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#1 2024-03-26 20:46:54

Registered: 2022-07-24
Posts: 261  

Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out is related to this message

The problem wasn't lacking pm-util. I know now that much.
Disabled lightdm with sysv-rc-conf .
Rebooted (maybe not that necessary but anyways) .
Logged in as normal user.
Tried startx and startxfce4 .
Found out that Fujitsu's pad was not working. Ditto for usb-mouse.
Last year i had similar kind of problem but i thought that it was just /tmp -related problem. Or that my scripts broke something. Maybe that's not the whole story.

Had to shut down with powerbutton because ctrl+alt+backspace didn't do anything. Nor ctrl+alt+del.

Fujitsu had problems with obeying ctrl+alt+F-keys before, i think.

Now i have removed lightdm and replaced it with lxdm. Soon i will try exiting from xfce and see what happens.
Looks like when i have logged in from lxdm , i can use "ctr+alt+f"-keys.

And after that i'll try to disable lxdm and run startx or startxfce4 as normal_user.


#2 2024-03-27 02:18:00

Registered: 2022-07-24
Posts: 261  

Re: Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out

Tried to remove xorg/xorg/lxd* - related packages and reinstall some of them. Now i have kind of broken my system. LUckily chimaera livedvd still works.

Before that i went into text mode again.
Run "Xorg -configure" .
And then tried to start X with the configfile which the previous command provided.
X refused to start.
I saw some complaints about seatd in the log (Xorg.0.lod under my home_dir).

In some log file there were also complaints about /dev/tty$SOMETHING - files.

So seatd/libseatd/access rights of /dev/tty* are the suspects now.

Btw. i'm using Daedalus now instead of Chimaera.


#3 2024-03-27 02:20:55

Registered: 2022-07-24
Posts: 261  

Re: Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out

GlennW, any ideas concerning seatd and tty:s ?
I would like to have a working xorg/xfce/lxdm again. There may be some things i would like to do this week.


#4 2024-03-27 02:25:05

Registered: 2022-07-24
Posts: 261  

Re: Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out

The obvious solution, of course, is to reinstall Daedalus, this time with desktop version instead of netinstall.
Considering the partition scheme i currently have, netinstall is not absolutely necessary and on the other hand maybe desktop install disk knows how to set up xorg properly.

The amount of automagick in these current distros is annoying... when there is problems there's also no config files to be found.

Edit. maybe find /usr -name 'xorg*' helps. Didn't find xorg.conf under /etc last night.

Last edited by nahkhiirmees (2024-03-27 17:31:30)


#5 2024-03-27 02:42:46

Registered: 2022-07-24
Posts: 261  

Re: Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out

Ok, "xorg needs something that is not available" could explain why plain startx or startxfce won't work.
But how do i make those commands work? What it is that is needed?

Also it is annoying that GUI is put into init 2. In the Good Old Times X started in init 3 or init 5 .
That way, if there's problems with X, you could make init 2 the default and log into text mode.

Last edited by nahkhiirmees (2024-03-27 02:46:01)


#6 2024-03-27 16:53:51

Registered: 2022-07-24
Posts: 261  

Re: Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out

I think the o-rights for /dev/tty* were "---" . And the seatd's complaints involved access rights about seatd's socket under /run. Have to confirm that though.

If that's the case with tty dev files then lxdm or lightdm can access those dev files with g- or u- rights.
Not yet sure how this hypothesis can help with solving the problem.

Chmod o+rw /dev/tty* may have side effects.
Would like to consult some x-related man pages in the case they'll help.
Would also like to find out what it is that xorg need that startx can't provide.

Last edited by nahkhiirmees (2024-03-27 17:30:24)


#7 2024-03-27 21:36:35

Registered: 2022-07-24
Posts: 261  

Re: Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out

Now i have a kind of working GUI. Again.

Mouse and pad works. Startxfce4 starts but logging out still results in that "gray screen".
I added "vga=794" and "console=tty12"-options into /etc/default/grub and ran update-grun after that.
I have also reinstalled seatd, libseat, xinit, xorg, elogind and some of the xfce4-something-packages.

