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#26 2020-03-19 22:34:17

Registered: 2017-05-15
Posts: 211  

Re: Beowulf Beta is here!

kapqa wrote:

is it possible to include package


which i would need for the printer (epson) drivers.

On Ascii it was possible to install from Debian Jessie the packages; now it seems no more possible.

You could try downloading the package from here and installing it using gdebi, apt, or dpkg:


Freespoke is a new search engine that respects user privacy and does not engage in censorship.
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#27 2020-03-19 23:50:04

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,481  

Re: Beowulf Beta is here!

"device /dev/sd<x> not available in udev database even after waiting for 1000000 microseconds.<another timeout>"

I've gotten this message trying to install grub in a chroot. It goes away in a couple minutes. I'm unable to reproduce it by booting the live-iso from usb.


#28 2020-03-20 07:38:50

Registered: 2019-09-06
Posts: 358  

Re: Beowulf Beta is here!

Not sure if the iso i downloaded was currupted or not but ive tried 4 times to install this release. The checksum matched up ok to the iso.
I will download another iso and see if it happens again to rule out corruption. Before i go any further into details, has something changed with standard system utilities in tasksel as in the ascii installation i did not choose anything in tasksel and the installs went fine (wanted minimal system setup). Do i need to keep that box ticked? the iso was the amd64 netinstall.

I cant get any debug info from the boot messages as they dont get logged, but something along the lines of failed and the system becomes read only. I have installed openrc and sysv inits.

edit: the hostname is missing when it finishes booting from grub, so there is a system there just malfunctioning one. Another oddity is that i cant backspace, when i do the cursor just moves forward. Im just testing on a partition too so these installs are not critical or anything.

Last edited by HevyDevy (2020-03-20 07:44:36)


#29 2020-03-20 09:35:43

From: Battery Point, Tasmania, AUS
Registered: 2016-11-30
Posts: 1,248  

Re: Beowulf Beta is here!

Beowulf beta "netinstall"  without network gives you nothing. Try using "server" or "desktop" rather.


#30 2020-03-20 09:47:08

Registered: 2019-09-06
Posts: 358  

Re: Beowulf Beta is here!

ralph.ronnquist wrote:

Beowulf beta "netinstall"  without network gives you nothing. Try using "server" or "desktop" rather.

Not sure i understand what you mean here? I have network connection, that being usb0?


#31 2020-03-20 10:32:47

Registered: 2018-08-02
Posts: 99  

Re: Beowulf Beta is here!

fsmithred wrote:

"device /dev/sd<x> not available in udev database even after waiting for 1000000 microseconds.<another timeout>"

I've gotten this message trying to install grub in a chroot. It goes away in a couple minutes. I'm unable to reproduce it by booting the live-iso from usb.

Well, if it's MINUTES I will probably try again and wait and see what happens.

In the meantime: I have installed a copy using beowulf's debootstrap .deb file.
Just unpack it manually and use DEBOOTSTRAP_DIR var to point to the extracted location, and specify beowulf as the suite.
The debootstrap .deb is got to be the smallest installation image available!

Some feedback:

The file /etc/devuan_version says beowulf/ceres.
The grub entry is titled "Debian GNU/Linux".
I am repeatedly getting this error in console & dmesg:
udevd[536]: failed to execute '/lib/udev/${exec_prefix}/bin/udevadm' '${exec_prefix}/bin/udevadm trigger -s block -p ID_BTRFS_
READY=0': No such file or directory

It mentions btrfs, so I will point out that this system is on a btrfs root.

Other than that, system in general SEEMS to be working fine.

I even got the Cinnabar theme!

PS NOTICE: all my feedback in this thread is about working on bare metal, NOT in a vm.


#32 2020-03-20 11:34:29

Registered: 2018-08-02
Posts: 99  

Re: Beowulf Beta is here!

fsmithred wrote:

"device /dev/sd<x> not available in udev database even after waiting for 1000000 microseconds.<another timeout>"

I've gotten this message trying to install grub in a chroot. It goes away in a couple minutes. I'm unable to reproduce it by booting the live-iso from usb.

Just tried a few more times:
Sometimes it boots immediately, and very quickly, without this message. In those cases, system seems to keep working for as long as I wish.

And sometimes the message gets displayed. For the cases when it does, waiting a couple of minutes (2 full circles) helps - the system boots. However, for the one case it did boot after this significant timeout, the system FROZE a couple of minutes into the live session. No caps-lock working, no soft reboot, just power off and reset helped.

