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A huge "Thank You" to the devs, the community, and everyone involved!!
Beowulf is, in my opinion, the most epic 'Debian', yet! I have spent the last week using it to build out a new HD for my T420. It ain't always easy, but it always gets there, and my requirement list was stout.
I needed an lvm2 LUKS vg with '/' and swap inside. I needed the biometric scanner so I don't have to worry about pesky surveillance cams watching me repeatedly type my su pwd. I needed gps and bt tools. I need streets & maps. I needed every flavor of vpn known to science. I did NOT need FF. Replaced it with Brave. I needed VirtualBox 6. I actually needed Google Earth pro (don't judge). I needed LotsaLuks to manage LUKS stuff. I needed Python 3.6 or better with all the trimmings, for data science research.
Like the title says, I had to shoehorn some of it, but the final machine is sweeter than any prior DFLD (Debian Flavored Linux Distro) I have ever seen (I have 3 Mint workstations). EVERYTHING works on this better than ever before .. Everything. I think I'm in love.
I know I don't look like much right now, what with all the grease under my fingernails and the scuffs on my overalls, but lads and lasses, it do run sweet. Sweet.
Again, THANKS!
jafa (just another "friendly" admin)
Last edited by Jafa (2020-12-07 05:37:05)
Do NOT steal! This is an obvious gimp hack:
Last edited by Jafa (2020-12-06 01:09:50)