Most of the "ls -las /dev/tty*" output look like this:

crw--w---- 1 root    tty 

/run/seatd.sock looks like:

0 srwxrwx---  1 root       video         0 Mar 28 02:13 seatd.sock

Besides the outputs of "Xorg -configure" there is 1 instance of xorg.conf , under /usr/share/doc/xserver-xorg-video-intel/
that says:

Section "Device"
	Identifier "Intel"
	Driver "intel"
#	Option "AccelMethod" "uxa"

haven't tried it yet.
And "grep EE ~/local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log" says:

[   659.660] (EE) [libseat/backend/seatd.c:66] Could not connect to socket /run/seatd.sock: Permission denied
[   659.878] (EE) open /dev/fb0: Permission denied
[   660.844] (II) Initializing extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER

"grep EE ~/local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log" says:

[   739.154] (EE) [libseat/backend/seatd.c:66] Could not connect to socket /run/seatd.sock: Permission denied
[   739.309] (EE) open /dev/fb0: Permission denied
[   739.611] (II) Initializing extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER
[   752.104] (EE) seatd_libseat device not open (/dev/input/event2)
[   752.104] (EE) seatd_libseat device not open (/dev/input/event0)
[   752.104] (EE) seatd_libseat device not open (/dev/input/event7)
[   752.104] (EE) seatd_libseat device not open (/dev/input/event1)
[   752.105] (EE) seatd_libseat device not open (/dev/input/event3)
[   752.105] (EE) seatd_libseat device not open (/dev/input/event8)
[   752.105] (EE) seatd_libseat device not open (/dev/input/event5)

so there is still some problems with the owners and access rights of dev files. Quite unclear how desktop install or livedvd's install fixed those.

Not sure if i had seatd or libseatd installed before i started "fixing" that "gray screen problem".
I did some googling and in some forum /etc/environment was mentioned. In my system it is empty. Maybe there should be something elogid-related or maybe not.

Last edited by nahkhiirmees (2024-03-27 21:38:44)


#8 2024-03-27 21:41:26

Registered: 2022-07-24
Posts: 261  

Re: Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out

"ls -las  /dev/fb*" says:

0 crw-rw---- 1 root video 29, 0 Mar 28 02:13 /dev/fb0

my normal_user_account doesn't have video in its groups. It's easy to add that group but will there be unintended consequences for that action?

Edit. found this: … org.77666/ , the group_thing was mentioned. Although there are still some more search results to read.

And /usr/bin/Xorg doesn't have any s-bits in its access rights. Should it?

Last edited by nahkhiirmees (2024-03-27 21:53:54)


#9 2024-03-27 21:55:16

Registered: 2022-07-24
Posts: 261  

Re: Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out

I'll have to reinstall more packages. Noticed that the "audio control panel"-thing was missing from xfce's "top menu".
Now i cannot turn audio back on. It is disabled by default.

Soon i may start to worry about some kind of butterfly-effect...

Last edited by nahkhiirmees (2024-03-27 21:56:48)


#10 2024-03-27 22:01:03

Registered: 2022-07-24
Posts: 261  

Re: Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out … re-x-there okay, so there are some configuration files related to xorg. But they are not all under /etc/X11 . I find that annoying .

Last edited by nahkhiirmees (2024-03-28 02:01:43)


#11 2024-03-28 02:03:19

Registered: 2022-07-24
Posts: 261  

Re: Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out

Tried "adduser -aG video $USER" . Didn't help. So reinstall with another install disk is required.


#12 2024-03-29 21:58:26

Registered: 2022-07-24
Posts: 261  

Re: Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out

I'll soon try again. See what dmesg and files under /var/log say about that "gray screen situation".
Have to also find out what that "working mixer software in the xfce's top menu" exactly was.
But the easy way out seems to be using the desktop installer disk.

Planning to return that "Docker&Python&postgres"-thing inside that vm some day.

PS. Google and Duckduckgo know something about "xorg freezes after logging out"-situation but most of the results are 10+ year old. Not sure if those are relevant.

