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When I installed Devuan ASCII, I configured my wireless network using the expert installer. While NetworkManger does connect, I have no actual Internet connection (can't ping).
I have to issue the following command to actually get it to work:
$ sudo dhclient wlan0
Only then /etc/resolv.conf is populated.
It's only a minor annoyance but I'd like to know how Devuan actually configures the network during installation so I can properly fix this.
I'd prefer to keep using NetworkManager rather than setting managing the network via /etc/network/interfaces (which apart from the loopback device has no entries).
Note that my system has network-manager 1.6.2 installed.
Last edited by tylerdurden (2018-07-20 19:29:51)
Is it that the installation left some residue in /etc/network/interfaces? If you're using a network manager, that file should be just
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
Anything else, and in particular any lines mentioning wlan0 may well confuse the situation.