One more thing I've noticed: when boot goes ok, the console font is changed from the bios font to the standard debian thin letters font.
When I get these timeout messages, the font on console is unchanged from the standard bios-vga font.

The font change happens(when it does) a couple of steps before the messages start appearing.
When the messages appear, it is always in the "Starting lvm volume groups" phase.

edit: typo

Last edited by dev-1-dash-1 (2020-03-20 11:35:30)


#33 2020-03-20 12:53:13

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,481  

Re: Beowulf Beta is here!

HevyDevy wrote:
ralph.ronnquist wrote:

Beowulf beta "netinstall"  without network gives you nothing. Try using "server" or "desktop" rather.

Not sure i understand what you mean here? I have network connection, that being usb0?

In the past, netinstall isos would give you a small and functional base system if you installed without a network. The current netinstall isos won't do that. For an offline install, people should use the server or desktop installer isos or the live isos.

dev-1-dash-1: Thanks for the feedback. We have our wizards working on it.


#34 2020-03-20 13:27:00

Registered: 2018-08-02
Posts: 99  

Re: Beowulf Beta is here!

fsmithred wrote:

dev-1-dash-1: Thanks for the feedback. We have our wizards working on it.

I'm glad if my feedback helps.
Do tell if I should run any more tests on my specific config.

In other news:
dpkg/apt on btrfs root is still SLOW AS MOLASSES. Using eatmydata helps a lot, but one should question the rationale behind running a cow fs when eatmydata is required for any serious workload.
Btrfs can take hours when other fs's take 15 min, and can take DAYS when other fs's take about an hour.
Sad! Many such cases.
Btrfs devs should get their act together.

Zfs, when you can get it to work, is orders of magnitude faster even on a system with not much ram.


#35 2020-03-20 14:39:31

Registered: 2016-12-01
Posts: 341  

Re: Beowulf Beta is here!

Another data point.

I installed using the Desktop DVD. Chose the MATE desktop. Installation seemed to go smoothly until the end, when it was unable to install grub. I just went ahead and finished up, since I had another install to boot from.

Upon booting into the new system, MATE was broken - the top and bottom panels were there, but completely unpopulated by any applets or what have you. I tried rebooting, but same thing.

I will do some troubleshooting a bit later. I think I might try the netinstall, too.


#36 2020-03-20 15:03:06

Registered: 2018-08-02
Posts: 99  

Re: Beowulf Beta is here!

Another potentially interesting topic:
When I installed the system initially w/ debootstrap, I chrooted into it and copied the configuration for my eth<X> cards directly from my working jessie /etc/network/interfaces file. I did that through copy/paste, so a spelling error is out the question.
When I rebooted, I got error message, something about "missing attribute: address for card eth<X>", don't remember exactly, but I have checked the "address" attribute, and it was set to the static IP I wanted to use.
I then rebooted into stable jessie, chrooted into new beowulf sys, installed wicd with all kinds of it's clients (cli, gtk, etc.), and changed the content of /etc/network/interfaces file to use dhcp. After rebooting back into the beowulf install, the card configured itself properly through DHCP. I think without wicd, just by starting the networking service
I don't know if any of the packages which wicd brought in fixed the issue, OR whether there's a problem with parsing manually configured eth<X> cards.

If maybe someone tried a manual config (with static router, ip, gateway, etc. specified in /etc/network/interfaces) for eth<X> card, that could clarify if it was my misconfiguration, or a problem with one of the packages being unable to parse a perfectly valid config file.

WRT mate desktop:
I installed mate after the first boot into a working, cli only system, with network already configured as described above, by running tasksel in console, and selecting "devuan desktop env" and "mate" entries. It worked flawlessly, other than apt/dpkg on btrfs being SLOW AS MOLASSES.

EDIT: typo

Last edited by dev-1-dash-1 (2020-03-20 17:29:24)


#37 2020-03-20 16:31:16

Registered: 2016-12-01
Posts: 341  

Re: Beowulf Beta is here!

OK, I copied in a dconf backup that I had from another install, and it got MATE to present properly. However, I notice there is no volume indicator on the top panel as usual, nor is there one available for adding.

Also, the sources.list had the entry for the install media uncommented, and did not have stanzas for the basic repos. Once I fixed that, apt worked fine.

