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#26 2020-03-23 23:42:46

Registered: 2019-09-03
Posts: 108  

Re: Fastest and newest AVMultimedia ever...

Bug fixes:
a) In some very rare cases booting was interupted (fixed)
b) Always starting of elogind (checking for several times)
c) Starting falkon sometimes crashed, Nvidia graphic cards, 'export QT_XCB_FORCE_SOFTWARE_OPENGL=1'

If falkon does crash on other graphic cards, please report.


#27 2020-03-24 11:52:51

Registered: 2019-09-03
Posts: 108  

Re: Fastest and newest AVMultimedia ever...

Again small fixes:
- Added: spelling checking (and hyphenating) for german, french/, italian and spanish
- Direct calling gimp, scratch, kdenlive and gcompris from console
- Klicking kdenlive project files opens Kdenlive


#28 2020-04-06 09:58:15

Registered: 2019-09-03
Posts: 108  

Re: Fastest and newest AVMultimedia ever...

Unfortunately with Falkon on various devices crashes and/or a black screen had to be detected after the start. So again a switch from Falkon to Min. In the end it's about the fact that there is an alternative to Firefox on AVMultimedia. Min is based on the Electron-Engine (Google Chrome), but Min has an adblocker and the search is done via DuckDuckGo (changeable). The interface is kept spartan. By default the menu is hidden, but it can be activated with the Alt key.


#29 2020-04-08 10:20:37

Registered: 2019-09-03
Posts: 108  

Re: Fastest and newest AVMultimedia ever...

- Update to kernel 5.4.30
- Add OmniVision sensors (V4L2)
- Switch to Ungoogled Chromium Browser
- Fix: Mount 4 partition instead of largest (new: always search for largest partition)
- Fix: Hanging at the X server (if Xorg recognition is faulty), in such cases Xorg is started again with fbdev
- Fix: Disable installation on hard disk even with non-empty partitions (hidden partitions)
- Fix: No copying of the optional apps without installation on internal disk
- Fix: No network startup with unmounted cable and DHCP (default without assignment with Network Tool)
- New: Message when all services are started

Note: With Ungoogled Chromium, AVMultimedia now offers an open source web browser based on chrome technology that sends no data to search giants.


#30 2020-04-11 19:32:43

Registered: 2019-09-03
Posts: 108  

Re: Fastest and newest AVMultimedia ever...

I was aware that Kernel 5.4.30 was "somewhat" daring in its introduction. In itself, I would have preferred to go for the longterm kernel 4.19. But, too much hardware would not have worked with it. Kernels 5.3 and 5.4 were only available as stable. With version 5.4.30 this became a "real" Longterm kernel. But, who would guess that many Realtek network drivers would not run anymore? Unfortunately, this is currently the case, see:

Well, because the drivers are fixed, the new release is available. Unfortunately, the automatic detection if a network cable is connected had to be removed again, the query of the corresponding status flag still does not work properly. As a result, when booting for the first time without a network cable, it can take about 10 to 20 seconds until all drivers are loaded (the message reliably indicates when this is the case).

Have fun.

P.S: We have made some internal attempts with Jitsi the last days. Jitsi offers video conferencing and chatting as an encrypted open source application. If you have enough bandwidth, you can set up the server yourself, otherwise there are (here in Switzerland many providers) who provide Jitsi (example: With the current release (Ungoogled Chromium) it works perfectly also directly from the USB stick (even older notebooks). If someone has a device that does not work, please let me know, I would at least try to add it.

Last edited by avbox (2020-04-11 22:32:43)


#31 2020-04-11 22:31:46

Registered: 2019-09-03
Posts: 108  

Re: Fastest and newest AVMultimedia ever...

After I got problems on another newer computer with realtek driver, I migrated back to kernel 5.4.25, where both realtek nic work with kernel 5.4.25. I submittet a kernel bug:


#32 2020-04-13 17:58:23

Registered: 2019-09-03
Posts: 108  

Re: Fastest and newest AVMultimedia ever...

