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#1 2017-10-04 23:30:17

From: Central America
Registered: 2017-06-11
Posts: 52  

HOWTO: JWM Basic Configuration

This is a fast and light window manager, perfect for me.

You cannot edit the global configuration file, so I copied it to my /home.

$ cp /etc/jwm/sytem.jwmrc .jwmrc

Now I can edit it as USER:

$ nano .jwmrc

The first part is the Root menu, I don't use it much.

<JWM><!-- The root menu, if this is undefined you will not get a menu. 
--><!-- Additional RootMenu attributes: onroot, labeled, label 
--><RootMenu height="15" onroot="12"><Program icon="terminal.png" label="Terminal">x-terminal-emulator
      </Program><Program icon="www.png" label="Firefox">firefox</Program>
      <Program icon="firefox.png" label="Www Browser">gnome-www-browser</Program>
      <Menu icon="folder.png" label="Applications">
         <Program icon="editor.png" label="Dia">dia</Program>
         <Program icon="www.png" label="Firefox">firefox</Program>
         <Program icon="gimp.png" label="Gimp">gimp</Program>
         <Program icon="mail.png" label="Mutt">
            xterm -e mutt
         <Program icon="word-processor.png" label="Open Office">  
         <Program icon="chat.png" label="Pidgin">pidgin</Program>
         <Program icon="music.png" label="Rhythmbox">rhythmbox</Program>
         <Program icon="development.png" label="Xilinx ISE">
         <Program icon="video.png" label="Xine">gxine</Program>
      <Menu icon="folder.png" label="Utilities">
         <Program icon="calculator.png" label="Calculator">xcalc</Program>
         <Program icon="font.png" label="Fonts">xfontsel</Program>
         <Program icon="viewer.png" label="Magnify">xmag</Program>
         <Program icon="programs.png" label="Synaptic">
            gksudo synaptic
         <Program icon="window.png" label="Window Properties">
            xprop | xmessage -file -
--><Include>/etc/jwm/debian-menu</Include><Separator/><Program icon="lock.png" label="Lock">
         xscreensaver-command -activate
<Restart label="Restart" icon="restart.png"/>
<Exit label="Exit" confirm="true" icon="quit.png"/>

The second part deals with the window options:
(there is a list of them at:
I'm only interested in maximizing my windows:




Next, I want a thinner taskbar (height)

 <!-- Additional tray attributes: autohide, width, border, layer, layout -->
 <Tray  x="0" y="-1" height="20" autohide="false">

Next, I want 2 virtual desktops next to each other. You can have as many as you want on top of each other.

 <!-- Virtual Desktops -->
   <!-- Desktop tags can be contained within Desktops for desktop names. -->
   <Desktops width="2" height="1">

The default focus model is sloppy.

Some miscelaneous keybinds:

 <Key mask="A" key="Tab">next</Key>
 <Key mask="" key="F4">close</Key>
 <Key mask="" key="F12">maximize</Key>
 <Key mask="C" key="Right">rdesktop</Key>
 <Key mask="C" key="Left">ldesktop</Key>

A = Alt
C = Ctrl
4 = Windows key, Super

alt-tab as always
F4 - closes apps
F12 maximizes window
Ctrl+right arrow moves to virtual desktop to the right.
Ctrl+left arrow to the left.

Main keybindings:

<Key mask="" key="F1">exec:lxterminal</Key>
<Key mask="" key="F2">exec:xfe</Key>
<Key mask="C" key="f">exec:firefox</Key>
<Key mask="" key="F7">exec:mirage</Key>
<Key mask="" key="F8">exec:hexchat</Key>
<Key mask="" key="F9">exec:libreoffice</Key>
<Key mask="" key="F10">exec:jwm -restart</Key>
<Key mask="" key="Print">exec:lxterminal -e scrot -cd 10</Key>
<Key mask="" key="Super_L">root:1</Key>
<Key mask="" key="Super_R">exec:gmrun</Key>

I got no use for my Fn keys, if you do, use combinations of Ctrl,Alt,4(super)

For example:
<Key mask="C" key="f">exec:firefox</Key

IOW, Control key + letter "f" simultaneously will launch Firefox.

From the top, F1 launches the terminal, F2 launches the file manager, Ctrl+f launches the browser, F7 for
the image viewer, F9 launches libreoffice, F10 to restart jwm, F12 to maximize app.
Press Print to take a snapshot, press left Windows key to get the global menu, press the right Windows key to
get gmrun in order to launch apps or sudo.

For sound,

<Key mask="C" key="Down">>exec:amixer set Master 9%- </Key>
<Key mask="C" key="Up">exec:amixer set Master 9%+ </Key>
<Key mask="C" key="0">exec:amixer sset Master,0 toggle </Key>

ctrl+down arrow lowers the volume.
ctrl+up arrow increases the volume
ctrl+0 (zero) mutes the sound, do it again and the sound returns.

Note: launch alsamixer and unmute with the letter M.
After doing the configuration, RESTART JWM from the Menu the first time,
after that you can restart with F10.

Happy trails,

I am happy with JWM, it saves me a lot of time.

macondo, aka Lou, macondo123

Last edited by macondo (2017-10-07 12:34:19)

Desktop Dual Core 8 GB RAM - Devuan Ceres - Slackware Current - Grub - JWM
“Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you.” ― Joseph Heller, Catch-22


#2 2017-10-05 01:50:24

From: Panama
Registered: 2017-09-23
Posts: 26  

Re: HOWTO: JWM Basic Configuration

Oops, I forgot the screenshot smile


Last edited by macondo123 (2017-10-06 12:39:13)


#3 2023-11-17 05:34:09

Registered: 2023-11-17
Posts: 1  

Re: HOWTO: JWM Basic Configuration

sudo apt install rox

cp /etc/jwm/system.jwmrc ~/.jwmrc
nano ~/.jwmrc
    <StartupCommand>rox -p pin</StartupCommand>
    <RestartCommand>rox -p pin</RestartCommand>

restart jwm
you now have a rox pinboard on top of jwm


#4 2023-11-17 10:29:48

Registered: 2019-11-19
Posts: 447  

Re: HOWTO: JWM Basic Configuration

Apart from adding to the menu, I find JWM to be an ideal WM, just move the panel to the top of the screen. smile


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