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When I shut down Daedalus, I get this message:
Shutting down alsa ... warning: alsactl store -e HOME=/run/alsa -e xdg_runtime_Dir=/run/alsa/runtime failed with error message alsactl: get_control:255:Cannot read control 3.0.0Playback channelMap.0: invalid argument ... failed
Does anyone have any ideas about this?
Devuan has something missing in the alsa department, there's a value not saved in mate-media : Sound Preferences -> Hardware -> Profile, not persisting over reboot.
Devuan has something missing in the alsa department, there's a value not saved in mate-media : Sound Preferences -> Hardware -> Profile, not persisting over reboot.
Ah, o.k., thank you. It does not affect my work with the computer. However, it is strange that I have the message on desktop PC, but not on my ThinkPad, although it is exactly the same system.
Best regards