Last edited by nahkhiirmees (2024-03-29 22:00:53)


#13 2024-03-30 00:06:59

Registered: 2022-07-24
Posts: 261  

Re: Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out

Now the GUI works, kind of better.
After adding normal_user to groups "video" and "input", i noticed that startx started behaving more normal.

I mean ctrl+alt+F-keys did what they're supposed to.
Could exit xfce without freezing.

But starting X with -config , that still froze.
I started to think that maybe window manager has something to do with this situation.
At least twm is missing for some reason. Propably as a collateral damage for removing and reinstalling x-related packages.

Btw. is it dangerous to add my normal_user_account into group input?
I guess it is OK to add normal user account into group video. But not convinced that input is ok form normal user...

Last edited by nahkhiirmees (2024-03-30 00:08:03)


#14 2024-03-30 18:47:16

Registered: 2022-07-24
Posts: 261  

Re: Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out

Tried installing with the Daedalus desktop install dvd.
X "worked out of the box".
X worked even after i removed some not-so-necessary packages.
I think the alt-f-keys worked and exiting xfce didn't cause any freezing.

But then i returned some files under /etc which i saved into another partition just before reinstall.
That ruined X, i mean that the "gray screen returned".

So configuration files play some role in this problem.
Should restore /etc more carefully next time.


#15 2024-03-30 19:12:53

Registered: 2022-07-24
Posts: 261  

Re: Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out

Found this: . May be related or maybe not.


#16 2024-03-30 19:45:17

Registered: 2022-07-24
Posts: 261  

Re: Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out

Btw. is it dangerous to add my normal_user_account into group input?
I guess it is OK to add normal user account into group video. But not convinced that input is ok form normal user...

Answering to myself:
don't think it's OK because, for example: … up_secure/ … oup-secure

so another kind of solution should be found. Or at least use that udev-trick.


#17 2024-03-30 21:02:38

From: Battery Point, Tasmania, AUS
Registered: 2016-11-30
Posts: 1,247  

Re: Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out

Any user who is allowed to become root may well be in the input group.


#18 2024-03-31 05:53:25

Registered: 2022-07-24
Posts: 261  

Re: Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out

Reinstalled AGAIN. This time i was more careful when restoring the backups of /etc.

Now lxdm starts in init 3.
GUI mostly works. Audio works also.

ps -aux says:

root      1623  3.9  1.3 1487280 105316 tty7   Ssl+ 11:32   0:02 /usr/lib/xorg/X

... i guess X is supposed to run as root when started from lxdm?

But there is still that freezing-problem after logging out of xfce. When that is present, there is very little point in running lxdm at all. I could instead say startxfce in init 2.


#19 2024-03-31 08:55:35

From: Battery Point, Tasmania, AUS
Registered: 2016-11-30
Posts: 1,247  

Re: Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out

There was a bug in logind0 where it, upon exiting the seat, changed the ttyN owner to be root and that resulted in the user not being able to run startx a second time (that bug was inherited from the s*d code where it had been logged and resolved as a "won't fix" issue).

Though I don't remember the versions involved off-hand, and I believe the fix got into daedalus so  your "freezing problem" is likely something else. If you have any "side entry" (ssh or something) to the host you could check. That bug was only with elogind and not with seatd.


#20 2024-04-02 19:28:10

Registered: 2022-07-24
Posts: 261  

Re: Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out

Did some testing today.

With chimaera live dvd (burned last july i think) i can exit xfce4 and no freezing.
With daedalus live dvd (burned abt 2 weeks ago) i cannot exit xfce4 without freezing.

Booted the installed Daedalus and ran startx as root in init 2 mode:
mouse work, pad worked
exited xfce4 and my machine froze.
There was no lxdm running.

(i think for a while i could exit xfce4 without problems when running as root, but that must have been before the latest reinstall attempt)

Booted the installed Daedalus and ran startx as normal user.
mouse didn't work nor the pad
exited and machine froze.
No lxdm running either in this case.

Booted again and said "telinit 3" as root.
Now mouse works. Pad works.
Ctrl+alt+F-keys work.
Don't dare to exit xfce4 just yet when writing this message.

