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Hi all,
I am experiencing an issue with suspend to RAM after upgrading Chimaera to Daedalus.
If Xorg is running (I have configured rootless Xorg), suspend to RAM does not work. It hangs the system with blank display and I have to forcefully shutdown. No input is possible then, only CTRL-ALT-PrtScn+B works to reboot the system. I cannot start a tty with CTRL-ALT+Fkeys.
However, when issuing sudo pm-suspend from tty without starting the X server suspend to RAM works properly.
I guess this might be due to the changes in the way Xorg controls rootless access, but I have no idea where to start trying to fix the issue.
Could someone help me/explain what exaclty changed in Xorg setup that could affect suspend to RAM?
I'm not certain what the exact issue is. I tested suspend on a fresh install of Daedalus and it works for me. Perhaps when you upgraded a configuration issue occurred with elogind?
this guide maybe of use.