I had to install grub-efi-amd64* in order to be able to grub-install and update-grub, but once I did, it worked fine.

So now I have a fully functioning beowulf/MATE (except the volume indicator). It was a bit more fiddly than perhaps it ought to be, but everything seems fine now.

I will try netinstall when I get a chance.


#38 2020-03-20 16:51:55

Registered: 2018-05-31
Posts: 282  

Re: Beowulf Beta is here!

sgage wrote:

However, I notice there is no volume indicator on the top panel as usual, nor is there one available for adding.

This is correct for Mate, and it hasn't been there for a fair while. (2017-ish? IIRC!) It's been lacking from upstream, so it's not a Devuan issue AFAIK.

Last edited by Dutch_Master (2020-03-20 16:55:48)


#39 2020-03-20 17:04:36

Registered: 2016-12-01
Posts: 341  

Re: Beowulf Beta is here!

Well, the beowulf installation I've been using for many months has one, my debian buster installation has one, my ubuntu 20.04 installation has one, plus another different one available in 'add to panel', so I don't know about that. In any case,  I'd like to have one :-)  We'll see how it shakes out...


#40 2020-03-20 17:26:41

Registered: 2018-08-02
Posts: 99  

Re: Beowulf Beta is here!

sgage wrote:

Well, the beowulf installation I've been using for many months has one, my debian buster installation has one, my ubuntu 20.04 installation has one, plus another different one available in 'add to panel', so I don't know about that. In any case,  I'd like to have one :-)  We'll see how it shakes out...

Look for packages named something like mate-media-<something>, mate-applets-, mate-<something>-applet, mate-indicator-applets-, etc.
Possibly this one: … 0.3-2.html


#41 2020-03-20 18:53:18

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,481  

Re: Beowulf Beta is here!

I've been running beowulf with static IP set in /etc/network/interfaces since the beginning of the year. Configure it in the interfaces file or use a network manager (like wicd) but don't do both - they may fight with each other.

sgage: volumeicon-alsa if you can't find what you're looking for. (I assume you aren't using pulseaudio, which has its own volume control - pavucontrol)


#42 2020-03-20 19:42:00

Registered: 2018-08-02
Posts: 99  

Re: Beowulf Beta is here!

fsmithred wrote:

I've been running beowulf with static IP set in /etc/network/interfaces since the beginning of the year. Configure it in the interfaces file or use a network manager (like wicd) but don't do both - they may fight with each other.

Yes, I know that. I installed wicd just in case I wouldn't be able (for some reason) to write the correct interfaces file, but switching to dhcp worked.

If it works for you then it means that's MY problem, not a Beowulf problem.


#43 2020-03-20 21:05:00

Registered: 2016-12-01
Posts: 341  

Re: Beowulf Beta is here!

Well, the volume indicator issue was easily solved. - mate-volume-control-applet, contained in mate-media pkg. It was actually installed already - I just had to run the command once, and it was setup in startup programs after that. How strange...

Anyway, I did a netinstall, and it went very smoothly. No problem with grub, or sources.list, or anything.


#44 2020-03-21 10:42:56

Registered: 2019-09-06
Posts: 358  

Re: Beowulf Beta is here!

fsmithred wrote:
HevyDevy wrote:
ralph.ronnquist wrote:

Beowulf beta "netinstall"  without network gives you nothing. Try using "server" or "desktop" rather.

Not sure i understand what you mean here? I have network connection, that being usb0?

In the past, netinstall isos would give you a small and functional base system if you installed without a network. The current netinstall isos won't do that. For an offline install, people should use the server or desktop installer isos or the live isos.

That explains it, thanks for that. I was able to get a working system with just standard system utils but i had to run dpkg --reconfigure tzdata and locales even though that should have been done at installation time.

Last edited by HevyDevy (2020-03-21 10:43:22)


#45 2020-03-21 17:05:29

Registered: 2017-10-18
Posts: 40  

Re: Beowulf Beta is here!

I'm tryin to install Beowulf from netinstall and dvd, system not bootting:

fsck.jfs not found


#46 2020-03-21 17:15:23

Registered: 2017-10-18
Posts: 40  

Re: Beowulf Beta is here!