Looks like the problem is somehow tied to Daedalus. Running a graphical  login manager(like slim/lightdm/slim) helps with the mouse. But it is not enough.
With Chimaera i think i could run xorg without problems most of the time. (May last year there were some temporary mouse/pad-problems but they went away.)
Maybe there are still some bugs hiding in elogind/logind/seatd/whatever. Or maybe i should run that memtest.

Right now command "uname -r" says:6.1.0-18-amd64.
"dpkg -l seal*" says: "dpkg-query: no packages found matching seal*"
ditto for libseat
... EDit:

on the other hand dpkg -l seat* says:

un  seatd          <none>       <none>       (no description available)

dpkg -l libseat:

ii  libseat1:amd64 0.7.0-6      amd64        flexible user, seat and session management library

dpkg -l login*:

ii  login          1:4.13+dfsg1-1+b1 amd64        system login tools
un  logind         <none>            <none>       (no description available)

dpkg -l elogin* :

ii  elogind        246.10-5     amd64        user, seat and session management 

dpkg -l xserver* :

un  xserver                        <none>                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  xserver-common                 2:21.1.7-3+deb12u2devuan1 all          common files used by various >
ii  xserver-xorg                   1:7.7+23                  amd64        X.Org X server
ii  xserver-xorg-core              2:21.1.7-3+deb12u2devuan1 amd64        Xorg X server - core server
un  xserver-xorg-driver-all        <none>                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  xserver-xorg-input-all         1:7.7+23                  amd64        X.Org X server -- input drive>
un  xserver-xorg-input-evtouch     <none>                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  xserver-xorg-input-libinput    1.2.1-1+b1                amd64        X.Org X server -- libinput in>
ii  xserver-xorg-input-wacom       1.1.0-1                   amd64        X.Org X server -- Wacom input>
ii  xserver-xorg-legacy            2:21.1.7-3+deb12u2devuan1 amd64        setuid root Xorg server wrapp>
ii  xserver-xorg-video-all         1:7.7+23                  amd64        X.Org X server -- output driv>
ii  xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu      23.0.0-1                  amd64        X.Org X server -- AMDGPU disp>
ii  xserver-xorg-video-ati         1:19.1.0-3                amd64        X.Org X server -- AMD/ATI dis>
ii  xserver-xorg-video-fbdev       1:0.5.0-2                 amd64        X.Org X server -- fbdev displ>
ii  xserver-xorg-video-intel       2:2.99.917+git20210115-1  amd64        X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx,>
un  xserver-xorg-video-mach64      <none>                    <none>       (no description available)
un  xserver-xorg-video-modesetting <none>                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  xserver-xorg-video-nouveau     1:1.0.17-2                amd64        X.Org X server -- Nouveau dis>
ii  xserver-xorg-video-qxl         0.1.5+git20200331-3       amd64        X.Org X server -- QXL display>
un  xserver-xorg-video-r128        <none>                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  xserver-xorg-video-radeon      1:19.1.0-3                amd64        X.Org X server -- AMD/ATI Rad>
ii  xserver-xorg-video-vesa        1:2.5.0-1+b1              amd64        X.Org X server -- VESA displa>
ii  xserver-xorg-video-vmware      1:13.3.0-3.1+b1           amd64        X.Org X server -- VMware disp>

dpkg -l xorg-* :

un  xorg-docs         <none>       <none>       (no description available)
ii  xorg-docs-core    1:1.7.1-1.2  all          Core documentation for the X Window System
un  xorg-driver-input <none>       <none>       (no description available)
un  xorg-driver-video <none>       <none>       (no description available)
un  xorg-input-abi-24 <none>       <none>       (no description available)
un  xorg-video-abi-25 <none>       <none>       (no description available)

dpkg -l lxdm* :

ii  lxdm           0.5.3-4      amd64        LXDE display manager

dpkg -l xfce* :

