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#1 2023-12-14 11:10:17

Registered: 2022-07-10
Posts: 63  

Kernel 6.1.0-15 causes network-manager to hang when shutting down

Hi all :-)

I have Devuan on a quite old notebook (still x86, but I don't know if that matters). I updated it yesterday and noticed it would not shut down correctly anymore, just hangs and nothing happens.

I played around a bit and found that network-manager would refuse to stop, and later on, "Deconfigurating network interfaces" (or such) would finally block the shutdown, so that one can only push the power button so long the machine is finally killed.

This only happens using kernel 6.1.0-15. When booting 6.1.0-13, the machine shuts down normally.

I'm quite new to Devuan (and to the whole Debian world, I'm normally on Gentoo or Artix), so: Where would I report such an issue or search for anybody else having done so? And what's the proper way to tell my system it should boot 6.1.0-13 for now, and keep the kernel? On Gentoo, we normally build a kernel ourselves, and the package manager would only touch the sources when cleaning up, not the compiled kernel.

Thanks for all (newbie) help :-)


#2 2023-12-14 13:18:05

Registered: 2022-10-26
Posts: 646  

Re: Kernel 6.1.0-15 causes network-manager to hang when shutting down

The repository has a program grub-customizer, this is a GUI editor for the configuration file and a bootloader installer.



#3 2023-12-14 13:22:37

Registered: 2017-11-25
Posts: 1,225  

Re: Kernel 6.1.0-15 causes network-manager to hang when shutting down

The kernel comes down from Debian. So a bug report into Debian would make sense. Though if I read the messages right the problem really is at

Looks like your issues add to the network problems seen by others with the -15 kernel.


#4 2023-12-14 13:28:26

Registered: 2022-10-26
Posts: 646  

Re: Kernel 6.1.0-15 causes network-manager to hang when shutting down

The 6.510 kernel has been installed on the laptop for a week now, and it works without problems.


#5 2023-12-14 14:26:33

Registered: 2017-11-25
Posts: 1,225  

Re: Kernel 6.1.0-15 causes network-manager to hang when shutting down

aluma wrote:

The repository has a program grub-customizer, this is a GUI editor for the configuration file and a bootloader installer.

aluma wrote:

The 6.510 kernel has been installed on the laptop for a week now, and it works without problems.

What up with you today? grub-customizer is off-topic and we are talking about kernel 6.1.0-15.

That new kernel may run fine on many computers, but if you listen into the Debian forums you will find several issues with this kernel and network problem, mostly WiFi, but not only.


#6 2023-12-14 14:57:28

Registered: 2022-10-26
Posts: 646  

Re: Kernel 6.1.0-15 causes network-manager to hang when shutting down

What prevents you from having several kernels installed and choosing the one you need when loading the OS?
What prevents you from selecting the desired kernel version from the repository in Synaptic, for example?

But OK, I won't interfere.



#7 2023-12-14 16:05:09

Registered: 2017-11-25
Posts: 1,225  

Re: Kernel 6.1.0-15 causes network-manager to hang when shutting down

aluma wrote:

What prevents you from having several kernels installed and choosing the one you need when loading the OS?

Nothing but: lately the update routine behind linux-image-amd64 just keeps max 3 kernels. On my Daedalus PC I have the 6.1.0-13, and 6.4 and two 6.5 kernels from backports. And my linux-image-amd64 is from backports so my kernel updates all come from there now. The 6.1 kernel history has been deleted by suggested apt autoremove actions.

And all of this without grub customizer (which caused me a lot of grief, so I think this tool cannot be recommended).

aluma wrote:

What prevents you from selecting the desired kernel version from the repository in Synaptic, for example?

Nothing except the standard solution is to let the meta-package linux-image-amd64 take care for updates. At least I am doing so. 
You always are able to install kernels that are listed in the repository. I personally have no idea how that looks like.

Last edited by rolfie (2023-12-14 16:05:53)


#8 2023-12-20 14:05:29

Registered: 2022-07-10
Posts: 63  

Re: Kernel 6.1.0-15 causes network-manager to hang when shutting down

Just FYI: With 6.1.0-16, it works again.


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