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#1 2021-02-22 20:45:13

Registered: 2017-05-07
Posts: 1,592  

kwalletd failure in syslog


I have this line in my /var/log/syslog:

Feb 22 16:35:25 devuan dbus-daemon[2963]: [session uid=1000 pid=2961] Activated service 'org.kde.kwalletd' failed: Failed to execute program org.kde.kwalletd: No such file or directory

I know uid=1000 is me but I cannot find pid=2961 which I guess is the program that syslog says failed to execute.

groucho@devuan:~$ ls /proc
1      121   129   1668  2058  25    2904  2992  3036  3131  37    4804  9591       driver       kpagecgroup   sched_debug    version
10     122   130   1697  207   2514  2905  2996  3040  3155  38    5185  9592       execdomains  kpagecount    schedstat      vmallocinfo
10097  1224  131   17    208   26    2906  3     3060  3161  39    6     acpi       fb           kpageflags    self           vmstat
10349  1225  132   1704  21    2602  2907  30    3063  3166  4     6091  asound     filesystems  loadavg       slabinfo       zoneinfo
10397  1226  14    1705  2102  2631  2908  3003  3072  3171  40    66    buddyinfo  fs           locks         softirqs
10401  1227  142   1708  2135  2633  2916  3007  3074  3183  4094  67    bus        interrupts   meminfo       stat
10483  1228  15    1719  2160  2658  2927  3008  3077  3186  41    6743  cgroups    iomem        misc          swaps
11     1229  1555  19    2161  2667  2930  3009  3078  3195  413   7990  cmdline    ioports      modules       sys
115    123   157   1968  2190  27    2962  3013  3079  3199  42    8     consoles   irq          mounts        sysrq-trigger
116    124   16    1982  2192  2771  2963  3022  3081  32    43    8664  cpuinfo    kallsyms     mpt           sysvipc
117    125   161   2     22    2804  2973  3023  3082  33    44    8760  crypto     kcore        mtrr          thread-self
118    126   164   20    2223  2832  2983  3025  3086  34    4719  9     devices    key-users    net           timer_list
119    127   165   2010  24    29    2985  3033  31    35    4745  9272  diskstats  keys         pagetypeinfo  tty
12     128   166   205   2488  2903  2990  3034  3118  36    48    9273  dma        kmsg         partitions    uptime

Seems that org.kde.kwalletd is present in the system:

groucho@devuan:~$ locate kwalletd | grep org.kde.kwalletd

There is also a /.local/share/kwalletd sub-folder in my home folder but it is empty.

Could this be related to having replaced consolekit with elogind?
I have not seen or noticed any adverse symptoms.

Thanks in advance,



#2 2021-03-07 21:44:39

Registered: 2017-05-07
Posts: 1,592  

Re: kwalletd failure in syslog


Altoid wrote:

I have this line in my /var/log/syslog:

Feb 22 16:35:25 devuan dbus-daemon[2963]: [session uid=1000 pid=2961] Activated service 'org.kde.kwalletd' failed: Failed to execute program org.kde.kwalletd: No such file or directory

I'm bumping this because I have not been able to find any information elsewhere and as it is whateverd related, thought the answer could come from this forum.

Thanks in advance,



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