un  xfce-keyboard-shortcuts        <none>          <none>       (no description available)
ii  xfce4                          4.18            all          Meta-package for the Xfce Lightweight D>
ii  xfce4-appfinder                4.18.0-1        amd64        Application finder for the Xfce4 deskto>
un  xfce4-cddrive-plugin           <none>          <none>       (no description available)
rc  xfce4-clipman                  2:1.6.2-1       amd64        clipboard history utility
un  xfce4-goodies                  <none>          <none>       (no description available)
ii  xfce4-helpers                  4.18.2-1        amd64        helpers for the Xfce4 desktop environme>
ii  xfce4-notifyd                  0.7.3-1         amd64        simple, visually-appealing notification>
ii  xfce4-panel                    4.18.2-1        amd64        panel for Xfce4 desktop environment
ii  xfce4-power-manager            4.18.1-1        amd64        power manager for Xfce desktop
ii  xfce4-power-manager-data       4.18.1-1        all          power manager for Xfce desktop, arch-in>
ii  xfce4-power-manager-plugins    4.18.1-1        amd64        power manager plugins for Xfce panel
ii  xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin:amd64  0.4.5-1         amd64        Xfce4 panel plugin to control pulseaudio
ii  xfce4-screenshooter            1.10.3-1        amd64        screenshots utility for Xfce
ii  xfce4-session                  4.18.1-1devuan2 amd64        Xfce4 Session Manager
ii  xfce4-settings                 4.18.2-1        amd64        graphical application for managing Xfce>
ii  xfce4-terminal                 1.0.4-1         amd64        Xfce terminal emulator
un  xfce4-utils                    <none>          <none>       (no description available)
un  xfce4-volstatus-icon           <none>          <none>       (no description available)
rc  xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin:amd64 2.7.2-1         amd64        Alternate menu plugin for the Xfce desk>
lines 1-25/25 (EN

... and root:tty are still the owners of the files /dev/input/ .

Attempts to run startx without lxdm caused these "EE"-rows to appear in ~/.config/local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log:

[    82.770] (EE) [libseat/backend/logind.c:317] Could not activate session: Permission denied
[    82.777] (EE) [common/terminal.c:162] Could not open target tty: Permission denied
[    82.778] (EE) [seatd/seat.c:61] Could not open tty0 to update VT: Permission denied
[    82.781] (EE) [common/terminal.c:162] Could not open target tty: Permission denied
[    82.782] (EE) [seatd/seat.c:72] Could not open terminal for VT 0: Permission denied
[    82.784] (EE) [seatd/seat.c:461] Could not open VT for client
[    82.785] (EE) [common/terminal.c:162] Could not open target tty: Permission denied
[    82.786] (EE) [seatd/seat.c:86] Could not open terminal to clean up VT 0: Permission denied
[    83.808] (II) Initializing extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER
[    83.927] (EE) xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/input/event5
[    83.927] (EE) libinput: Fujitsu FUJ02E3: Failed to create a device for /dev/input/event5
[    83.928] (EE) PreInit returned 2 for "Fujitsu FUJ02E3"
[    83.930] (EE) xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/input/event8
[    83.930] (EE) libinput: Video Bus: Failed to create a device for /dev/input/event8
[    83.930] (EE) PreInit returned 2 for "Video Bus"
[    83.932] (EE) xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/input/event3
[    83.932] (EE) libinput: Power Button: Failed to create a device for /dev/input/event3
[    83.932] (EE) PreInit returned 2 for "Power Button"
[    83.934] (EE) xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/input/event1
[    83.934] (EE) libinput: ELAN0D01:00 04F3:3092 Mouse: Failed to create a device for /dev/input/event1
[    83.934] (EE) PreInit returned 2 for "ELAN0D01:00 04F3:3092 Mouse"
[    83.935] (EE) xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/input/event7
[    83.935] (EE) libinput: ELAN0D01:00 04F3:3092 Touchpad: Failed to create a device for /dev/input/event7
[    83.935] (EE) PreInit returned 2 for "ELAN0D01:00 04F3:3092 Touchpad"
[    83.937] (EE) xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/input/event0
[    83.937] (EE) libinput: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard: Failed to create a device for /dev/input/event0
[    83.937] (EE) PreInit returned 2 for "AT Translated Set 2 keyboard"
[    83.938] (EE) xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/input/event2
[    83.938] (EE) libinput: ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad: Failed to create a device for /dev/input/event2
[    83.938] (EE) PreInit returned 2 for "ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad"
[    96.412] (EE) xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/input/event15
[    96.412] (EE) libinput: INSTANT USB GAMING MOUSE  Keyboard: Failed to create a device for /dev/input/event15
[    96.412] (EE) PreInit returned 2 for "INSTANT USB GAMING MOUSE  Keyboard"
[    96.460] (EE) xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/input/event14
[    96.460] (EE) libinput: INSTANT USB GAMING MOUSE : Failed to create a device for /dev/input/event14
[    96.460] (EE) PreInit returned 2 for "INSTANT USB GAMING MOUSE "
[   132.256] (EE) xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/input/event15
[   132.256] (EE) libinput: INSTANT USB GAMING MOUSE  Keyboard: Failed to create a device for /dev/input/event15
[   132.256] (EE) PreInit returned 2 for "INSTANT USB GAMING MOUSE  Keyboard"
[   132.336] (EE) xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/input/event14
[   132.336] (EE) libinput: INSTANT USB GAMING MOUSE : Failed to create a device for /dev/input/event14
[   132.336] (EE) PreInit returned 2 for "INSTANT USB GAMING MOUSE "
[   169.957] (EE) [common/terminal.c:162] Could not open target tty: Permission denied
[   169.957] (EE) [seatd/seat.c:86] Could not open terminal to clean up VT 0: Permission denied
[   170.179] (EE) [libseat/backend/seatd.c:122] Could not flush connection: Broken pipe