Also packet locales not installing


#47 2020-03-23 07:05:42

Registered: 2018-08-26
Posts: 9  

Re: Beowulf Beta is here!

dev-1-dash-1 wrote:
fsmithred wrote:

"device /dev/sd<x> not available in udev database even after waiting for 1000000 microseconds.<another timeout>"

I've gotten this message trying to install grub in a chroot. It goes away in a couple minutes. I'm unable to reproduce it by booting the live-iso from usb.

Just tried a few more times:
Sometimes it boots immediately, and very quickly, without this message. In those cases, system seems to keep working for as long as I wish.

And sometimes the message gets displayed. For the cases when it does, waiting a couple of minutes (2 full circles) helps - the system boots. However, for the one case it did boot after this significant timeout, the system FROZE a couple of minutes into the live session. No caps-lock working, no soft reboot, just power off and reset helped.

One more thing I've noticed: when boot goes ok, the console font is changed from the bios font to the standard debian thin letters font.
When I get these timeout messages, the font on console is unchanged from the standard bios-vga font.

The font change happens(when it does) a couple of steps before the messages start appearing.
When the messages appear, it is always in the "Starting lvm volume groups" phase.

edit: typo

I'm getting the same thing from live-dvd and then freezes at xfce desktop.  But, when trying Live[load to RAM] boot option it works fine.  Gonna look into more.  Booting off external dvd.  thought it might be cause SWAP partition is bypassed udev waiting for 1000000 microseconds, yet is enough system memory(4G) .

update: same thing: no keyboard or mouse(can't goto console), but still mounts external devices. 
first sign of any issues on default LIVE boot are:

[warn] compatibility with symlink from /etc/mtab to /proc/mounts . . . warning.
    (loads kernel modules.etc..)
[....] Setting up LVM Volume Groups..WARNING:  Device /dev/loop0 not initialized in udev even after waiting 10000000 microseconds.

anyhah, I got Devuan ascii working fine and want a dedicated partition for Beowolf.  Maybe I'll try and install it anyhow just to see if it works on HD. thank you and good breaks.

EDIT/Update:  Installed to HD non chroot/dedicated partition and it works flawlessly(so far all good)

Last edited by Sawyer (2020-03-25 04:38:14)


#48 2020-03-25 07:13:19

Registered: 2016-12-05
Posts: 1,323  

Re: Beowulf Beta is here!

MiyoLinux wrote:

Has anyone tried installing ceres from the netinstall?

I saw the option, but I haven't tried it yet.

Just curious.

Now back to topic: beowulf.  tongue

First, I meant to say the mini.iso ... not the netinstall.  tongue

Second, I tried it yesterday, and it didn't work (if anyone was wondering). It kept failing to download a certain package during the base installation. Sorry, I don't remember what the package's name was.

I have been Devuanated, and my practice in the art of Devuanism shall continue until my Devuanization is complete. Until then, I will strive to continue in my understanding of Devuanchology, Devuanprocity, and Devuanivity.

Veni, vidi, vici vdevuaned. I came, I saw, I Devuaned. wink


#49 2020-03-25 15:21:55

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,481  

Re: Beowulf Beta is here!

I made another desktop-live iso with changes that I hope will address the udev delays. If anyone who was getting messages like the one below could test the new iso, it would be a big help. Thanks.

"device /dev/sd<x> not available in udev database even after waiting for 1000000 microseconds.<another timeout>" … p-live.iso

822ed7c7d3c456e60ba4041e8b2d43891c6853739b5fdcb16527eb041dbfe21e  devuan_beowulf_3.0.0_beta_2020-03-25_amd64_desktop-live.iso


#50 2020-03-25 17:11:23

Registered: 2018-08-02
Posts: 99  

Re: Beowulf Beta is here!

fsmithred wrote:

I made another desktop-live iso with changes that I hope will address the udev delays. If anyone who was getting messages like the one below could test the new iso, it would be a big help. Thanks.

Downloading as we speak.

However I don't know how much help can I be, because the last few times I tried to boot the old iso from hdd the message did not get displayed and the system worked. The behaviour is non-deterministic.

Nevertheless, I'll get the iso and try booting from both hdd and a real dvd, we'll see what happens.

Unfortunately error is still there.
I did 2 attempts - first, from hdd, worked ok.
Second - from a real dvd got me straight to the error message.
As during previous tries, when all goes ok, the font gets changed. When the font doesn't get changed, the error appears.

Last edited by dev-1-dash-1 (2020-03-25 17:59:59)


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