The problems with the Realtek drivers were fixed today in kernel 5.4.32, see:

Therefore I was able to release the new version with kernel 5.4.32. Many thanks to the kernel developers for the quick fix of the problem.


#33 2020-04-23 19:21:44

Registered: 2019-09-03
Posts: 108  

Re: Fastest and newest AVMultimedia ever...

If using static ip address, then wicd (usefully for dhcp) is not beeing started. Benefit: Switching on/off network cables does not change current ip address (release 825).


#34 2020-05-07 13:47:52

Registered: 2019-09-03
Posts: 108  

Re: Fastest and newest AVMultimedia ever...

The choice of a good browser is currently not very easy. Unfortunately there were some problems with Ungoogled Chromium (Links, Play videos). With Vivaldi 3.0 I could not observe these problems and therefore Vivaldi 3.0 is now available as a second browser besides Firefox.

Off Topic: I have now been able to publish my film about my Norway bike trip. If you want to see what is possible with AVMultimedia, you can find the film here:

Please note, the film is in Swiss German -- and yes, there is a 4K version (but I currently don't have enough bandwidth for that).


#35 2020-05-20 12:07:08

Registered: 2019-09-03
Posts: 108  

Re: Fastest and newest AVMultimedia ever...

AVMultimedia is available in the 2020/V version. Beside many small improvements (e.g. direct call of mpv instead of vlc when calling up movies) there are two essential new features:

a) With Darktable you can now edit RAW files with AVMultimedia.

b) Kdenlive has been updated to version 20.04.1. With the OTIO exchange format projects can be exchanged with Final Cut 7 XML, Final Cut Pro X XML and Adobe Premiere.


#36 2020-08-18 10:45:17

Registered: 2019-09-03
Posts: 108  

Re: Fastest and newest AVMultimedia ever...

Changed to the current values for sources.list in /etc/apt, so that 'apt update' does work again.


#37 2020-09-13 01:40:16

Registered: 2019-09-03
Posts: 108  

Re: Fastest and newest AVMultimedia ever...

AVMultimedia now offers a local web search with SearX. This allows you to search in about 80 search engines comfortably via a local web application. No data will be stored.

The search with SearX is started either in Vivaldi via the address bar or (with Firefox) by calling 'localhost:8'. The SearX search allows anonymous access to all search engines (including the market leader).

Searches can be restricted with many criteria and the results can be exported easily.

Last edited by avbox (2020-09-13 01:41:30)


#38 2020-09-14 00:05:23

Registered: 2019-09-03
Posts: 108  

Re: Fastest and newest AVMultimedia ever...

Instead of Vivaldi, Ungoogled Chromium is included.


#39 2020-09-14 15:49:07

Registered: 2019-09-03
Posts: 108  

Re: Fastest and newest AVMultimedia ever...

Ungoogled Chromium now contains the open source ad blocker uBlock Origin.

Unfortunately, adding extensions to Ungoogled Chromium manually is not very easy. If you miss an extension, please feel free to contact us.


#40 2020-10-21 20:33:48

Registered: 2019-09-03
Posts: 108  

Re: Fastest and newest AVMultimedia ever...

Instead of Flowblade 2.0, Shotcut 200927 is now available.


#41 2020-10-25 23:20:34

Registered: 2019-09-03
Posts: 108  

Re: Fastest and newest AVMultimedia ever...

AVMultimedia with completely new base (kernel 5.8.16 and 5.4.x parallel).

Some days ago I bought a new Ultrabook with a fast Ryzen 7 mobile processor (4800U). The device has after all 8 cores and 16 threads. Strictly speaking it is a Lenovo Yoga Slim 7 - 14ARE05 (16 GByte RAM).

Unfortunately the existing AVMultimedia version did not work with it. Once there were no updated UEFI drivers, but there are more at the "Renoir"-Graphick Because of this arte was no official support for the kernel 5.4, also there were no current firmware drivers for the Lenovo device.