the cause for these errors is clear but adding normal_user to group input won't necessarily help since the "freezing problem" now exists with root-account also.

Last edited by nahkhiirmees (2024-04-02 19:48:39)


#21 2024-04-02 19:36:50

Registered: 2022-07-24
Posts: 261  

Re: Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out

Maybe i should return to using Chimaera. But a week of installation attempts is enough for a while.


#22 2024-04-10 21:11:39

Registered: 2022-07-24
Posts: 261  

Re: Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out

Looks like i should have installed lxde as a desktop instead of lightdm+xfce.
In virtual machine, i can exit and enter lxde without problems.
Haven't tried how startx or Xorg worked yet. On the other hand there's no actual need for that.

Somehow i don't like the shape of things today. About 20 years earlier i could use twm/fvwm95/fluxbox/kde/xfce/whatever and start those from text mode if i wanted. And they gave me no problems.
Now i cannot do anything GUI-related without a displaymanager.
And even then, there may be a freezing-with-gray-screen-problem.

Well , at least i know that it is possible to have a working GUI in Daedelus, at least in a vm.
The access-rights of /dev/input/* didn't seem to be a problem. Also no need for normal-user to belong in group "input".

Last edited by nahkhiirmees (2024-04-10 21:19:26)


#23 2024-04-28 21:36:21

Registered: 2022-07-24
Posts: 261  

Re: Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out

Recently noticed this: . Started to think: could removal of polkit-related packages have something to do with my "freezing problem" ?

And then there's that idea:replace xfce with lxde.

But on the other hand, i would like to get some Docker-related stuff done first before i cause a Fukushima-Chernobyl-level catastrophe. I think there's a related comic in but right now i'm too lazy to remember the exact link. Maybe sharks were mentioned, maybe not.


Last edited by nahkhiirmees (2024-04-28 22:34:03)


#24 2024-04-29 12:52:44

Registered: 2022-07-24
Posts: 261  

Re: Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out

By "removal of polkit-related packages" i meant:

apt-get remove --purge pol*;apt autoremove

rather not touch "libpolkit*" -packages since year 2022 when i found out that some of them are actually necessary if you want to log in to X.


#25 2024-05-03 18:19:15

Registered: 2022-07-24
Posts: 261  

Re: Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out

Next time i'm in the mood for doing something, i think i'll try also find out if elogind is necessary or not.
On the other hand , about 3 months ago i was too clever with postgres and i should find out i i can coerce sqlite to cooperate or not.


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