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I freshly installed devuan 5.0 on my pc and found first bug. Software-properties-gtk isn't opening. I even tried to open it from terminal but it thows NoDistroTemplateException error.
Thankyou for help. Manual partitioning did help me to install devuan properly. I think automatic partitioning is messed up for some hardware on devuan. Thank your everyone who helped me through this !
Debian does not shows installation usb while partitioning.
I want to do UEFI not legacy
I don't want encryption
My pc has 4gb ram
Debian installs and works great on my pc but i want Devuan.
Yes guided partitioning
500 gb hdd and erasing it completely
On single os, no dual boot
It's devuan issue cause i do same steps on debian without single issue.
I tried expert install and it too shows both sda and sdb on the partitioning page and there is no way to deselect sdb (installation usb)
How to edit topic?
Please open above link and see the image after point no. 11.It only shows sda but in my pc it shows sda (hdd) and sdb (installation usb). Even though i only select sda.
I am sorry for the typo. I am new to this so don't know how to edit topic. Is there any official guide to do correct manually partitioning? I got the iso from official site. There are mirror links available on site itself.
I think it selects as well as make new partitions on my installation media usb. That's why I get an error soon after i proceed with the partitioning. I don't remember the error but it starts with something like partitions(s) dev/sdb ......
I don't face the same issue on debian. I only select my hard disk for partitioning but devuan automatically selects my usb drive too.
I am trying to install devuan on my pc. When I select my hard drive for partitioning, devaun automatically selects my installation media too and tries to create partitions on it too. It should only create partitions on my selected HDD.
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