Over the weekend I integrated kernel 5.6.18 into AVMultimedia parallel to the existing version 5.4.32. All imaginable drivers were activated in the kernel, as well as the complete firmware archive from

So AVMultimedia now runs on much more computers than before. Also new are all possible power saving options. With the new Levono device I could measure a standby time of over 30 hours (!).

Since there is now much more firmware and two kernels (more could be added at any time) available in parallel, the ISO files were about 250 MByte larger.

Nevertheless I thought the update makes a lot of sense. Finally I can edit and publish (my) 4K videos on the road with open source and mobile without any problems.

Small side notes, a current example can be found here: (German [dialect] with English subtitles). By the way, the Vega graphics card is powerful enough to run 4K almost without jerking in preview mode (tested with Shotcut). Have fun.


#42 2020-10-26 21:41:54

Registered: 2019-09-03
Posts: 108  

Re: Fastest and newest AVMultimedia ever...

I would like to add that there is a blog with video for the new release, see here: … zen-4000u/

I meant, an installation time of about 5 seconds for a total of about 8 GByte of software is not that bad, right?


#43 2020-10-27 00:16:33

Registered: 2019-09-03
Posts: 108  

Re: Fastest and newest AVMultimedia ever...

Added mate-power-manager to achieve better brightness control when using notebooks.


#44 2020-10-30 19:16:04

Registered: 2019-09-03
Posts: 108  

Re: Fastest and newest AVMultimedia ever...

Cut and Paste with mouse deactivated, because with the scroll wheel up and down the copied text is directly pasted. In a webforumlar this caused unintentionally text to be pasted into a running form while scrolling. This is now deactivated (via file /home/archivista/.Xmodmap). If you want the old behavior, delete this file via


#45 2020-11-09 23:14:20

Registered: 2019-09-03
Posts: 108  

Re: Fastest and newest AVMultimedia ever...

With AVMultimedia 2020/XI, the programs JDownloader, MediathekView and LosslessCut are now available for convenient local processing of multimedia files. Enjoy!


#46 2020-11-22 22:56:58

Registered: 2019-09-03
Posts: 108  

Re: Fastest and newest AVMultimedia ever...

Firefox has been updated to 82, there are many new tools for managing audio files (mp3splt, eyeD3) as well as EasyTab. A new tool MP3toCD creates audio files from an MP3 stream and tags them using a CSV file.


#47 2020-11-25 11:34:42

Registered: 2019-09-03
Posts: 108  

Re: Fastest and newest AVMultimedia ever...

Upgrade from the "outdated" Java 8 to version 11, fix small bugs in MP3toCD, integration of TV-Browser (only for aVMultimedia.iso, browsing the TV offers on the desktop).

If you work with avmultimini.iso at the beginning, you can download the file opt.os and copy it to /home/data. Afterwards, restart the program, the extended apps from AVMultimedia are then also available in the mini-version.


#48 2020-11-27 09:12:47

Registered: 2019-09-03
Posts: 108  

Re: Fastest and newest AVMultimedia ever...

Dark design for MediathekView and correct scaling for TV-Browser and MediathekView. Depending on the resolution of the screen, the windows are enlarged 1:1 (up to FullHD), 2:1 (4K), 3:1 (6K), 4:1 (8K). The desired value can also be set via /home/archivista/data/.javascale (enter number 1,2,3, or 4 there). The desired scaling is set at startup either by the screen resolution or by the file.


#49 2020-11-30 19:54:29

Registered: 2019-09-03
Posts: 108  

Re: Fastest and newest AVMultimedia ever...

Update to kernel 5.9.11, added multi-touch capability to touch screens and fixed bug Asus T101HA (reference device at AVMultimedia) after startup (right mouse button on right side of screen did not work),


#50 2020-12-03 16:16:39

From: hipsterland
Registered: 2020-06-14
Posts: 42  

Re: Fastest and newest AVMultimedia ever...


avbox wrote:

I would like to add that there is a blog with video for the new release, see here: … zen-4000u/

I meant, an installation time of about 5 seconds for a total of about 8 GByte of software is not that bad, right?

is not!
your deriv is really good smile

satellite mestizo


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