFS filesystems failed to lock /etc/exports.d/zfs.exports.lock: No such file or directory

uups! dont understand!
>Can import/export pools and are mounts are like set in the installtion.

configfs not found in /proc/mount: exiting!

rsyslog does not accept messages from logger (but after restarting it),
same for ulogd2.

I just shortly made a "recommendation" in the ZFS group to provide detailed instructions for
sysv init systems - but his if future ....
Other instructions I found on Galaxy, skip the setup of the filesystems with its individual mount,
which are probably the root of the problem.

Have had a look for the configfs - I dont understand it. Looked at two other devuan installations
(live and standard [in KVM]) and there, it is at least not mounted.

Here are my zfs mounts

$ zfs list -r -o name,canmount,mounted,overlay,mountpoint
bootpool             off       no       on        112M  /boot
bootpool/BOOT        off       no       on        111M  none
bootpool/BOOT/devu5  on        yes      on        111M  /boot
syspool              off       no       on       6.86G  /
syspool/ROOT         off       no       on       1.35G  none
syspool/ROOT/devu5   noauto    yes      on       1.35G  /
syspool/home         on        yes      on       5.35G  /home
syspool/home/root    on        yes      on       5.35G  /root
syspool/ops          on        yes      on       2.55M  /ops
syspool/ops/tools    on        yes      on       2.32M  /ops/tools
syspool/opt          on        yes      on         96K  /opt
syspool/srv          on        yes      on         96K  /srv
syspool/tmp          on        yes      on        188K  /tmp
syspool/var          off       no       on        149M  /var
syspool/var/cache    on        yes      on        147M  /var/cache
syspool/var/lib      off       no       on         96K  /var/lib
syspool/var/log      on        yes      on        884K  /var/log
syspool/var/mail     on        yes      on         96K  /var/mail
syspool/var/spool    on        yes      on        192K  /var/spool

Any help would be really great!



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